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Deshaun Watson unhappy with Texans

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by J.R., Jan 7, 2021.

  1. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Cole and Springer both wanted nothing to do with the scandal. Especially in Springer's case. He wanted out so badly to get away from the media scrutiny of cheating.

    Obviously not stolen, but you know what I mean.

    Harden wasn't stolen either.

    They just are taking all of our franchise players. It's not a coincidence. The media is based in LA and NY and every minor story blows up. Houston sports have been the favorite target of the media.

    Washington Football and the Mavericks have had much bigger scandals but it didn't get nearly the traction that the Astros doing what every other team does.
    Rudyc281 and cmoak1982 like this.
  2. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    That's a Great reply! (doing my Cal patronizing press conference impression)

    No but seriously, I've always loved that Miami Dolphins color. The Marino long sleeve throwback is 1 of 2 non Houston Oiler football jerseys I own.
  3. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    The rumor inside the building is Eric Bieniemy is becoming the favorite. Yes, you hear he doesn't want the job. His options if he wants to be a head coach this season are shrinking. The whole interview slander is still there. The Colts DC pulled his name out. This whole Easterby thing....has been blown up so much it makes it harder. The thing is about Easterby is that he will fade into the background because he was doing a job (interim GM) that he should have never had. Caserio will be basically make sure Easterby stays out of the spotlight (since Cal won't get rid of him). They will interview EB and see what happens.
  4. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Watson won't chose the Coach. However, the coaching candidate will meet will Watson......guaranteed.

    Watson wants input.
  5. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    At this point, what purpose does keeping Easterby serve... or going out of your way to hold a news conference saying Easterby isn’t going anywhere. Why? What is the ****ing point of all of this? Even if he is literally turning guys urine into gold... (or at least convincing them he is), at what point is all this bullshit just not worth it any more?

    I’m as devoted a fan as any... but if this team has this many “fundamental” issues at the very top, there is very little chance things will magically turn around without some serious change in total leadership.
  6. sealclubber1016

    Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    Or, you know, other teams were willing to pay them a lot more money..
    whag00 likes this.
  7. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    The whole Easterby is Cal McNair showing he is boss. He wants to keep his prayer buddy...in the organization. The problem is any value Easterby may have had is being overshadow by his actions and perception outside the Texans.

    Much of this is for Caserio to fix...with his HC. McNair and Easterby will be pushed into the background. McNair doesn't like the spotlight anyway.
  8. Mattician

    Mattician Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Fans need to do everything they can to get the McNairs to sell the team.

    Don't go to any games or buy any merchandise. Whatever it takes.
    IBTL likes this.
  9. gucci888

    gucci888 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Not to derail the thread but resigning Springer was up in the air for a few seasons and Yankees gave Cole $324M. He’s not turning that down scandal or not. With regards to the scandals, WFT and Mavs aren’t anywhere close to getting caught stealing signs during a WS run.

    Just saying blaming the media is a cop out. Most objective Texan fans knew of the dysfunction before the national media caught on.
    IBTL likes this.
  10. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Wait what?

    Those teams have covered up dozens of sexual assaults.

    If you think stealing signs is even close to as bad as that, you're too obsessed with the "integrity" of sports.

    People's lives were destroyed because of those things. Stealing signs is the norm and the Astros just got ratted on by someone who deserves to have some stories about his treatment of women leak out.
  11. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    houston easterbys sounds pretty wack
  12. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    How any sane owner would handle this.

    1a) A sincere heart to heart with Deshaun. Say something like the death of my father had obstructed all common sense. easterby made me feel good but he was just using me for my connections and money. I'm so sorry Deshaun.
    1 b). Fire Easterby.

    2. Pay the Galleria 1 million dollars to shut down for a couple of hours. Surprise Watson and Girlfriend with Travis Scott. We all go shopping for some new drip.Travis Scott would do that. He's is more committed to saving local sports than owners.

    3. Hire EB (not my favorite but trying to avoid the nuclear football)

    4. Re up Fuller.
    treyk3 likes this.
  13. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    You mean you wouldn't
    1) keep the youth pastor and text Deshaun : "sorry noob too bad"
    2) Refuse to interview EB because he's not a "fit"
    Kim likes this.
  14. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    But seems like you’re more in denial about how damaging Cal’s decisions/actions have been... and you’re presuming he’ll never be an issue going forward.

