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Hispanic Rockets fan defends culinary culture against leftists

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Carl Herrera, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    I'm a big fan of following the rules so I will make sure before I fly.
  2. MexAmercnMoose

    Nov 18, 2006
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    Rafael Edward can't make frijoles from scratch? maybe his wife? fake hispanic
    jiggyfly and RayRay10 like this.
  3. jcf

    jcf Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    If you haven't had the Goya hot sauce, it is delicious.
    RayRay10 likes this.
  4. B@ffled

    B@ffled Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    It's not cool to fart on an airplane (unless you're dusting). It's not cool to NOT wear a mask on a plane or public place.
    Nook likes this.
  5. jcf

    jcf Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Agreed. Unfortunately, discourse and resolution do not appear in vogue these days. Despite the "monkey flinging poo" reputation of this board, the folks here with different opinions still seem to (by and large) communicate a heck of a lot better than what I have seen elsewhere.
  6. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    "AOC’s Hill of Beans":


    AOC’s Hill of Beans
    The #BoycottGoya radicals lack even the good sense to follow Saul Alinsky’s advice.

    By William McGurn
    July 13, 2020 6:47 pm ET

    It’s come to this: They want to cancel black beans.

    The target is Goya Foods, America’s largest Hispanic-owned food company. Within hours after its CEO, Bob Unanue, said at a Rose Garden event that America was “blessed” to have “a leader like President Trump who is a builder,” #BoycottGoya started trending on Twitter. Naturally Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) jumped out in front.

    “Oh look, it’s the sound of me Googling ‘how to make your own adobo,’ ” the Queens congresswoman tweeted. That’s a popular Goya seasoning she wants people to go without. But Goya’s CEO isn’t backing down. When asked the next day on Fox News if he’d apologize, Mr. Unanue was succinct: “Hell no.”

    It’s easy to point out how senseless and counterproductive this boycott is. Founded in 1936 by Mr. Unanue’s Spanish immigrant grandparents, the company is a living example of the American Dream. Mr. Unanue was at the Trump White House in the hope his company’s story will inspire other Latino entrepreneurs. He points out that he visited the White House for a similar celebration in 2011, when Barack Obama saluted him. He was also praised by Michelle Obama for Goya’s big role in her healthy-food initiative.

    None of it matters to AOC and her comrades. In the same way it is futile to try to persuade mobs tearing down statues to distinguish between Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, the progressives targeting Goya aren’t interested in facts or debate. They aren’t interested because they don’t build, they only tear down. Goya now has their attention not because a boycott will improve life for anyone but because it feeds their celebrity and self-righteousness.

    Consider Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Her defeat in 2018 of a longtime Democratic Rep. Joseph Crowley was a political upset. But her chief contribution to her constituents since then is that she was instrumental in killing a deal in which Amazon would have opened a second headquarters in her district. Her efforts cost her constituents 25,000 jobs, billions in lost tax revenue and the knock-on effects to the rest of the local economy. A successful Goya boycott would have similar destructive consequences.

    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s example speaks to the priorities of the modern progressive. She has 7.6 million followers on Twitter and has inspired an action figure, a comic-book anthology and a recurring role in Showtime’s animated comedy “Our Cartoon President.” When she deigns to talk policy, she favors multibillion-dollar pie-in-the-sky ideas, from the Green New Deal to Medicare for All and tuition-free college.

    In this she has plenty of progressive company. In Seattle, a group of self-styled liberators, complete with their own armed security forces, occupied several blocks near the Capitol Hill district. Mayor Jenny Durkan said “we could have the summer of love.”

    The reality was two murders in the so-called CHOP over 10 days, and several more people shot. A 19-year-old African-American man died when paramedics couldn’t get through because they were turned away by protesters. Ms. Durkan’s police chief complained that the cops were unable to respond to emergency calls reporting “rapes, robberies and all sorts of violent acts.” How did Mayor Durkan think this would turn out?

    Or look at New York. Legend holds that Nero fiddled while Rome burned. He has nothing on Bill de Blasio. With shootings and murders rising to levels not seen in years, the mayor opted for performance art: Last Thursday, Mr. de Blasio’s answer to the city’s problems was to help paint BLACK LIVES MATTER in huge letters in front of Trump Tower’s Fifth Avenue entrance.

