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[ESPN] The Purge Has Started

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Air Langhi, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    There are differing degrees and differing ways to go about it.

    The firings made the last 8 months inside the building; Amy Palcic, JJ Moses, Eva Graham, Amber Davies, Mike Parsons and Doug West - they don’t impact the direction of the team and were all long term employees with the franchise and were well liked by the players.

    Why unnecessarily upset players that ownership wants to play hard, play well and win. It just strikes me as foolish and short sighted.

    This strikes as a situation where Easterby is replacing everyone that he views as not owing him something.
    3Rings and conquistador#11 like this.
  2. theDude

    theDude Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    It could be just the opposite. If Caserio has someone else he wants to bring in, now might be the best time to do it since most of these players are not going to be here long term, anyway.
    raining threes and Nook like this.
  3. NotInMyHouse

    NotInMyHouse Member

    Apr 1, 2008
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    What kind of culture is Cal building? What characteristics is he looking for out of those he employs?

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    I get it. Carerio and Jack want to establish a culture similar to NE. No nonsense, all business, do your job culture.

    One small problem: You will have to do that from scratch without Watt, Watson or any Texans worth keeping and loyal to Nick or Jack.

    This will be a 5 year culture build that burns the entire last 19 years of the franchise down to replace it with a culture that Tom Brady built. Good luck finding Tom Brady guys.
  5. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    What's baffling is that this franchise seems hellbent on being (something they publicly deny which was also comical) New England South. There were many factors that went into the Patriots success and this team has none of that, no matter how many ex-Patriots stooges Cal hires. There's a large difference between the owners, a larger difference between the coaches of both team, and if Watson gets traded a huge Grand F'ing Canyon difference between having the GOAT and whoever they throw out there under center.

    This franchise is as clueless as ever.
    3Rings and conquistador#11 like this.
  6. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    If this were a totally new regime giving the entire organization a fresh coat of paint, sure. But it's not. Its the remnants of the previous, failed regime and we've seen their MO & it doesn't work. And as much as they can talk about culture change, they brought in a general manager to maintain power/status quo in the C-suite and a puppet head coach who's expected to read Bible verses and not even think about rocking the boat.

    This may all workout because they'll fall backwards into a massive haul for Watson (which, ok - BUT DON'T ALIENATE YOUR BEST PLAYER!). But anybody who has faith in this regime *right now* is delusional. You cannot point to a single thing this team has done since Easterby walked in the door that has been positive, beyond 1) making the playoffs in '19 (he was in the building; otherwise, he has no claim to that); 2) extending Watson; 3) firing BOB. Almost literally everything else (including promoting BOB) has been indefensibly awful. Even moves a better, more competent team could've successfully initiated have been egregiously bungled, like flipping Hopkins to replenish needed resources. An OBJ-like haul is defensible. But they instead landed a broken-down running back because that is *exactly* what winning teams need - a running back.

    I don't have another team to root for so I'll continue to hope they right the ship and remain optimistic they will as much as I can staring down the barrel of a shotgun.
    Sooty likes this.
  7. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    napalm06, Hippieloser and Blake like this.
  8. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I'm not defending any of their actions I'm saying I can't work up outrage about each one either.

    I don't follow the Astros religiously but I VERY keenly remember when Lunhow came in how Jose Jose Jose Ortiz De Jesus and others, including on this BBS, regularly trashed them for every move they made during the tear down. They'll never win! They don't treat the media right! They don't do things the right way! Eventually it worked.

    I don't have faith that this will workout for the Texans but I also know that outrage has to get old at some point. They are a **** show we know it. Normally **** show organizations have to make a lot of changes to get back to a sense of normalcy. I also know that it makes zero sense that every single member of the organization is amazing and perfect in their role except Cal and Easterby.
  9. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I get what you're saying and don't disagree....but the main difference here is that the Astros had new ownership.

    Crane didn't really have a track record of success or failure when it came to owning a team. McNair clearly does. Mostly failure. And we'e stuck with him for the next 3 or 4 decades.
  10. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Right. Ordinarily, I wouldn't, either. But we've seen this regime in action, & their ideas and results have been abysmal. So, yeah - while most fans shouldn't care about much of this, when the regime is continuing to set fire to the organization, I think there's room for outrage.

    There was certainly consternation - but, again: it was a completely new regime (and, don't forget, ownership group) embarking on a total tear down that was going to gut the on-field product.

    I think a legitimate outsider might be bumping into resistance with the Texans, too, because - well, that's what fans do. But this isn't new. It's the same dipshits as before. Maybe BOB is gone - but the tentacles of his mis-management remain & are in charge still.

    I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until I saw their GM/head coach hires. Caserio underscores the problems by providing greater protection/security for Easterby; Culley is a sacrificial lamb likely willing to do anything for a chance literally nobody wanted to give him. They're not off to an, uh - encouraging start.
    conquistador#11 likes this.
  11. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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  12. Fyreball

    Fyreball Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    In a bubble, I would say it's not inherently a bad thing to reset what hasn't been working. While I understand that the equipment guy individually doesn't contribute to wins and losses, if he's a cog in a machine that simply isn't working, there's an argument for rebooting everything and starting over. This franchise has toiled for the better part of 2 decades, and has incredibly little to show for it. A culture shift wouldn't be bad if ownership was competent and understood what it actually takes to win. HOWEVER, and this is as big of an however as you can get..... the fact of the matter is that Cal McNair CANNOT be trusted to employ individuals that can BUILD a winning culture. The man literally has no clue what it takes to be successful in this league (and by personal accounts, life in general), and therefore has no clue how to even go about changing things for the better. Misguided faith in Men of God is simply a cover-up for his own incredible insecurities, and it's infuriating and frustrating that we as fans have to suffer through this miserable plight as long as the McNairs decide they want to own the team.
    napalm06 and conquistador#11 like this.
  13. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    But the guy ostensibly making those decisions... is not new. And while the guy brought in to assist him is, technically, "new," he's just a manifestation of the overall problem, which is that the same ****ing idiots are making the decisions.

    An actual *new* regime? Yeah, FIRE EVERYBODY! But this speaks far more to Easterby fashioning the organization in his image.
  14. NotInMyHouse

    NotInMyHouse Member

    Apr 1, 2008
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    Not picking on your post, but I want to distill it down to this.

    Can anyone point to what the shift is here? What was the culture and what will be the culture? In terms of winning football games, what culture is being built?
  15. Fyreball

    Fyreball Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Exactly. Your questions would have answers in a bubble. Unfortunately, we are not in a bubble. We're on Cal McNair's Wild Ride where there are no answers.
    conquistador#11 likes this.
  16. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    building a wall y'all
  17. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    It's not an actual culture change, if the same sht strain (easterby) who was with us during BoB era is making the firing and hiring. Literally just creating the same sht now with a bucket of religion
    conquistador#11 likes this.
  18. homewight

    homewight Member

    May 14, 2005
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    We'd appreciate it if your took Easerby's penis out of your mouth. Maybe then you could think more clearly and not vomit McNair talking points all over us.
  19. NotInMyHouse

    NotInMyHouse Member

    Apr 1, 2008
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    Paul Wall for EVP.

  20. Nash

    Nash Member

    Jun 26, 2009
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    The Titans already have the "New England South" moniker tied up..and it's taken a lot of losing before their culture was rebuilt..another term you guys should get used to hearing -"Complimentary football"

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