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Tensions over Palestinian evictions in East Jerusalem boil over

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by DaBeard, May 9, 2021.

  1. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Yea I agree, There is a big argument if Netanyahu is just out for himself. There are just silly things where his adult close to 30 year old son is paid for by tax payers, never works, and just stirs up controversey. Even being recorded asking a friend to spot him for a prostitute saying my dad helped your dad get a billion dollar deal.

    He was also accused by an huge American israeli supporter who tried to set up a foundation of taking a 'cut' or demanding it to be allowed access to soem of the permits.

    Yet just like in America, we blindly abide by our 'affiliations' Remember the corruption of netanyahu and his indicments have been by people on his side politically, people who have worked for him, and even the israeli police.

    But no...all you have to do is memorize "witch hunt" if you're the black woman democratic mayor in Baltimore caught in corruption, if you're the president of the us, it works, you're base will rally. No one like a witch hunt right?

    Likewise with stand you're ground laws. We've seen china Call the hong kong protestors or the ughuirs terrorst, sotehy have their rights to 'defend'. Myanmar did so with the Rhongiya. ITs common place sadly and also works. Zimmerman went and chased a kid for wearing a hoody in his own dads neighborhood with a bag of skilttles, but he was the iniator and aggressor, but self defense.

    And its an odd thing, if you were to critisize Iraq were when it happened, out people would come and spit on you and say you're not patriotic, don't support our soldiers, yada yada all over the media. Those same people now are rallying behind the wasteful costly foreign wars...why did we get in that? weapon of mass distruction against Iraq with no ties to 9/11...when most of them we're saudi who ironically we allow.

    So yea, sure the IDF would never look out for themsleves :
    Rouzan Ashraf Abdul Qadir al-Najjar was a Palestinian nurse/paramedic who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) while volunteering as a medic during the 2018 Gaza border protests. She was fatally hit by a bullet shot by an Israeli soldier as she tried to help evacuate the wounded near Israel's border fence with Gaza.[2][3] The IDF first denied that she was targeted, while not ruling out that she may have been hit by indirect fire.[4] Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that al-Najjar was shot intentionally.[5]

    The IDF released footage in which she purportedly admitted to participating in the protests as a human shield at the request of Hamas.[6][7] The video was later found to be a clip from an interview with a Lebanese television station that had been edited by the IDF to take al-Najjar's comments out of context.[6] In the unedited video, she didn't mention Hamas and called herself a "rescuing human shield to protect and save the wounded at the front lines", with everything following "human shield" trimmed out of the Israeli clip. The IDF was widely criticized for tampering with the video in order to chip away at her image.[6][7]

    According to witness testimony, al-Najjar was shot after she and other medics, walking with their hands up and wearing white vests, approached the border fence in order to treat a wounded protester.[7]

    A UN investigation, the results of which were published late February 2019, concluded that Israel may have committed war crimes in its response to the Gaza protests, saying that dozens of children, two journalists and three paramedics, including al-Najjar, were killed by Israeli soldiers despite the fact that they were easily identifiable as such and did not pose any threat to the Israelis.[8][9]"

    And to your mention about israel. beautiful country! Dubai, saudi and them are pretty frienddly with israel, even over other 'muslim' countries like iran bc why? its about power. MBS or the qatar guy or dubai guy aren't some religious freaks. The religion controls the masses and keeps them at bay, these guys are known for the debauchery and speding time flying to hte west to drink and party. Dubai tiself is one big shopping mall, its ahrdly a 'muslim' country. Most religious countries are just to keep their people at bay. Sort of like the evangelicals here...have you seen these pastors asking their poor supporters for dough for their private jets and they ust mindleslessy support their voting block, don't worry folks...you're going to goto a great club after you pass that you can't hold true, just keep giving me dough.
    real_egal likes this.
  2. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Oh yea, its an absolute battle of fear. You don't remember netanyahu holding a sign at the UN some 10 years ago saying we need immediate war bc his picture shows they are about to finish a nuclear?

    Fear sells, it always has. You don't think the other side is showing some pictures and taking advantage of idf tactics to say you're next, follow us.

