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Houston and CC FAns Do Not Deserve James Harden

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by glynch, Dec 16, 2020.

  1. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    James has been more loyal to the Rockets than any other superstar with the possible exception of Russ and OKC.
    There is Curry, of course, who I do not feel is in the league of James, despite being a smoother more photogenic fellow from a rich family, who lucked into having great teammates on low salaries to support him.

    All we have had is 50% of the posters on this forum for years blaming James for being too fat, going to clubs too much etc. and trying to blame their problems by claiming he doesn't make them hard or he is James (Mc)Frauden. They have longed/fantasized for years to trade him for young players and picks. Unproven, dare I say, white rookies and some picks do make them orgasm despite their possible issues with functioning. They seem to not be able to even enjoy the Rockets if they fail to win a championship in a given year.

    They are always so quick to ride the jock for the most part of the billionaire owners and complain like good little employees trained from birth to "yes sir" everyone and blame fellow employees for not always giving 100% and being the perfect employee whether they have a f'd up boss or company etc.

    Initially annoyed by him talking about leaving, I now frankly think Harden deserves to go to win a championship as that is all the average media trained "fan" gives a hsit about. If he wants to stay here and Tillman or the complainer fans unhappy, fine with me. Even though I will remain a Rockets fans I prefer to be in top team status rather than the lost decade or more that will probably happen when this practically once in a generation player for a non-glamorous city leaves most likely leaves and our only realistic chance to regain top NBA status depends on the sheer luck of what is called the "lottery" for more than one reason.

    I will still enjoy watching James as long as he is here and be thankful that he has put the Rockets on the NBA map for the last 8 years.
  2. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    It is what it is. Some fans don't appreciate greatness, said same fan are gonna btch for the next few years y our team is so shtty. I will cheer for our team regardless, but the end of Harden career with us is not something I am going to celebrate.
    s3ts, Patience, HP3 and 2 others like this.
  3. SuperKev

    SuperKev Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    It's too bad threads can't be voted on like it used to be. (perhaps bring that back somehow???)...

    This thread would be voted into dust in seconds.
  4. LorneMalvo

    LorneMalvo Member

    Dec 12, 2017
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  5. xtruroyaltyx

    xtruroyaltyx Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Its almost party time.
    hakeem94 and daywalker02 like this.
  6. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    What are CC fans?

    I admit I do not deserve him and his pounds.
    hakeem94, rockets13champs and Ramo$e like this.
  7. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    James has been more loyal to the Rockets than any other superstar as they’ve catered to most of his demands.

    All we have had is 50% of the posters on this forum for years blaming James’ teammates for coming up short.

    They are always so quick to ride the jock for the most part of the superstar player and complain like good little stans trained from birth to "yes sir" everyone and blame fellow teammates.

    Initially annoyed by him talking about leaving, I now frankly think the Rockets deserve to go win a championship.

    I will still enjoy watching the Houston Rockets as long as they are here.
    #7 J.R., Dec 16, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
  8. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    Meh. I get what you're trying to say, and I think it's a bad take. Harden has done a lot during the regular season. When it comes time for the playoffs, it's a known fact that his partying catches up to him, and it shows on the court. Dude pissed off two superstars in a row with his lack of caring, one of whom was a childhood friend. Is on his way to pissing off a third one. That alone speaks volumes.

    I've been saying it for two years plus, but Harden, while he is great, is not the kind of guy that can win you a championship by himself. I know it. Most of the board knows it. James knows it, too, which is why he wants to be traded away to play with more stars.

    He doesn't, and never will, care to put in the seriousness that it takes to play team ball and win a championship. Instead, he's on the new wave millennial train of just wanting to form a super team.
  9. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    When you sign a contract for $40 mill. a year, that means you are promising to do something in return.
  10. Toothlessaggression

    Sep 16, 2019
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    Capela fan only’s
    daywalker02 likes this.

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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  12. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    how the fk are Cp3 and WB superstars? CP3 at his age is not even the same level as harden and WB. WB has his own issues, he drove away KD so don't blame this all on harden. And finally how the fk is Wall a superstar especially after haven't played for 2 years. I love it how after the partnership failed, it's like Harden was the bum, and these guys were the elite superstars that couldn't stand him.

    I know that u are piss that Harden is giving up on our team, but your biasness is showing.
    HP3 likes this.
  13. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Imagine saying these things about someone who makes 40 mil a year. And @glynch of all people. AOC and Bernie would be disappointed.

    Harden gets fairly compensated for his work and his compensation is entirely reliant on fan participation watching games on tv, buying tickets and gear. His appreciation reward for what he does is living the most lavish lifestyle possible on planet Earth. That's not enough for him and his stans?
  14. alethios

    alethios Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I wonder if Harden's days of being catered to are coming to an end and that's why he's pushing for a trade. Like not getting Lue as the coach or the less ISO-heavy offense that Silas wants to run.
    Two Sandwiches and Kevooooo like this.
  15. Kevooooo

    Kevooooo Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    You can appreciate someone’s talent and still recognize they aren’t a winner and have screwed the franchise that gave him literally everything he ever asked for.

    fact is JH is finally being treated like an adult and he isn’t used to it.
  16. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    Star, superstar, tomay toe tomah toe. They were both multiple time all-stars and will both be in the hall of fame.
    Kevooooo likes this.
  17. Kevooooo

    Kevooooo Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    But that is exactly what people inside the organization have suggested...

    Harden ran them off not because “they sucked,” but because they were not cool with Harden not being professional and the culture that treated him like a king and everyone else as a plebe.

    and like it or not chris Paul and Westbrook are considered by every nba analyst to be super stars.I don’t like Westbricks style and inability to shoot but it’s silly to not recognize he is a star in this league.
  18. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    U throwing out the label superstar willy nilly to paint Harden the bad guy.
    Harden Upsetting the third superstar, Wall? a player hasn't been playing for 2 years?
    That alone speaks volume?

    Like if u gonna hate on the man use better excuses like giving up on the team and demanding a trade.
    HP3 likes this.
  19. arabrocket

    arabrocket Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    loyal my ass. This fool was running this organization like he owned it. Didn’t respect his teammates by partying and calling the days off when he felt like it. His hands are all over the stupid Westbrook trade which he dug the Rockets organization in a deep hole for couple of years. He’s a cancer.
  20. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    CP3 was a top ten player easily in 2017-2018. Easily his best teammate by a signficant margin as a Rocket.

    Too bad Harden didn't like CP3 calling out Harden's stationeriness when he didn't have the ball.
    DVauthrin and Two Sandwiches like this.

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