Same as it ever was in Houston. What you posted was said year after year after year with the Oilers. Nothing has changed for professional football in Houston for decades and there's simply NO reason to believe that with this ownership possesses the competence to make the type of organizational changes necessary for success on the field because they simply don't have to do so. Cal & Co will make money no matter what their record is this season because the Texansheep will still support them no matter what. The ONLY way things will change is when fans stop showing up, stop buying the Texans merchandise and stop watching them on TV and that ain't about to happen so that is that. The only reason folks here are mad is because they care about winning football and when enough fans stop caring (as with the Oilers), NFL owners know they can always move their circus to another locale deperate for pro football.
Where does BoB rank in terms of All Time Worst Professional Coaches in Houston Sports history? I was born in 1982 so I can't speak for any coaches prior to the 90s but, just from the past 30 years, he's easily the worst coach imo. The past 30 years: Houston Rockets coaches: Chaney Rudy T JVG Adelman McHale JB MDA Houston Texans coaches: Capers Kubiak BoB Houston Astros managers: Howe Collins Dierker Jimy Williams Garner Cecil Cooper Brad Mills Bo Porter Hinch Baker Like he's definitely the worst Texans head coach (I could care less about Division champ banners). Cross comparing him to the NBA coaches, he's down there at the bottom with McHale and JB. Astros managers...worse than Porter?
It's ultra depressing to think that the next regime is basically pre-doomed given what BOB has done. The recovery here is going to take 4+ years, because the next regime will have to probably go through the motions and get fired before the regime after that can actually start some forward momentum.
I'm just going to make a big prediction. Hopefully it's sooner but..... This is board is going to explode with excitement Monday, November 26th
Things people need to ask BoB: #1: You've been saying you need to coach better for several years now. When do you plan to do so? #2: Given that it hasn't happened, what does it say about you? Are you capable of coaching any better?
Hyperbole, much? The situation is bad right now, but it can easily be fixed. Fire the coach/gm and bring in new people.
Every time I come in here after a loss thinking maybe today is the day and they have finally kicked butt chin to the curb but I guess we can look forward to another day.
I feel like we have seen this tweet every season. They have the movie ground hog day on a loop over there on Kirby
This dumb mutha ****** is one of the luckiest assholes to ever walk the planet. He was born into wealth... his dad donated enough money to get him on the UT football team for 4 years. He has always worked for his father..... his parents were married and by all accounts had a great childhood. He grew up wanting to coach a football team. His daddy sold his company for Enron stock, then interestingly dumped it and bought a football team in the city they live in... a city that licked their collective asses for two decades. Cal is told by his daddy he will run the team someday. Cal's grandparents are still alive.... he will likely live well into his 90's. His wife is beautiful and supposedly never complains and thinks Cal is amazing. He now runs a football team and does a **** job but he still makes money and the stands without COVID are full. This ******* literally has had everything possible go his way other than the fact he looks like John McClain and a walrus had a love child. I can only imagine he has a 12 inch *** that pisses gold coins.