    Never mind keeping citizens safe, ensuring the public schools provide a good education, making your city more attractive for jobs and investment. These kind of concrete concerns are deemed too pedestrian (or perhaps too hard) by today’s progressives.

    They’re not even that good at radicalism. Remember, the subtitle for Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” was “A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals.” He warned about overreaching, noting that unless targets are narrowly selected, boycotts will probably fail as people tire of them and drift back to their old ways of shopping. In particular, he warned boycott organizers to “carefully avoid essentials such as meat, milk, bread, or basic vegetables, since even selective buying weakens after a period of time as the opponent cuts his prices below his competitors.”

    So what do AOC and her fellow progressives choose? To boycott all 2,500 products of a beloved food brand that reminds people of their grandmothers’ kitchens. As a result, for every #Goyaway or #BoycottGoya tweet there now appears to be a rival #BuyGoya tweet from those purchasing more Goya’s products.

    Goya is lucky. Lucky that in Bob Unanue it has a CEO who understands what a paper tiger the cancel culture really is when leaders stand up to it. And lucky too that the woke politicians pushing this boycott are more obsessed with theater than a practical progressive agenda that might leave something good behind.

    Write to mcgurn@wsj.com.

    jcf and RayRay10 like this.
  7. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Maybe I haven't caught up yet on TYT or gotten my copy of Pravda but where are all these people boycotting Goya? I've seen a lot more people saying they are going to support Goya than people boycotting.
    jiggyfly and RayRay10 like this.
  8. SamFisher

    SamFisher Contributing Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    When a black or brown man makes a mistake, it's the swift justice of the invisible (but maybe pale if it were visilble) hand righteously slapping him down for society's great god of efficiency.

    When a white man makes a bonehead dipshit move and nonwhites react accordingly, it's the tyrannistic repression of cancel culture stealing his god given right to not ever be criticized or fail

    Hey bassotrigomom and the rest of the cancelcounterculture warriors - knock, knock, who's there it's me, the arc of history, and I am bending you over towards justice
  9. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    jcf and RayRay10 like this.
  10. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    "An Attack On Goya Is An Attack On U.S. Hispanics":



    As a first-generation Cuban American raised on Goya products, it is revolting to see the far-left’s attack on the largest Hispanic-owned business in the United States, simply for supporting President Trump’s Hispanic Prosperity Initiative. This is an initiative to help communities like mine obtain better access to educational and economic opportunities.

    Goya has an impressive history of helping Hispanics like myself. They have helped families, students, churches, Hurricane Maria victims in Puerto Rico, and even orphanages. Last year, President Trump helped Goya’s charitable arm, Goya Gives, successfully deliver truckloads of food to Venezuelans who are starving under the Nicolas Maduro regime.

    This week as part of the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, Goya announced its donation of one million cans of food, and one million pounds of product to food banks across the United States, which would benefit individuals and families in need as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Goya has not only given back to the people from my community, but it’s also a staple of Hispanic culture. I grew up on Goya and I’ll never forget my abuela repeating their popular slogan: Si es Goya, tiene que ser bueno (If it’s Goya, it has to be good).

    Democrats should know how important Goya is to Hispanic families, which is why it’s dumb to see liberals line up to boycott a company that helps minority communities. Goya doesn’t ask about a family’s political affiliation when they give scholarships to kids, nor do they care whether it’s a blue or red state they’re helping with disaster relief efforts. In fact, in 2011, Goya worked with and supported former first lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign.

    Liberals claim they care about Hispanics, yet they’re trying to “cancel” a company that means so much to people like my family and me. They care more about political ideology than actual results. One could easily argue that Goya CEO Robert Unanue has done more to help Hispanic Americans than any politician, from either party.

    The mainstream media may like the spectacle of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ana Navarro-Cardenas, and Julian Castro attacking Goya, but they do not speak for me and they certainly do not speak for all Hispanics. They, and those who think like them, like to talk a big game about “privilege.” Well, imagine the “privilege” required to lead a boycott against a company that literally puts food on the tables of Hispanic families, just because you disagree with something its CEO said.

    There is also an absurd double standard. In 2011, Unanue introduced President Obama at a reception in the White House, where he said he was “honored and humbled” to be a part of those gathered for a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration while the Obama-Biden administration was deporting Hispanics in record numbers. Where was the outrage then?