    Heck it works in american politics, it worked in german politics, its works in Saudi politics, its working in Chinese politics.

    as @tinman said you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference in sight between most of these people

    you know what would be a better idea, take them on a court and let em hoop. RC Buford and Steve Kerr are on the board of a program that does that
    they make better segway then any of these a-hole leaders like Netanyahu and HAmas who just want to retain power

    Oddly enough both the se religions have writings and teachings of peace and avoiding death...convenientely Netanyahu, Hamas, Isis or whoever never brings this up...just like westborobaptist would probably lose some headlines and power if they actually looked at their own book and didn't cherry pick to keep their own relevance. Sadly all this **** rhymes.
    malakas likes this.
  3. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    I think when people demonize israel, they are thinking of netanyahu and their policies. Tel Aviv is a nice piece of paradise, Jerusualemn just has so much historic power even if you're not a believer its pretty incredible. Dubai is like a shopping mall. Neither of these places are "jewish or muslim" Thats just what the rulers do to keep people at bay while they live in debauchery and power themselves, history rhymes, its sad, but keeps working.
  4. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    This Has to be one of the most insightful threads I’ve ever read in here
    #244 Roc Paint, May 17, 2021
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  5. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Both religions, Islam and and Judaism, describes peace only in their narrowly defined terms. "innocent people" in these Abrahamic religions only refer to people who believe and don't do things we consider in a secular society as benign such as blasphemy. Both religious text from the Quran and Torah have very tribalistic rhetoric that propagates tribalism and hatred of those who don't think like them.

    Christianity has many of the same faults but at the very least it's most praised figure Jesus, was the least tribalistic of Abrahamic religous figures and introduced a concept that religon should be more between the individual and God which is rheotoric that probably least propagates tribalism.
  6. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Essentialyl is it some similar presence. Obviously our hundreds year take over of Natie Lands was done pretty harshly, are any of us going to give up houston and go to downtown or some small encampment of places that 2-3 generations of our family lived because of something before that?

    If they somehow organize in their reservation and become advanced and powerful and have the might to do so, would you just back off, retreat to dallas..never...ha

    Its not as simple as that, my perception of the people are incredible and the contributions even more so, but remember its nuanced. Many many poular jewish people and patriots who believe in their right, believe in the fight think netanyahu is scum and that these policies are only hurting israel rather than helping pandering to a fringe, albeit loud element...go figure
    fchowd0311 likes this.
  7. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Yea as Americans, its great to have a friendship and relationship and allies. but to have an unquestionable one to the point that our leaders pander to them is disturbing. This doesn't just go for Israel, this goes for Saudi as well. Those two seem to be the most rpominent and use the same playbooks, an all around force of lobbying. I would say the same if it was Canada, Uk, Germany or whoever.

    Having allies and consolidating powers can be a good thing, but making laws in america like anti-bds reminds me of how we once called Nelson Mandela a terrorist and put him on the terror list and supported the apartheid South Africa Regime. Politicians are going to politic, they almost all stand for nothing but their own power and getting a damn bust in the capital. Thats the "game" when they say they know how washington works. They are just our employees, our reps. HAving a a critical thinking objective populace is integral to a functioning democracy.

    Have we covered and muddied that up? Yes, but I still believe that America has that gold in uncovered tracks to retain it maybe better than any place in the world. We the people...always.
    #247 DonatelloLimestone, May 17, 2021
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
    malakas, real_egal, Zboy and 2 others like this.
  8. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    I think our politicians are dumb and corrupt as hell too, but by nature of less power we don't allow their idiocity to spread as much as the over reach in ny and california. Cali should sell itself, but the over regulations and reach now has maybe reached its breaking point while texas at least now remains a place where its affordable, ideally mroe free to do what you want in theory(many politicians continue to fight this even while preaching 'free market and choice') but yea. I can't imagine living standard in any of those places is comparable to what you get here. LEt alone that we're an underrated huge metro as well and if you want to get out of the city, you can get yourself some land too...but hey, maybe new yorkers can set up camp in central park and theres no hope for La, but if you're homeless...mine as well have better weather?
  9. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Kind of a nice statement, when you click on this section it says Monkeys slinging poo at eachother. IT made sense, are we evolving? nah...
    AroundTheWorld and Roc Paint like this.
  10. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    Some still love to sling poo
  11. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    I've met some muslims who also revere Christ as well, honestly it just seems its all just open for interpeation and they cherry pick what suits them. From isis o the imams to netanyahu to whoever else. Its a means for gathering a group and instilling power and then choose verses when it suits you.

