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[If Available] Herro or Simmons?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by bleedroxred79, Dec 10, 2020.


Herro or Simmons?

  1. Herro

    189 vote(s)
  2. Simmons

    327 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. AXG

    AXG Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    I don't understand the Herro hype. Sure, he's a good, young player but I don't see him ever becoming a superstar. I think his ceiling is more of a Zach Lavine/ Devin Booker tier.
    abaker28 likes this.
  2. icewill36

    icewill36 Member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    we arent trading james to get a superstar. why is this so hard to understand ? if hero was thought to be a superstar he would be OFF LIMITS. just like LUKA or ZION would be completely off the table. no point bringing their name up.
    everyday eddie likes this.
  3. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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  4. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    I don’t see Simmons much different than Gîannis........only thing is Giannis has more fire in his heart.

    Not sure if Simmons will ever be that competitive; but a notch below an MVP is still pretty good.
    clutchdabear likes this.
  5. Mr Woods

    Mr Woods Member

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Devin Booker just put up 26/6 in back to back seasons and isn’t even 25 yet. Arguably the best under-25 player in the league along with Tatum.

    If Herro has the potential to be in that tier, this poll should be favored towards Herro in a landslide.
  6. FatSeagal

    FatSeagal Member

    Dec 3, 2020
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    Hype because the heat made the finals. Not saying he doesn't have potential or has skills, but the heat system and culture I think can make players seem better then they are at times.
    clos4life likes this.
  7. clutchdabear

    clutchdabear Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    i'm not completely against ben simmons. his court vision is elite and he can affect the offensive side of the game just with his passing the same way jkidd used to do. his defense isn't on the level of jkidd yet but he really does have the potential to be all-nba defense if he really wants it.

    but that's where the problem lies. simmons has never shown to really want "it". he didn't really care enough at lsu and he hasn't shown that in the nba yet either. he practices and trains like any other avg nba player.. not like someone who wants to be an all-time great. it's bc of his unbelievable physical gifts that makes him an all-star level player... but he honestly should be much better by now.

    however, the biggest red flag for me is that he's a klutch client... and unlike john wall (who also is klutch), simmons still has the big market suitors to try to force a way out early.

    herro has all the potential in the world to be an offensive dynamo who can command as much gravity on the court like steph curry, on a contract under team control for 7-8 years (if u add rfa), and has shown that killer instinct on the biggest stages of the nba already at 20 yrs old. he is a championship level piece with the right character makeup... debatable whether he can be a no.1 option or not.. but that's what makes this trade so interesting... bc if he does become a no.1 option type player, then houston can actually end up on the winning side of a harden trade. any other trade and houston ends up on the losing side no matter what bc what you see is what u get.

    the answer isn't simple and there really is an argument for both, and i've been going back and forth the past few days, but i'd personally go the herro route.
    RustyHarden, noppeper and YOLO like this.
  8. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Has Giannis ever gotten past 2nd round?

    Fire means jack if not backed by skill.

    Ask Russ.

    At least Russ has gotten to the finals.
    everyday eddie and ApacheWarrior like this.
  9. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Simmons is not the same player from his LSU days.
  10. ChillyPete32

    ChillyPete32 Member

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Booker is right on the cusp of turning into a legit superstar. I'd soil myself if we could get him for Harden.

    Herro is a nice young player but doesn't seem to have anywhere close to that potential though and has definitely gotten overhyped because of his run in the bubble.
    Denovo likes this.
  11. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Pretty fair take. Pretty much everything that needs to be said has been at this point. Whichever side you’re on there’s points to both that have been discussed.

    But those that are just putting down Herro for the worst reasons aren’t to be taken seriously. It’s funny how you see a ton of unknown takes and logic about Herro, yet people have used the same unknown takes about first time coach Silas to act like he’s a home run
    clutchdabear likes this.
  12. s3ts

    s3ts Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Ben plays point because they can't find better handles on their current roster. Ben passes really well, sure... But now you're talking about the functional equivalent of a Dray, with the offensive value of less than an Eric Gordon. I prefer EG over Dray offensively.

    Dwight led the league in blocks and rebounds. And has won DPOY 3 times. I honestly don't know why you'd bring Dwight down to Ben's current level to make it seem like he's DPOY material right at this very moment. He may get there in the future, but in today's league gifted scoring is valued higher than gifted defense. I don't see that changing in the future.

    Even if Ben did win DPOY in the coming seasons, that's not enough for me to want this guy on the roster over Herro. He needs to learn how to shoot. And yes, if he is going to do that, I'll buy that stock. Otherwise, no.
  13. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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  14. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    LOL - sorry could not read any further after you stated that Simmons only plays point because 76ers cannot find a better ball handler in the ENTIRE NBA in the last 4 seasons.

    Do you realize how insipid that sounds?
    DVauthrin likes this.
  15. s3ts

    s3ts Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Well they obviously have done a shitty job of prioritizing ball handling, to the point where when you look at their roster it's almost like who is going to handle the ball and make plays. Ben Simmons is good on that front, but there's plenty of players who do that better than him in the league. He's not a top-10 player on that front.

    Sixers also obviously did not prioritize shooting, trusted everyone to learn how to shoot, and lacked success on that front as well when drafting. I've seen them desperately go to the free agency looking to fill roster spots with shooters. They're going to keep doing this, I honestly don't see them stopping.
  16. csc177

    csc177 Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Are you serious? You literally referenced (see below) Westbrook when mentioning Simmons’ jumpshot. Hence my response stating you can’t compare the two...Westbrook is someone who also struggled with his jumper early on, but was NEVER reluctant ( damn near scared) to shoot it the way Ben has shown.

    “people probably said something similar years back about Westbrook.”
  17. HorryForThree

    HorryForThree Member

    Jan 5, 2001
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    Herro? LOL. Simmons, no question, but I'd need a decent number of picks
  18. s3ts

    s3ts Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    That's fine. But for Simmons I can easily say he has a higher upside with a much higher chance he won't be a superstar.

    Yes, he's a jump shot from becoming a superstar. But without one he never will become one. He's had 4 years in the league to develop a shot, never did. Chances of him developing one after earning a 177 mil / 5 year contract? Less than 50%.

    Herro has a jump shot. And he's efficient. And he contributed firmly to a Finals appearance in his rookie year.
    Downtown Sniper likes this.
  19. Magicsaint

    Magicsaint Member

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Would take either but it is not enough for Harden. Should include more players or picks if any.
  20. RustyHarden

    RustyHarden Member

    Jul 12, 2019
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    This entire premise is beyond silly. Yah let's trade the MVP best scorer outside of Durant for some overhyped ROY or a fringe lottery pick who can shoot(bc he showed off on a fake stage his rookie season)
    GTFO yall
    This is ridiculous now. If Harden goes. I dont answer without maximum unprotected first rounders with cap relief. Or Jamal Murray/Devin Booker/Luka Doncic. Bam/Herro. Tatum or Brown plus picks. Durant/Curry. Kawhi. No to PG13. I'd even consider Zion or Ingram plus busted contracts. Seriously. This is all for the birds. Harden laces up and if Wall doesn't produce we hit the scrap bin or we win. Failure is not an option

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