    Of course, there wasn’t any, because “cancel culture” is a political tool for the left to use against its opponents.
    more at the link
    jcf likes this.
  11. MexAmercnMoose

    Nov 18, 2006
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    dawg, if you were hispanic, you would know that Cuban Americans (special immigration treatment compared to other hispanics) have a completely different view of Donald Trump than Mexican Americans (he directly insulted us)....guess who makes a majority of hispanics in this country? doh....plus, we don't need to buy canned beans, we cook them from scratch lol
  12. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Lol an article by the federalist about hispanics. Everything feels like the onion
  13. RayRay10

    RayRay10 Houstonian

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Just to support what you're saying:


    All Latinos don’t vote the same way – their place of origin matters

  14. MexAmercnMoose

    Nov 18, 2006
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    oh yeah, we used to vote republican as well (im a conservative)....guess who changed that? lol
    SamFisher, vlaurelio and RayRay10 like this.
  15. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    wait . . . there are REAL Hispanics and FAKE Hispanics??

    tell me more
  16. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    Hispanics went 70% for Dukakis after Reagans amnesty. Clinton got 66% after Trump called Mexicans rapists.

    Placating and pandering don't change peoples fundamental principles on government. I don't think you can buy votes.
  17. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    "NBC News Launches Racist Smear Of Goya CEO":



    One of the hallmarks of the traditional definition of racism is the idea that a person’s skin color or racial background confers upon them either special rights or special responsibilities. In a deeply troubling opinion column at NBC News, Julio Ricardo Varela accuses Goya CEO Bob Unanue of supporting President Trump and Republicans in general as an attempt to gain “white acceptance.”

    In an article about the Goya CEO’s praise for Donald Trump, Varela writes, “Well, as a long-time supporter of Republican candidates, Unanue has had no problem shunning his grandfather’s Puerto Rican migrant roots by playing up his family’s Spanish and European ones — as though the quest for white acceptance is something noble to achieve in these times.”

    This is a horrible and racist attack that could only be leveled at someone of Latino heritage. Valera who has apparently appointed himself the Commissioner of the Who Is Hispanic Police won’t even call Unanue a Latino, preferring instead “Spanish American.” It is a vivid example of the way that casual racism has made its way into so many of our “liberal” institutions.

    In 2016 Donald Trump won 28 percent of the Hispanic vote. Presumably Varela and whatever editors at NBC News thought this piece was a good idea, believe that those millions of Republican Hispanics are self-hating race traitors who only care about “white acceptance.” This is a classic feature of racism that holds that people aren’t really individuals with their own ideas, but rather symbols of a racial collective and if they stray from the stereotypes they are not a credit to their race.

    I wonder if its has occurred to Varela and the wokesters at NBC News that maybe Unanue is a Republican not because he detests his own brownness and can only find fulfillment in “white acceptance,” but because as a business owner he knows how important a government based on free market principles is. Maybe, just maybe, he sees the Democrats efforts to overtax businesses and individuals and their penchant for endless regulation as a net negative for his company and the country.

    But Varela isn’t even done yet. There is more racist scorn to be heaped upon Unanue for failing to live up to the standards Varela has set for Hispanics. Apparently, because Goya makes inexpensive food it is contributing to negative stereotypes about Latinos. As here, “The unhealthiness of sodium and preservative-filled foods (which are cheaper to manufacture, package, transport and sell in mass quantities without losing any to spoilage than foods without those ingredients) is part of what leads many to say that Latino cuisine — and thus Latinos — are inherently unhealthy.”

    This is insane. It is racist, it is divisive and it doesn’t even make any sense. Is every person of color who sells “unhealthy food” responsible for promoting negative views of their racial group? The whole thing is remarkably gross and also quite dangerous.​

    more at the link
  18. MexAmercnMoose

    Nov 18, 2006
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    duh lol /thread
    RayRay10 likes this.
  19. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Well if Emperor Palpatine believes in the free market, we should ignore his aggression towards the Ewoks.

    Can't claim Godwin's law here:p
  20. asianballa23

    asianballa23 Member

    May 24, 2003
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    so that's your best Cruz comeback?

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