    In what world will the owner every be “pushed to the backround” of a sports team. Sure you always have hands off owners... but they’ll still have a role in every big decision, whether its offering extensions to players/coaches/GM’s, deciding when they want to shed payroll, signing off on brand/licensing issues, etc. There has been nothing that Cal has done thus far to give him a benefit of the doubt for the leadership of this franchise going forward.

    Once the owner declares who he is... whether intentionally or by accident... it puts a stain on fandom.
    whag00 and conquistador#11 like this.
  15. gucci888

    gucci888 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Probably used the wrong wording but I’m definitely not downplaying what happened in Washington and Dallas. But from a sports media standpoint, an on the field cheating scandal, especially one that resulted in a championship, will always get a ton of coverage. See both spy/deflate gate.

    But I just can’t agree that there has been a coordinated media attack on Houston in an effort to get our star players removed. To me, it’s shifting the blame away from Cal who has single handedly caused this problem.
    treyk3 likes this.
  16. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Oh the Texans, Rockets and Astros are all clearly inept.

    The Texans have been inept for 19 years now. All of a sudden it's a news story. You'd think that Cal called the players inmates or something.
    gucci888 likes this.
  17. BMoney

    BMoney Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Cal McNair made a big deal of saying that Easterby would not be part of the GM, or head coach selection process. Now, we know that was false. Pretending that Easterby will fade into the background goes against everything we have learned since he arrived in Houston. The high turnover, instability and turmoil in the organization is directly linked to Easterby and there is no reason that this situation would stop if he stayed in place.
    Nook, mikol13 and Kim like this.
  18. Cannonball

    Cannonball Member

    Jul 27, 2006
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    McNair is taking the position that Easterby has done nothing wrong and thus, shouldn't be fired.

    But sane people would see that it doesn't really matter if Easterby actually did anything wrong or not. A whole bunch of people, inside and outside the team, believe he's responsible for a lot of the dysfunction within the organization. Whether valid or not, he's become a polarizing figure and his mere presence is destroying the Texans. You have to let him go to save the team. Sane people would realize it's not worth the demolition of the team to keep one guy who you can't even answer what his role is. But Cal isn't sane.

    McNair maintains Easterby's done nothing wrong, believes all criticisms of Easterby are "fake news" conspiracy theory BS, that they're doing the Lord's work at NRG, and he isn't going to let other people tell him what he needs to do while being oblivious that he's alienating his players and his fan base.
    primtim24 and J.R. like this.
  19. awc713

    awc713 Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    Its seems to be all about religion for for Cal. He’s trying to create some pseudo-missionary football culture and it’s just not necessary. I mean, I don’t have anything against Christianity, but Easterby and Cal have made it divisive as hell. Exhibit A and B being the firings of our PR personnel and contracts guru. Both were top of the industry people fired for having different beliefs (at least the girl, IIRC, but many have been lost in this wake). The organization is embarrassing beyond belief. Again, I have nothing against Christianity, but the internal division that Easterby and Cal have managed to create is insane. It’s such a shame as former Texans do love the organization and want to see it succeed, but Cal is almost Trumping the Texans into the ground. Cal is just NOT the man for the job. Nepotism to the max. Bob McNair was a great (and flawed) man, but Cal hasn’t done anything in his life but work for his dad. Peep the resume. He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page! And he’s the owner of an NFL team! It’s insane. Really sucks. I love the players and parts of our history. We have had some of the games best players ever man. It’s sad. Such a rich history. But get Watson out of here. Let him go and succeed elsewhere. Texans under Cal have no hope. Sad because Watson reps Houston and is great, would love nothing for than for him to win here, but he’s like a caged bird here.
    Nook, HillBoy, NotInMyHouse and 2 others like this.
  20. Rudyc281

    Rudyc281 Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    How ironic is it that Watsons agent worked in a NTC in his contract??

    Was this planned all along??

    Secure the bag along with NTC so when he ask out he can’t be shipped to a team not to his liking.

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