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Rockets stonewalled: no individual workout w/ Mobley nor Suggs

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by JW86, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. Francis3422

    Francis3422 Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    Agreed with Reeko. We are sitting at #2 and taking Green or Cunningham.
  2. Ramo$e

    Ramo$e Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    "That said, we don't know what they are basing this on. We know Suggs and Mobley are both repped by the same agency, they've only dealt with Capela, Brandon KNight as former rockets I believe in the new Tilman era. They also have kendrick perkins who is a houstonian who has gone on tv disparaging the landry's rockets culture. Could be any of those or fit. I can see suggs wanting a pg friendly coach and wondering of his touches under KPJ. "

    This really stood out to me. Makes a lot of sense with ESPN/
    Perkins in not so many words basically telling us to pick Green because these other guys don't want to come here. Maybe the possibility moving up to take Cade put Mobley/Suggs off. I guess that's basically saying they were not even Rockets #2 option even with the number 2 pick.
    D-rock likes this.
  3. BHannes2BHonest


    Jul 4, 2010
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    Haven’t read through the thread yet but…

    if true, this solidifies it for me on the I Def DONT want Mobley…

    - he showed passive tendencies in college but, this confirms he doesn’t want to compete

    - if it was me and the rockets were “locked in” on picking green and same with Detroit on cade… I’m working out for both and telling them to their face that they will be making a mistake by not taking me….

    - Without that type of mentality, he is not a franchise changing player. Period. Case closed.
  4. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    It could be, but with the draft history typicall they will still try to do the workout and move up unless they have red flags in fit.

    I'm not too worried bc I'm intrigued with both cade and green, and apparently mobley has the elite skills too so we have the luxury of a few options and get to choose no 2. Its not good that they won't try to appeal to us and get their wrokout n, but with the current reputation of our franchise the last 3 years among agents, players, aND staff I'm not totally surprised. but we have essentially a new start, hopefully we built the right foundation now and change the narrative. And we should be taking a massive cornerstone step with the no 2 pick to change that starting this year. Althoughwith the way the west is we may look at another rebuilding year but now we have the excitement of the no 2 to add to our foundataion along with KPJ, wood, tate, KMJ

    furthermore, I thought we didn't really have to accomodate to guys who arent true rockets, taht goes for accomodating hte oladipo trade or cousins even maybe . And for a rookie? Forget about it. Choose the player we think is best with the highest potential, rest will work itself out. the no 2 pick ain't about fit...go ask the blazers when they already had drexler so passed on MJ....or even the rockets who had the chacne to trade for that no 2 pick for sampson but wanted twin towers rather than Mj and Hakeem combo.
    #44 DonatelloLimestone, Jul 25, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
    Ramo$e likes this.
  5. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
    Supporting Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    What are you quoting? Is it a podcast? Anyone have the link?
    D-rock likes this.
  6. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    hes just responding to a specific quote from my post and highlighting what hes responding to
    Haymitch likes this.
  7. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    don't think that was an accurate report
  8. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    DonatelloLimestone likes this.
  9. zeeshan2

    zeeshan2 Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Are these guys salty that Houston won’t pick them or think it’s a waste of time to come workout for Houston?
    D-rock likes this.
  10. Jalen Green OnlyFan

    Jul 4, 2021
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    What I love about Jalen Green is that he has this mentality. He knows Pistons will take Cade but he's still working out for Pistons with a chip on his shoulder in an attempt to prove them wrong.

    He's said that "you're crazy, if you don't take me with the first pick." He really is confident and fearless.
  11. tycoonchip

    tycoonchip Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 25, 1999
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    They must not like the food at Landry's.
  12. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Lol, BYOP(bring your own plane) was included in our workout invitation. No one answered. We'll be able to write it off as a workout expense, but thats still being evaluated and then when the tax purpose is settled, we'll pay....

    we're just avoiding the travel repeaters tax, you just wait
    D-rock likes this.
  13. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    I think Mobley can only give preprogrammed answers, from what I gather. It is what it is. He's got a high basketball IQ and that's all that should matter.

    Not sure why he wouldn't work out here, other than it's known we want Green or Cade.
    D-rock likes this.
  14. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Joe Lacob, warriors(Net Worth 1.2 billion): We have a world class brand new facilitiy, we'll pay the tax, pay for expsnesive trainign and staff, a championship mentality and will spend without hesitancy, come play for the warriors.

