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[Movie] Birds Of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by GRENDEL, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Nero

    Nero Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Saw this last night.



    Ewan seemed to be having fun. He tried his best to elevate this thing.

    I was shocked to learn that Rosie Perez is only 55 - she looked like she was about 70 in this movie, but not like a normal spry 70-year-old, more like a really stiff and tired 70 years old. Inexplicable casting decision, especially because she is not good at the whole 'acting' thing. And got FAR too much screen time.

    Whoever the person is who was playing 'Black Canary'.. also, not good at the acting thing.

    And the kid, Cassie whoever? Also, not good.

    Mary Elizabeth appeared to be in an entirely different movie. She is always charismatic, but the tone of her performance was that of someone who knows that she is in a terrible piece of junk and is just trying to get through it with her dignity and reputation intact. But this movie, combined with her turn in Gemini Man, well, it looks like she is angling to become a female action star lead. Let's cross our fingers on that one - I for one would enjoy that I think.

    And Harley? Well, she was the executive producer, so whatever she wanted, that's what she got. Don't want to be 'sexy' or 'hot' like in Suicide Squad? Check, (by the way, she was just about the only watchable thing IN Suicide Squad, and that was only because of how blatantly sexualized she was.. so, yeah, good idea to make sure that there was NONE of that in this one). Want to wear a t-shirt with 'Harley Quinn' all over it, like you could just go buy it in a store? Check. Maybe you can - merchandising, people! Want to make sure that the camera is always on your FACE and never on your other 'charms'? Check.

    Anyway, that list can just go on and on.

    So, full disclosure - I have never read any of the comics centered around this character, nor have I watched any of the cartoons. As far as I have ever been aware, the character of 'Harley Quinn' has always just been a sort of peripheral character who for some reason became popular and which then caused people to believe she warranted becoming a 'main' or 'primary' character.

    But there's just nothing there.The only defining characteristics of the character seem to be: 'dumb', 'crazy', 'violent' and (possibly) 'hot'.

    This is not a starting point for a movie.

    But, ok, given the success of DC's latest 'Joker' movie, one could possibly see the potential in such a character as Harley Quinn.

    But instead, some people in suits could only see the relative success of Marvel's 'Captain marvel', and given how the Superbowl showed us all just how much the entertainment industry has succumbed to the 'girl power' mindset.. 'Come on everyone! Let's browbeat girls into entering careers in which they have no real interest!' ... (And just to be clear, women are fully capable of doing or being whatever they want to do or be. But this weird cult-like obsession with trying to force them into making life choices they mostly don't want to make, well, it just seems unhealthy to me).

    Anyway, the movie is not subtle about making the point that 'men bad, women awesome!'

    Maybe it will resonate with... someone? Clearly, it did not with me.
    Invisible Fan, BigM, B-Bob and 4 others like this.

    RKREBORN Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    You sound like a Yelper with that review lol
    jiggyfly and GRENDEL like this.
  3. JW86

    JW86 Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    It was entertaining and I hated suicide squad as well as the idea of just a female Joker. She's not though, the trailer doesn't give an accurate representation of what the movie turned out to be. I loved the chaos, just some funny story lines all over the place, some really dry and sick humour as well as sick killing. Most of it was just silly, just like Harley Quinn is supposed to be for me, she was sad due to breaking up with Joker and just lashed out a bit. Still kept her wits about her, had funny weapons, just very self-destructive and the psychologist analyses of people was funny. Some nice action packed stuff, fighting scenes that are over the top and a very funny and solid ending. Just don't expect too much, just some goofy action movie with silliness. Solid 7.5/10 for me.
    GRENDEL, BigM and FrontRunner like this.
  4. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    I enjoyed it. It's chaotic and crass and loud and absurd and a lot of fun. It doesn't take itself seriously save for Huntress, who didn't play her part well. Ewan had a lot of fun in his role. It's a shame it's not making more money at the box office, but the R rating probably hurt in excluding some of their key demographic. They overlooked the young female audience.
    VanityHalfBlack and GRENDEL like this.
  5. mikol13

    mikol13 Protector of the Realm
    Supporting Member

    May 31, 2009
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    I had no interest in seeing this, but needed to kill some time. Actually glad I watched it. It was fun, whacky and entertaining. I actually laughed a few times too.
    #65 mikol13, Feb 16, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    GRENDEL and daywalker02 like this.
  6. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    I liked this better than the joker. Also it's colorful like the movie atomic blonde.

    RKREBORN Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    Looking at your avatar, of course you like it...hope that's not you in drag
    VanityHalfBlack likes this.
  8. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    Nah man,lol. Just a hot chick in cosplay brotha!
    RKREBORN likes this.

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