Splitting the Republican party will only strengthen the Democrats hold. While I know their are people that stupid to think this is the way to go, I imagine them living in a singlewide and driving 1999 Olds Alero.
First thought is that the Capital police are stupid for not having a greater presence. It has been widely known for days that the Trumpers were planning on storming the Capital. Ive seen video after video of Trumpers talking about it to each other. I see like a dozen cops here. Whats to stop the Trump mob from just all sudden at once overrunning that small group of police? It is becoming clearer and clearer that today something very disgusting is about to happen in DC.
surprised they even used the pepper spray if this was BLM, u would’ve seen batons and rubber bullets as well, and they’d be labeled violent
That might be next. I hope so. They should sue all these liars into oblivion. Voting Machine Manufacturer Dominion Sues Sidney Powell for $1.3 Billion On Friday, Dominion released the Kraken on former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell. For months, Powell has made numerous conspiratorial allegations against the voting machine manufacturer—in public and in court. Now, Dominion is accusing Powell of defamation and seeking $1.3 billion in damages.
awesome. didn't even think about all the private causes of action that would be spawning from this clown show. look forward to all the perpetrators getting hit where it hurts them most - their wallets.
@Nook This seems to be pretty cut and dried case especially what she tweeted after dominion sent her letter, I dominion has to prove damages for a dollar amount. Any other lawyers want to weigh in? @bobrek Good topic for your son yes?
Let's see... lost House, Senate, and Presidency... seems like all trump's winning is also reason for mcdanniel to keep her job...