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OLED, QLED and other TVs - Recommendations and News

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Yung-T, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    In a video game - agreed (although UHD is impressive IMO). Over cable broadcast - agreed. For movies & services that offer quality 4K like Apple TV - 4K blows it away.
  2. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I mean yea it's definitely noticeable and makes everything crisp, but a show on a streaming service not having 4k has never bothered me when it was at a good bitrate and production.

    Except for maybe nature docs where the slower pace and stuff like fur, leaves have your constant eye attention.

    4k is great to have, but imo if you only watch TV not a reason by itself to upgrade your TV atm.
  3. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    To add to my last post:
    The main reason I went for a high-end TV in the end wasn't 4k (1080p is fine for most content), but I was fed up with low contrast, colors not looking like they should and the usual grey fog you have instead of real blacks, with normal edge lit displays.

    Having good blacks and high contrast where colours really stand out and make the picture much more lively makes a world of a difference, so if your TV does that enough for you there's no rush to get 4k.
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    Witcher 3 on 4k HDR (Even dynamic scaling is awesome)

  5. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Sexy. For us folks with Apple TV, Disney+, Netflix 4K -- 4K sets are a no-brainer. Noticeably superior picture quality. Nobody can question that. I'm all-on on Dolby Atmos as well, however, it's definitely less important than picture quality in my book.
    tinman likes this.
  6. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    1) You need a HDR display to see the actual point of the video.

    2) That second video is off a cam and doesn't display the actual HDR, plus the color and contrast settings are completely off, so it's a bad comparison between his HDR and non-HDR.
  7. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Some people here have a budget and mentioned they don't necessarily want to upgrade soon, so it's better to say what things make a huge difference over others and what is the most important.

    Someone mostly watching TV doesn't need 4k atm and it's not a lifechanger when the TV otherwise has great visuals.
    jiggyfly likes this.
  8. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    I didn’t make these videos

    I actually have the game running on hdr 4K

  9. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    Brother I got a Apple TV 4K as well
    Ziggy likes this.
  10. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    One thing I will say is I made a mistake buying a budget TV 3 years ago. I was only focusing on whether the panel checked the boxes in being 4K, HDR10, etc. I ignored the quality of the panel, things like viewing angles, heck my TV doesn't even include a tuner so I can't watch using antenna.
    tinman and FranchiseBlade like this.
  11. Beezy

    Beezy Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Moved this over from the next gen gaming thread.

    Yeah, I have the pixel orbiter on but it doesn’t really help when there’s large static areas on screen (like the Apex Legends life bars or Forza speedometer). I’ve run the screen wipe for hours and it didn’t help remove any of the retention so I just stopped worrying about it. It’s mostly noticeable when the picture is showing something bright. My parents have an LG plasma and I can see the station bugs (CNN in particular) burnt in on their TV (again, mostly noticeable on bright images).

    It’s one of the reasons I’m wary of OLED, as my TV gets mostly used for gaming.
    #31 Beezy, Oct 20, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
    Blatz, tinman and Yung-T like this.
  12. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The option tinman mentioned only works for temporary image retention, which happens quite a lot but isn't actual burn-in.
    Once you have real burn-in, there's nothing you can do and it only gets worse.

    I agree, the topic shouldn't be downplayed and many TVs suffer from it after a few years, so if you mainly game and have static huds, it's quite the gamble to opt for OLED.

    A top QLED like the Q9FN or 2020 Q90R has almost the same blacks as OLED and better brightness plus colours (bright color palette games and stuff like anime look better on QLED, whereas for example space shows with tons of black and small HDR lighting objects are OLED turf), so it's not like OLED is the definite king and with no tradeoffs (OLEDs also suffer from vertical banding in near black scenarios where there's a lot of grey, and worse 24p playback which results in either stutter or using heavy motion interpolation necessary, so most cinematic releases and stuff like anime will suffer).

    I listed hdtvtest from YouTube which even brehs like Ziggy link, but if you for example check their Samsung Q9FN review, they say they could almost not distinguish the blacks from OLED unless they put their face right in front of the TV and with certain material.

    So I get that many people that only had OLED will tell you it's the only way to go, but I honestly think none of them ever watched a calibrated high-end QLED at someone's home (stores have all their TVs set completely wrong picture-wise to vow ppl with Max contrast and brightness, so they are a terrible way to judge).

