I love Carlos Correa, but IMO, its not one guy, even him, that is key to it all. From my perception, its one of the things that make the Astros special. They have several leaders. Several guys that on any given night, or any given week or month, rises up to lead the others. Sometimes that guy has been Correa, certainly. But 3 or 4 other guys come to mind as well.
Twitter currently a cesspool (well, even more than usual). Bet r/baseball is fun too right now. This cancer they call the baseball community is having a field day about us losing and ignoring all the facts like us not cheating last year, not having half our team this year and still coming to within a game of the WS... **** ALL of them. I hope the WS ratings tank this year and **** the Dodgers and **** Fiers. Didn’t even pitch against us.
Can’t stand Ramona. Got back on Twitter responded to her and Jon Heyman. Going to take a Twitter break for my sanity
Ramona is another butt hurt Dodgers fan who wants to pass the blame onto some one else. All I want now is for the ****ing Braves to win one more game. I don’t have confidence in Tampa to get the job done.
If anything I feel bad for the Rays. BSPN blowing a load on themselves ******** on us for losing and hardly paying attention to the Rays winning. Same thing happened in Spring Training with the Nationals. They hardly got any attention.
What I dont get.....Yankees/Red Sox did the same in 2017 with dugout phones and apple watches (both teams were fined) Dodgers get accused by 2 teams in 2018 for sign stealing. So they hate us for just being able to get the job done? Whole league does it. Thats why some players (non Astros) were pissed when Fiers ratted. Its common practice.
Yeah but it was a decision between Brantley or him basically. I don’t think Crane was going to pay luxury tax to sign both of them.
True. And I love Uncle Mike... On another note, now I have to root for the Rays. That bad news is I will develop Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome as a result. I said the other day I don't think the Rays have much of a chance against either NL team, but I guess we can all hope for the stupid, ridiculous, destiny-laden luck that they got against the Astros. If they can pull that string again, the baseball gods want them to win it all, and it would be turbo glorious to drink all the Dodgers fans tears. Unfortunately, I think Dodgers win in 6. Excuse me while I go vomit and diarrhea at the same time.
Man, now that the WS is set and the weekend is over, the depression is really setting in. We went from getting to watch this scrappy team with so much heart and gusto (EVERY DAY btw), to now only having the Texans to root for. Don't get me wrong, Deshaun is fun to watch and the offense provides plenty of reason for optimism, but postseason baseball is unlike anything else. Just please find a way to resign Springer. Please let us have fans next year so Crane makes money, and please find some way on God's green earth to keep Correa, then let Click find the missing pieces. Excuse me while I shuffle my feet and walk away slowly with my head down. [Prayers]
Just do like I’m doing...and don’t watch a single inning. Cowboys and Texans both suck so l’ve just completely given up on sports in 2020 (didn’t watch any games this last weekend after the Astros) and it was nice having all that extra stress free time.