    Nets(Tsai Networth 10-11billion): New branding, new facilities, incredible market, a blank check owner who says win...don't worry about the tax, don't worry about training my family members or after a long day of work rolling over in bed to see that text from patrick, "hi Darylo_O, was it 3s or mid range we can't take? Trying to explain it to my friend xoxo P"

    Clippers(balmer net worth:84 billion: Great market, new arena coming in tow, blank check spanding with a mentality to win and with at any cost. come play for us

    Houston(tilman fertitta 4.5 Billio-top 10 in nba): Well let me tell ya, people lke to be led and I love to lead.

    As we walked down one corridor, he stopped to stare at a section of the wall paneling.

    “Jeff, I think this is wrong. It’s not like it is downstairs.”

    He pulled a rubber-banded roll of cash and credit cards out of his pocket, slid out a black American Express card, and placed it against the panel.

    “It looks about a sixteenth of an inch off,” he told Cantwell, who nodded in agreement.

    Was this being staged for my benefit? Can the human eye actually detect such a minuscule discrepancy? Whether or not it was a put-on, the message was clear: Fertitta cares about the little things."

    Shut up and listen because I'm setting a fightin culture, don't worry I'll teach you how to step on throats to win games-Paul could never figure that out.

    Also, the grand finale because money talks? 15 percent off any Landrys(available tues, wed from 9am to 11am, drinks and tip not included)
    Don't worry about the quality of food, ask yourself, is this consistent? "But Fertitta takes pride in the neologism, seeing it as a testament to his obsession with quality control. “All my haters love to say, ‘Oh, his food sucks’ or whatever. But we’re consistent. The hot food’s hot, the cold food’s cold, the music’s right, the property’s clean. You don’t have burned-out lights, you don’t have cigarettes by the front door, you don’t have trash in the parking lots. You know what you’re going to get.”"

    TM: I heard a lot of the managers who are still working are on half pay. Is that right?

    TF: Absolutely. And thrilled to do it. If not, you have to lay them off or furlough them."

    TM: What would you like to see in it?

    TF: I don’t know. I really haven’t counted on the government. I’m not one of the largest companies in America and I’m not one of the smallest. When it’s all over with, you can write an article [saying] that I survived and I didn’t get any help from the government."

    Damn it Elon...SpaceX...Rockets...new tesla facility in Texas....such perfect fit
    #54 DonatelloLimestone, Jul 25, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
    D-rock and Two Sandwiches like this.
  15. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Evan Mobley is not a competitor. He is just happy to be here.
  16. Jalen Green OnlyFan

    Jul 4, 2021
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    Mobley strikes me as the type of person who plays because he's talented and knows it's a vehicle to change his life financially.

    There is nothing wrong with that, I'm sure he works very hard and is a professional. Plenty of athletes are like that.

    But with the 2nd overall pick I want to find someone who truly loves the game itself. Jalen Green has that child like excitement and attraction towards basketball.
  17. withmustard

    withmustard Member

    Dec 14, 2002
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    I think it's weak on them too. First, the narrative that Stone has pushed the most is the Rockets could be trading their pick. I we move to #3 or #4, it would be nice to know what we are getting. Also, these guys not trying out to selected higher is going to cost them millions.

    Think if Luka never tried out for the Mavs because he knew he was at top 4 pick.
    D-rock likes this.
  18. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Makes no sense.

    You should want to be taken higher, so your salary is higher. And that trickles into future contracts.
  19. razorback88s

    razorback88s Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Wow - whoever leaked this really doesn't want Houston to pick mobley. I'm not so sure this rumor is true.
    Ramo$e and D-rock like this.
  20. white_dragon

    white_dragon Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I don’t know if it has anything to do with the stonewalling, but the sentence afterwards in the article referencing a mixed reaction in the industry is interesting.

    “It doesn't help that the Rockets have been stonewalled in their attempts to bring in Evan Mobley and Jalen Suggs for private workouts. Houston is casting a wide net in an attempt to capture as much player data for future transactions as possible, something that has been met with a mixed reaction in the industry.”

    steddinotayto, Ramo$e, D-rock and 2 others like this.

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