my guess * some *reporting from east coast precints by 8pm est so only an hour and half from now can you believe ? haha
I would go to bed. If you want to stay up late to see the score of the first quarter of a basketball game then stay up. But the next "3 quarters" could take several days. The first quarter may or may not tell how the game will continue but its unreliable.
This is an innovative solution to the court unpacking problem that we have - I am tentatively in favor of this.
Final Predication: Biden wins popular vote by a much larger margin than Hilary did in 2016. Trump Wins electoral college: Trump: 284 Biden: 254
The one way this election can be called tonight is if Biden gets a big enough lead in Florida and it's called today. Florida counts early. If Biden wins Florida, the election would probably be called as there really isn't a avenue for Trump to get to 270 without Florida.
I don't think a Republican has ever won an election (in recent history) without winning Florida. It's kind of necessary for them because Dems lock up NY and CA. GOP has to rely on TX and FL...and the former is slipping from them and the latter is a wildcard every election.
True but that is from the mail in votes. Which could be good for Biden if all early voting tends that way. But it could be reversed once the election day voting is counted.
This is right. If you want to look at individual county, wait for almost all of the votes to be counted first. What you see depends on how the votes are counted (early vote 1st or e-day 1st or a mix). Otherwise, it can be a steep incline or decline. It's also why exit polls are useless.
Think I'll sporadically check this thread and the news and try to go to bed without looking at it when I do my usual waking up 3 times or so per night. Just gonna watch sports when I get up lol.
Probably best to just get some sleep and check in early morning if you are in Germany. I don't think it will be very exciting before midnight EST