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Tony buzbee filing lawsuit against Deshaun Watson? Hints at mistreating women

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Nimo, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Wow my guy, you are just all over the place with this thing.

    The irony is you give credence to all the 22 women but also realize women can be only in it for the money.

    Thanks for showing everybody your bias.
  2. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    LOL no and no.

    Nobody has compared Fields to Cardale Jones.

    The 1st comp I found on Wilson is this.

    Player Comparison: Drew Lock. Some team sources have said that Wilson is a better version of Drew Lock, but they have very similar skill sets with arm strength, mobility, and a gunslinger style of play.
    primtim24 and Sooty like this.
  3. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    2. Zach Wilson
    • "Zach Wilson's may be the best I've ever seen," said one general manager who attended. "And his arm is ridiculous."
    • "You watch him flutter some balls around with the bum shoulder and then the broken thumb at the end of [2019] you're not that impressed. Then you watch him this year and he's just f---ing ripping it everywhere," said an NFC scout who studied Wilson extensively. "The kid's smart as s---. He's gonna work. He's gonna compete. He's really talented. It's just a matter of how long that story can play out and not rub some people the wrong way, being a true dude and a leader and that presence."
    • "My man is not a big guy, now," a college scouting director said. "He's got thin shoulders, he's got a thin waist. You get you a couple Tremaine Edmundsand(Dont'a) Hightowers in your s---, and you ain't lasting long."
    • One executive described it last month as "a little bit of Baker Mayfield syndrome, where you like [the edge] to a point. It's just whether or not you can control it and toe the line." Others compare Zach Wilson to Russell Wilson, a seven-time Pro Bowl pick and Super Bowl champion whose relationship with the Seahawks has become strained after nearly a decade in Seattle, with his personal brand growing beyond football.
    • "If I was picking No. 1 -- hoo, man, it'd be hard for me not to take him over Trevor," an AFC quarterbacks coach said. "He's got real playmaking ability. He's shorter (than Lawrence) -- I get it. But he's got ball all about him. He makes plays -- unique plays."

    • from actual scouts
    JoeBarelyCares likes this.
  4. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    3. Justin Fields
    • "Justin Fields is uber-talented," an NFC coordinator said. "To me, he is probably a more pure quarterback than Kyler Murray(who was drafted first overall by the Cardinals in 2019), throws it better and he's bigger. I'd love to get my hands on that guy."
    • Media speculation about Fields' work ethic was overblown, though several coaches and scouts said they have questions about Fields' drive based in part on how things for him ended at Georgia after the much less-talented Jake Fromm retained the job in 2018. Others praised Fields for starting a petition and becoming a face of the successful push to get the Big Ten to reconsider its decision to cancel fall football, when he could’ve just turned his attention to the draft. And he showedtoughness by missing just one play after a monster hit early in the national semifinal against Clemson, finishing with sixtouchdown passes in a 49-28 rout of Lawrence and the Tigers.
    • The real question continues to be how well Fields processes and sees the field, coming from an Ohio State offense that's designedto limit what the QB has to read and let him play fast. "He has to see it open," an AFC executive said. "I think you appreciate [Fields' game] more when you see him live, because it's just how he's built. And I think he'll work all f---ing day. But I don't think it's ever been demanded of him from the mental side of the game." Said a coach: "You've got to do your homework, because the fact of the matter is, he's just not being asked to (process) for a lot of things. But you talk to (Ohio State coach) Ryan Day, you talk to those guys out there, they'll tell you he absolutely can. And in the interview, I would tell you yes. There's going to be a learning curve, but I think he can do it, for sure."
    • Several people brought up the struggles of past Ohio State QBs coming from the same system, though as one AFC GM put it: "It's not Fields' fault (Dwayne) Haskins was a [mess]." Fields' hands (9 1/8 inches) are on the smaller side, but big enough.
    • Teams learned through the pre-draft medical process that Fields takes medication to manage epilepsy -- a neurological disorder that can cause seizures, but which hasn't affected Fields' football career, and which doctors are confident he'll grow out of, as other members of his family have.
    • There remain questions about how Fields' quieter personality and leadership style will play in an NFL locker room (though it's worth noting the 2020 Offensive Rookie of the Year, Justin Herbert, faced similar questions during the pre-draft process a year ago). The early word was, Fields didn't really get to know his teammates his first year on campus, focusing solely on winning the job. But Fields was named a captain in 2020, and the people at Ohio State now vouch for him on that front, too. "The people there believe in Justin," an AFC coordinator said. "His ability to throw the deep ball [is exceptional]. He was pissed he ran 4.4 (at the pro day), he kind of stumbled, but that's a big man now that can move. The big thing's going to be, does all this negative publicity make him have a chip on his shoulder? Is he that kind of kid?"

    • Also from scouts
    JoeBarelyCares likes this.
  5. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    Only an idiot would compare Wilson to Lock.

    Wilson is in every way a better prospect than Fields. The only thing Fields is better at is he’s slightly faster straight line.
  6. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
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    May 22, 2006
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    so did DW pecker slap zach wilson and justin fields? have they filed suits against DW? i'm trying to understand the relation to this thread
    IBTL, Two Sandwiches and jiggyfly like this.
  7. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    I’ve seen similar. The only thing Wilson has been compared with Mahomes is a big arm. Heck Tech even played better competition.

