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Lower Back Pain and Stiffness - Help with Chair Purchase and Exercise Selection

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by JayZ750, Apr 11, 2021.

  1. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    So about a year ago i compressed a disc in my lower back carrying something too heavy on my shoulder. Dumb for someone in middle age, but it happened. I couldn't really function for about a week - the back doc was like your best bet is to rest, give it a few weeks and strengthen it.

    Well it got better, and i got lazy on the back exercises, and I don't know what i did, but the issue is back - not quite as bad, but some pretty annoying back pain and stiffness going on the last 24 hours.

    Can anyone please recommend for me:
    (1) an office chair that is the most helpful for this? i'll look at any style and budget. I work in an office chair almost all day.
    (2) the best exercises to combat this/strengthen this?
    (3) anything to do short term to get past the last 24 hours. I am going with heat/cold alternations and rest
  2. London'sBurning

    Dec 5, 2002
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    I find using a foam roller and having a lacrosse ball to hit pressure points that are causing me aches works really well. If you have a bottle of water around the house, freezing it solid and using that to roll on pressure points helps me too.

    Sounds like you got an actual injury though which just requires rest.
    Invisible Fan, saitou, Jontro and 3 others like this.
  3. Francis3422

    Francis3422 Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    Have you tried an inversion table? Relatively cheap and Ive always found it to help.
  4. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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    Prop your feet up so they are level or slightly lower than your hips/ back as often as possible and start doing the classic yoga stretches for your back and hamstrings (after healing up again). Ice and heat often as noted.
    Buck Turgidson and JayZ750 like this.
  5. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    the very first one she does in this video is what my pt showed me and has consistently helped now for several years. I have disc loss in part from a laminectomy years ago and this is the main thing keeping me from surgery.

    Jontro, body slam and desihooper like this.
  6. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    Not at all the same as your situation, but...

    I had 24/7 right arm/shoulder pain because of poor workstation ergonomics. It was a searing pain that I could feel all the way from the shoulder to my fingers.

    What I did was:

    Bought a vertical mouse
    Bought a sit-to-stand desk (and keep it at the stand position 99% of the time)
    Raised monitors to eye level

    This help significantly, and the pain is just about gone.

    So, again, it is not too similar, but in regards to what chair you should get... I would suggest getting a desk that elevates. Standing is better than sitting.

    The desk I got, after the options and stuff, was about $700. Not cheap, but well worth it to relieve the pain I had.

    Buck Turgidson and JayZ750 like this.
  7. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    thanks. I actually have an uplift desk already that works pretty solid. But right now it feels better sitting.

    Had never heard of a vertical mouse. Interesting.
  8. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    thanks. You just do the first one where she is on her stomach/elbows?

    I think I should wait till the pain subsides to start though yes?
  9. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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  10. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    pretty much, yes. it's the easiest one to do with no muss and fuss, and by itself it seems to keep me pretty loose.

    I'd say if you can get on your stomach and prop yourself up with your arms, no need to wait. I think it might help. I also use a heating pad to loosen up, but if you've recently re-tweaked it ice might be a better choice.

    no real thoughts on the chair. something firm that helps you sit upright and avoid slumping. maybe someone else will have some recommendations
  11. FrontRunner

    FrontRunner Member

    Apr 30, 2019
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    If you're looking for a big soft executive type chair start with Office Depot. If you're looking for an office chair, find a *used* office supply place or two that carries high-end office chairs from the likes of Herman Miller, Steelcase, etc. Explain your situation and ask that you be allowed to exchange the chair if it doesn't work out (what feels good for five minutes may not feel so great after one or two hours).

    Try out the video below as well. Believe it or not it works. Whatever you do, don't aggravate matters.

  12. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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    I never use a classic office type chair anymore where I sit upright with my feet flat on the floor -- I use almost a gamer style chair with low armrests so I can type with the keyboard in my lap and my feet propped up. This really made a massive improvement for my lower back -- I really don't like standing desks -- I'll use an exercise ball for short periods, but mainly for stretching. I don't use a chair with wheels on it anymore either -- I think they are better with a base.
    Buck Turgidson likes this.
  13. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Word on The Street is that an unnamed NFL QB also has a problem with ... lower back pain and stiffness.
    clos4life and Invisible Fan like this.
  14. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    Unfortunately I don't. I've had a chair custom built for me at a previous employer. They took my measurements and everything. I tested out several chairs and ultimately chose a particular one, with the help of an ergonomics specialist.

    It arrived a few weeks later and they assembled it for me, and I sat in it....... and I hated it. A week or so later I came in early one day and subbed it out for a random chair in a meeting room.

    Office chairs are so specific to the person, imo. Much more so than a couch, for example.

    The office chair that I use at home was a previous Budget pick from Wirecutter and it's been good. You could always check out their other and newer recommendations, but I can't vouch for them personally.

  15. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    The anus is not considered part of the lower back.

    But seriously, I've dealt with disc issues on and off (thankfully off for the past couple of years), and there's really no bad advice in this thread. The bbs delivers again.
  16. body slam

    body slam Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    The rotation stretches were recommended for me and the work. Plus stretch ham strings and strengthen your core.
  17. Clutch City1993

    Clutch City1993 Bury Me In The H
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    Mar 2, 2006
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    Hanging upside down supposedly helps. Have to gradually get to a full extension when first starting out.
  18. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    WRT the chair :

    I've had back surgery in the past and gave up on the typical $100 Office Depot chairs because a) they fall apart within a year or two, b) their warranties generally suck, and c) they're only comfortable for about a month or two. I splurged on a Herman Miller Embody back around June 2017. There's also a thread about ergonomic chairs or something on here from back then, I think. After about 3.5 years of use, it's held up better than the typical office chair. It's not as comfortable as it was initially -- at least I don't think so. The seat itself doesn't seem to have the cushioning it used to have. One of the armrests seems to have a bit of wear, but no biggie on that -- it still functions. I kind of miss a headrest on it and the armrests seem like afterthoughts. It's still 60-70% as good as I initially thought when I bought it -- at least perceived. Which is where its 12-year warranty hopefully comes in. We'll see when I attempt to use it, but from what I've read, they do honor their warranties. But like I said, after almost 4 years, it's in better condition than most Office Depot chairs I've bought have been in after 6 months.

    I guess I'm saying, no matter how a chair feels initially, a few months/years down the road, it may feel different. And if you opt for cheaper chairs, they'll probably be less comfortable quicker or fall apart. The answer to your question is probably some combination of chair, seating adjustment, exercise, looking into other things that may be causing your back issues. There may be no magic bullet (as is usually the case with back issues).
    FrontRunner likes this.
  19. supaflyz

    supaflyz Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    I bought the Herman miller. I have back and knee pain as I have been a nurse for about 7 years. I’m fairly young but most of the nurses that I know whom have worked for a long time have some sort of back pain. I got an Herman miller aeron a few months ago. The back pain seems to be a little better. Don’t expect a chair to instantly resolved your back issues. Try dieting, exercising, and stretching to help with your back pain.
  20. adoo

    adoo Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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