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CBO: $15 minimum wage hike would cost 1.4M jobs

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Amiga, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    Also, not all minimum wage workers work hard.

    I hate to speak the truth out because we have bunch of them here who aren't contributing members, these cheapskates are lazy art history dropouts who probably go on clutchfans to talk trash to paying members when they are suppose to be flipping burgers

    @Os Trigonum
    Astrodome and Xerobull like this.
  2. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    The problem isn't the minimum wage, the problem is that you can't survive working at McDonalds. The solution to these issues isn't to raise the minimum wage, it's to provide affordable housing, food, health care, and education to those who work these kinds of jobs.

    If you have to commute to a low-paying job, you should be able to get a break on gas and tolls for instance. And a housing stipend. Section 8 should be vastly expanded and made to actually work. And it shouldn't be so hard for these folks to qualify for medicaid.
    TimDuncanDonaut and Astrodome like this.
  3. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    People who put Gorilla Glue on their head like shampoo probably are minimum wage workers
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    those jobs weren't designed as careers. Also if you ever work at one of those places long term, you eventually move up the ladder from flipping burgers to the manager.
  5. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    People used to survive on these types of jobs believe it or not. And there are only so many manager jobs.

    The fact is you need laborers in an economy - someone has to work these jobs - and they all can't be students or illegal immigrants.
  6. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    don't forget that robots are quickly replacing service industry people.

    you remember the yogurt shop back in the day? no it's just self serve and the kid at the counter does really nothing but tells you how much it costs after you weigh it after dumping gummie bears and oreos in the cup.

    basically the people at the self serve yogurt shop is there to make sure people aren't just stealing the yogurt.
  7. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    Xerobull likes this.
  8. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    Robots replace unskilled workers but require skilled workers to maintain and monitor. You need workers to build, maintain, monitor, etc. But yes, this is why we need a system to give unskilled workers skills in need so they can remain productive members of society and not resort to crime.

    There are many shortages for trade workers today that results in us paying $300 to unclog a sink. Trade and technical schools are the key to strengthening the labor market.
    TimDuncanDonaut and Xerobull like this.
  9. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    Dude criminals don’t want to work at McDonald’s
    They make more money selling drugs

    also service workers who are bartenders and hostesses make more than minimum when you count tips . It’s not Europe.

    minimum wage jobs are not designed for the long term. The hike only hurts small businesses who are barely breaking even.
  10. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
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    Jun 18, 2003
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    This was a tongue-in-cheek jab at your black and white worldview (which I enjoy).

    Yes, there are barriers to entry to success. Success is simple. But it's not easy.

    Ultimately, everyone who succeeds gets help. But people who ask for it get more. I mentioned asking for help further up this thread in the same sentence is working harder.

    You want more? Work harder and smarter. Put in longer hours. Adapt. That's why humans are at the top of the food chain on the Earth. We make intuitive leaps. That applies to personal and financial success. If you're waiting around for the government to mandate you get paid more for the same job, you aren't trying. You're a plebian. And when the economy equalizes with a new minimum wage, you'll be right back where you were.
    TWS1986 likes this.
  11. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Tongue in cheek? :rolleyes:

    Since when do I have a black and white world view?

    Success is simple is a privileged and black and white view.

    You can't put in long hours if those hours are not there, you also can't put in long hours if you don't have child care.

    This has nothing to do with waiting around for the gov and it's telling that you went to that trope. why do you think minimum wage workers are waiting for the gov?

    Its very evident you don't know who is working these minimum wage jobs and there circumstances and you feel very confident painting them all with the same brush.

    It's also very telling that you feel comfortable calling somebody a plebian because they work minimum wage, interesting.
    DVauthrin, TheRealist137 and TWS1986 like this.
  12. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Not all higher wage workers work hard either what's your point?
  13. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
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    Jun 18, 2003
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    • It's obvious from the rallies for $15 minimum wage that the workers are waiting for the government.
    • Ask a friend of neighbor for help with your child. Or your SO. Or a relative. There are ways. Figure it out.
    • I know people working minimum wage. I know their excuses and complaints first hand. They are Plebeians; average Joes with no drive.
    • I paint all average people with the same average brush. This discussion isn't about special needs folks. It's about able-bodied people who can work for a living.
    This country was built on people trying harder. Over and over and over again. The tools are still there in spades. I've studied self made people. The one thing they all have in common is that they just go for it. Everyone else just talks about how they can lose (see the arguments in this thread). People who pull themselves up think about how they can win.

    There are examples of people from every walk of society in every circumstance 'making it' in the USA. You can't tell me it's not possible 'cause circumstances'.
    tinman likes this.
  14. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    It’s all a balancing act....

    Labor is also global and there’s lot of cheap labor in developing countries and countries in between developing and developed.

    $15 seems too high, but it doesn’t seem so high phase in over 10 years. I really don’t know the answer.
    No Worries and jiggyfly like this.
  15. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    I agree with your overall theme here.

    America's greatest strength has been it's geography. If one region is stagnating or declining then another is growing or booming, which is why I don't have a lot of sympathy for the RUST BELT in 2021. It seems like we've lost some of that "spirit" and have instead just settled into a sense of entitlement.

    On the other hand, we've seen a massive correction from "labor" having the power post WW2 until Reagan's union busting and privatization gave "capital" the power. The hollowing out of America middle is an issue with a complicated solution.
  16. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Good lord, people expecting the government that is formed in their name, whose job it is to regulate the economic system on behalf of its citizenry for their general welfare, to actually act on behalf of its participants?

    THE NERVE OF THESE PEOPLE...expecting a pluralistic government to...take into the account...the views...of its constituents..
    DVauthrin likes this.
  17. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Wait what?

    So everybody at the rallies where minimum wage workers?

    Would you leave your kids with any neighbors? Do you realize the neighbors these workers have?

    Do these neighbors, friends or SO not have jobs?

    I know people working minimum wage jobs? Does that make you an expert on every minimum wage job earner?

    Its abundantly evident you are speaking from a point of privilege and don't have a clue about the average minimum wage earner and there actual circumstances.

    You actually think it's as easy as asking a neighbor or relative which shows you have no idea of the neighbors or relatives some of these people have.

    This country was also built on the exploitation of blacks, immigrants and child workers and the government had to put a stop to that.

    There are a lot of different arguments in this thread yet you seem to think its black and white between those that try and those that don't, nobody is saying you can't come up, what I have issue with is you saying its simple and just matter of want too.

    I guess the next thing you tell us is that everybody gets hired equally at the same rate right?

    Just ask the neighbors to watch the kids? Do you think we are in the 50's?
  18. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Not gonna lie entitlement is a huge issue but its not as easy as just getting up and moving either.
  19. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    I don't think you've stated anything that is contrary to my argument.

    I said if laborers can't get jobs, they are more likely to resort to criminal activities not the other way around.
  20. superfob

    superfob Mommy WOW! I'm a Big Kid now.

    May 5, 2006
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    I think part of this is the crux of the issue. Should the government continue subsidizing low wage labor or should prices be transparent by raising minimum wage to a living wage and have consumer prices accurately reflect the cost of labor.
    Invisible Fan and jiggyfly like this.

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