    Likewise somehow I doubt the westboro baptist guys, amish, or odd evangelicals aren't reading the same book, just finding the right passage that suits them. Somehow the Jewish people running charities helping muslims and jews alike vs the orthodox folks out in nj taking over the school board for themselves are reading the same torah, just finding things that they want. PEople like Malala and her father and the like read teh same quran as the jerkoffs in isis and taliban, they use it when it suits them .

    You kind of see the same thing over and over again, likewise in politics...tehse conservatives are all free market and free choice until the voting block or their donors don't like it. Likewise the dems pretend to go towards teh other side, so long as it doesn't affect their donor block.

    Independent thought is the way to go, maybe the only way towards freedom.
  12. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    DonatelloLimestone likes this.
  13. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    We're evolving
    Roc Paint likes this.
  14. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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  15. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    Little by Little

    - Robert Plant
    DonatelloLimestone likes this.
  16. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Right, and I think that assuming everyone is in line with Netanyahu is like assuming everyone in the US is a Trumper. Most people I met over there couldn't stand the hard liners who really get their power by stoking fear through their media. I was there last when he was running for re-election around 2012 or 2013 and every ad I saw about stoking fear about Palestinians. I never got the sense though that he was remarkedly popular, but the fear campaigns about Hamas and linking every Palestinians to Hamas seems to work... mostly because, like here, people there are in their daily bubbles and don't really get into politics other than at a surface level, and that fear campaigning works at that level.... unfortunately.
  17. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    I agree. The problem in the national media, and it spills over is this idea of anything but blind agreement you get painted as "anti" something or "anti talking point" it works sadly to fervent blind supporters not willing to look at details and nuances.

    Heck, why not quote the former prime minister of Israel:

    " Yitzhak Rabin - when he was Prime Minister of Israel.

    From Bill Clinton's memoir:

    I asked him why he had decided to support the Oslo talks and the agreement they produced. He explained to me that he had come to realize that the territory Israel had occupied since the 1967 war was no longer necessary to his security and, in fact, was a source of insecurity. He said that the intifada that had broken out some years before had shown that occupying territory full of angry people did not make Israel more secure, but made it more vulnerable to attacks from within. Then, in the Gulf War, when Iraq fired Scud missiles into Israel, he realized that the land did not provide a security against attacks with modern weapons from the outside. Finally, he said, if Israel were to hold on to the West Bank permanently, it would have to decide whether to let the Arabs their vote in Israeli elections, as those who lived within the pre-1967 borders did. If the Palestinians got the right to vote, given their higher birth rate, within a few decades Israel will no longer be a Jewish state. If they were denied the right to vote, Israel would no longer be a democracy but an apartheid state. Therefore, he concluded, Israel should give up the territory, but only if doing so brought real peace and normal relations with its neighbors, including Syria.

    My Life by Bill Clinton, Volume II: The Presidential Years. pp.104"

    In comes Clinton is a liar, ok then you can look at Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela...Jimmy Carter...we don't have to look to AOC
    malakas likes this.
  18. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    Somethings never change no matter where you are at
  19. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Because there has been lots of stuff floating around pointing to the fact that it happened. They were there, and rockets were launched from the site ... AND that journalists were influenced in their reporting, what media they published, etc.

    I noted many times i ABSOLUTELY need more and better confirmation of this.

    For example, here's an article from the Atlantic from 2014. 7 years ago...

    What the Media Gets Wrong About Israel - The Atlantic

    But again, I'd probably need more and better evidence.

    If the AP can be biased and wrong, the Atlantic can be also of course.
    #259 JayZ750, May 17, 2021
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  20. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    The current regime in Washington is playing both sides, but yes.

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