    Lock, Wentz and P Lynch are all more viable comparisons.
    jiggyfly likes this.
  8. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    So where is the Mahomes and the Rodgers comparison?

    How can you be compared to short QB's but then be compared to 2 of the most prototypical height weight QB's in history?

    This is not about if Wilson will be good its about what you said MOST scouts comparing him to Rodgers and Mahomes, you did not even show proof of that.
    primtim24 likes this.
  9. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    These actual QB coaches are “idiots” right?!

    Seemingly every year now a quarterback who was off of the draft radar has a breakthrough season and emerges as a first-round prospect. This year, Zach Wilson is that guy, and there are a lot of rumblings he will become the No. 2 pick of the draft to the Jets. What do you think of him?

    QB Coach 2: I definitely have concerns about the level of competition. This guy goes from just being a guy in 2019, and now all of a sudden he’s being talked about as a top-5 pick? It happens, but he’s not playing against an SEC defensive front or a Pac-12 or Big 12 front. A lot of his throws are space throws. You don’t see him in a tight pocket a lot of times, and our league is a tight-pocket league. He’s not the biggest guy, but he has an arm — he can really rip it. I love the talent but there’s a lot of risk there to me.

    QB Coach 3: Some of the stuff he does is jaw-dropping. You’re watching him and going, ‘Don’t throw it! Don’t throw it!’ But then he does and makes the play. He’s crazy on the field with his decisions. He has that snap release; he’s really accurate, especially making those off-balance throws. It’s like he can just flick it 55-60 yards.

    QB Coach 1: The good with Zach Wilson is really good, but the bad can be really, really bad. And when he goes to a bad team like the Jets and he’s trying to win games, those are big concerns. To me he’s kinda like Patrick Mahomes coming out of college. People think now about Mahomes as the Super Bowl-winning quarterback and how great he is now, but coming out of Texas Tech, he was not this surefire guy. He was uber-talented arm-wise, and he does a lot of stuff that is really sexy now, but he threw a lot of bad picks, and his decision-making, I thought, was really inconsistent. With Wilson, you see a lot of, ‘Why would you even try that?’ When he gets to the NFL he’s got to retool his game, and you’re gonna have to let him learn what he can throw and can’t throw, but unlike Mahomes, Zach won’t have Andy Reid to coach him and a year behind Alex Smith to learn from.

    I could see Zach being a Pro Bowl QB quickly like (Justin) Herbert or I could see him being like Drew Lock. If I had to bet money, I’d bet it doesn’t work out for him with the Jets. Zach playing right away in that market with his play style — woof — that’d make me really nervous. And unlike Trey (Lance) and Justin (Fields), at least they’re 6-4, 230 and can run. So if he starts ******** the bed, we can get out of the game running the ball like Josh Allen did as a rookie in Buffalo.

    I expected him to be Drew Lock-ish (in his interview); I did not get that vibe. He was great; smart. He knows we’re not gonna take him and he could’ve been a total dick and that it probably wouldn’t have hurt him, but he wasn’t. He knew his offense; we put on bad clips and he took ownership, all of that.
  10. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    Keep reading. Every scout has then as his comp
  11. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    What do you make of the criticism of Ohio State’s Justin Fields?

    QB Coach 2: He’s the one guy that for whatever reason people are taking shots at, whether they’re trying to get him pushed down the board, or who knows why; he’s the one that everyone wants to bully up on now. He didn’t play good against Northwestern; he played great against Clemson, and look at his ’19 season, he was phenomenal. He is a first-round talent. He is way more polished than Lance.

    When you hear people talking about how well he processes, you don’t see read progressions, where it’s bang-bang-bang. He’s also playing on a different level. You don’t know how much of that they’ve taught him. You think, give me a year with this guy and it’ll all come together because of his natural athleticism and ability. I love the guy, but if he has to play this year, that’s scary.
  12. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Read what I posted from two days back.
  13. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    It’s literally comparing him to Mahomes in what you posted lol
  14. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    but unlike Mahomes, Zach won’t have Andy Reid to coach him and a year behind Alex Smith to learn from.

    I could see Zach being a Pro Bowl QB quickly like (Justin) Herbert or I could see him being like Drew Lock
  15. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    You can google almost every scouting report or player comp and Wilson is compared to Mahomes, Rodgers or Wilson.
    Every NFL poll, scout, insider.
    Fields has some high level comparisons too, but there is also way more bust potential with him because he doesn’t have the QB skills Wilson has.

    Why are you two so against the grain when it comes to Wilson? Majority of prospect lists have him at 2 in QB rankings.
    Seems odd
  16. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    Herbert just had the best rookie season of all time for a QB.
    Wilson is more like a stronger armed Deshaun.
  17. cmoak1982

    cmoak1982 Member
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    Jul 13, 2012
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    And Fields could be Lamar, Dak or Paxton Lynch/Blaine Gabbert/RG3
  18. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    How did Wilson do against competition? Did you check the tape against a ranked Coastal Carolina this year? Or against ranked teams the previous year.

    His numbers come back down to earth. Now imagine taking those reads against NFL level players.
  19. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    They’re all wildly different players.

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