    Both OLED and QLED are great technologies, but there are always trade-offs and without knowing the other person's TV usage (show genres, gaming, hours per day) and room conditions, it's completely inaccurate to say which one of the two they should purchase. Every expert would tell you the same.
    LFE171, Blatz and Beezy like this.
  13. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    No issues for me for the OLED for gaming. The tv goes into screen saver mode if idle as well as the Xbox x. If it idled too much my tv shuts off.

    I use game mode and no issues
  14. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    That's just your opinion, which is fine, but you're not a moderator or something, lulz. Listen to the 99'ers. Like @tinman
  15. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    This isn't 2014. Image retention is not common. I've never seen it on OLED. Seen it plenty with plasma.

    Burn-in isn't common and I'm not sure about Sony, but LG has been replacing panels out-of-warranty for burn-in (C6-C7). So there is something you can do about it.

    Warning - false an outdated information here.

    Cheap OLEDs maybe. Old OLEDs definitely. All OLEDs? Lulz, nope.

    I've seen QLED off "torch mode" as I considered buying one - it's just not in the same tier. Doesn't mean it's bad. Just.. inferior. You've been documented on here saying 1080p is comparable to 4K - it's possible you may be colorblind. Please consult with a physician.

    You're wrong about a LOT, but you're right about one thing, different viewing habits may dictate a different better option for some people.
  16. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    It's RARE. So rare that the manufacturers stand by it even out of warranty. My 2007 plasma doesn't even show signs of burn-in.

    Samsung uses negative advertising to promote burn-in as a fear tactic to steer uneducated customers towards buying their TVs.They put big money behind it. It's like the Antifa of television hardware. Lulz.
  17. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    It's pretty hilarious how you deny every single known OLED issue and act like it doesn't exist, things like banding happen with pretty much every OLED set and it's documented by nearly all OLED owners you ask. It doesn't have **** to do with the tier of the model.

    Same with burn-in, you can check polls and ask shop clerks, it isn't a myth or as rare as you make it out to be.

    I talked about actually correctly set or calibrated models, not your shop clerk turning off the "vivid" setting. Every TV panel you can buy is set wrong and has completely off white point, color and gamma settings.

    I said it doesn't bother ppl as much as bad contrast or blacks, which nearly everyone will attest to, so when it comes to a tight budget and the question of upgrading a TV, 4k isn't anyhow an issue if the person says they don't game and mainly watch TV.

    But I know you and tinman have the reading comprehension of kindergarteners and twist every statement.

    Ah right, Samsung, which itself 100% owns Samsung Display, which produces OLED Panels, is investing money in smearing OLED.
    Some 10/10 logic.

    Keep it up, your stories and complete lack of technological knowledge are entertaining.
    jiggyfly likes this.
  18. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Again, this isn't 2013. You're reciting long dated information. I don't think you've been around OLED. Perhaps you cant afford it?

    What polls? Lulz. "Shop clerks" - what are you talking about? The 16 year old at Best Buy? I Liften to people like Vincent Teoh.

    Yes I mentioned "torch mode" specifically. That's what us knowledgeable A/V folks call to "vivid". You wouldn't know that. Lulz. Jk, jk. Relax. If you mean professionally calibrated using hidden menu settings, that's exceptionally rare to encounter anywhere. You might be surprised to hear this, but some high-end TVs do have modes that produce a very accurate picture right out of the box. ISF-Dark Room from LG for example.

    This is true, I mentioned it earlier, Samsung decided to invest in the best technology because it can no longer compete with OLED in terms of picture quality. I imagine they'll reel-back in the negative advertising. But that was not the case as recently as Q1 2020.

    Let's be honest. Outside of pretty much just you, there just are not many experts out there picking QLED over OLED. I imagine it's all fake news, just one big conspiracy against QLED lulz.
    tinman likes this.
  19. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    vizio is also jumping into the OLED for gaming

    it shows there's a demand for OLED quality by gamers

  20. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Samsung TVs don't have Dolby Vision, that's Samsung being cheap and not wanting to pay that Dolby License.

    They are the only ones who do that for their entire lineup of TVs.

    Dolby Vision is great. LG, Sony, TCL and everybody else has it on their quality sets

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