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Ready The Clown Car: The First Batch of Democrats Are Ready To Announce Their 2020 Bids

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by MojoMan, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. Rocketman1981

    Rocketman1981 Member

    Oct 30, 2009
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    Bernie is still living in an era of central planning and collectivism. Unfortunately its just a lack of understanding of basic
    human behavior. Governments and bureaucrats have failed for one hundred years at solving the worlds problems.

    The unlocking of human potential through a capitalist system has done more for social mobility and life changes than
    any force in history.
    cml750 and MojoMan like this.
  2. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Amazing platitudes.

    It's a combination of both public collectivism and free markets that generates human progress.

    The free market has limits in its innovation abilities. Imagine how large publicly owned companies are operated. Shareholders are temporary investors in a company who reshuffles their investments often with no loyalty to the sustainability of one company 20 years down the line and the executives running the company at the behest of the shareholders are also temporary employees who average 1-3 years of tenure in their position and move on to other companies and only care about maximizing profits for those select years they are executives of said company to add to their resume for the next company to hire them. They also don't have any incentive to care about the sustainability of a company 20 years in the future. Hence any project they invest in, they need to see a cash flow diagram where profits are generated within a few years or else they deem the project not profitable. Hence there is little insensitive for these companies to invest in research and development for projects that will benefit them 10 years down the line.

    This is where public research comes in. Where do you think the core technology for the internet came from? So much of our medical research is also publicly funded.

    Society pools resources together to tackle long term problems that can't be solved in a free market that only cares about quarterly profits.
    Nook and jiggyfly like this.
  3. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Elizabeth Warren had been falling off in her fundraising and in the polls for a while now. It appears that when she and her campaign heard that Bernie Sanders was specifically trying to recruit her supporters in Iowa in their door-to-door efforts, she panicked.

    This was her response. It was a nasty, weak, unprincipled move and it reeks of panic. It is a very ugly look for her. In fact, it seems reasonably likely that this may be looked back on as the moment of the official demise of her campaign, akin to "The Dean scream" back in the 2004 presidential race.

    Not only is she smearing Sanders in nakedly malicious, deceitful and opportunistic fashion, but she is at the same time playing the "Woman's card" in what appears to be a rather blatant demonstration of sexism of her own.

    This kind of conduct does more to discredit and set back the credibility of women candidates generally than it does to help someone like Elizabeth Warren to selfishly try to generate sympathy for herself as part of some sort of oppressed class. For that, she should be ashamed. In fact, this is much more likely to hurt her than it is to help her.

    We are ready to elect a woman president, when the right one comes along. Elizabeth Warren is clearly not that person, nor was Hillary Clinton. However, sooner or later, we will see some sort of Margaret Thatcher caliber woman come along, and there will be no doubt that she is the one. Just as was the case with Margaret Thatcher in the UK.

    But that is not going to happen this year. I could be wrong, but I suspect that when we do eventually elect a woman president, she will be from the right and not the left.
  4. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Well I guess we agree on something for once.

    I'm not a Bernie supporter. Hell, 2 months ago I considered Warren as my favorite choice.

    I have a problem with her not nipping the "Bernie is a sexist" narrative in the butt on that debate stage tonight when the topic came up.

    She didn't attempt to put Bernie's words in context and just went with the narrative that Bernie believes a women can't be voted in as President with zero push back and went on a rant about how all the male candidates lose to GOP candidates and how a woman should be the nominee.

    She took advantage of the "Bernie is sexist" narrative.

    That is disgusting.
    jcf, Two Sandwiches and MojoMan like this.
  5. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    The point I was making that human beings have an unconscious bias to vote for candidates who have indicators of power, and that puts women at an automatic disadvantage in this context. The Democrats have the same problem the Republicans do. The Democrats do have this counter-current of proactively looking to elect a woman, but that's different from this more basic instinct.

    As for the Warren-Sanders disagreement, this is what I think happened. In a private conversation, Sanders tells Warren that the voting deficit caused by her being a woman will be a problem and he doesn't think a woman will win in 2020. Warren, fading in the polls and seeing Sanders trying to poach her voters, reveals what he said trying to intimate that he's being sexist -- the "woman card" I guess if you want. Sanders says it's not true but pulls a tricksy little pivot, denying that he said a woman "couldn't be" president. The allegation was that a woman couldn't beat Trump and his response didn't line up to the framing of the accusation. That leaves me to believe it is essentially true that he did say it and now he's trying to weasel out of it with little weasel words.

    And then there's the weird twist in the feminism narrative here, at least in how I imagine it went. Sanders basically accuses the electorate of being too misogynist to elect a female president. Warren, arguing for her own electability, ends up defending the electorate saying they're not sexist. But the reaction is to cast Sanders as the sexist because he dared to name the sexism that female candidates face.

    But I don't really care. Don't care if Sanders did say any such thing, maybe because I agree. Don't care if Warren used it for campaign purposes. The role of women in leadership is an important issue in current politics, especially since Hillary's candidacy, but one that people are too 'polite' to talk about. The whole squabble seems pretty minor because I'm inclined to believe that Warren and Sanders and most of the bases for both are all basically in agreement about women in politics anyway. It would take a very different aspect if the argument was between Warren and Trump, or Warren and Bloomberg, or whatever.
    Nook and jiggyfly like this.
  6. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    You don't care of a candidate who calls someone a friend takes advantage of false accusations of calling him a misogynist based on leaks of a private conversation by her staff all over the national media to help her election goals?
    MojoMan likes this.
  7. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    There can be only one. :D

    No, I don't care. Aren't they competing against each other for the nomination? How long can this non-compete really go on? It's not really any different than Harris calling Biden a racist essentially, except that I was supposed to believe these two were "friends."

    Doesn't it tell me something about Warren's character that she'd stab the dude in the back? Not really. I can't tell if he takes it as a betrayal or as politics as usual. Besides which, didn't he break the non-compete by trying to poach her voters? So no I don't think it's a big deal and I don't care about it.
    Nook and jiggyfly like this.
  8. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Both of them are trying to poach each other voters. That what a primary is. Bernie doing an equally low blow would be Bernie's campaign pushing out a narrative that Warren is racist because of her native American fiasco.
    JuanValdez likes this.
  9. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    "Non-compete?" What are you talking about? This is a campaign. Like you said, there can be only one. That is the whole purpose of this exercise, for the candidates to sell themselves to the voters. One will win, all the rest will lose and go home. It is a really tough business and they should ALL be respected, just for being willing to endure it.

    There is no "Non-compete" between these two. Perhaps there is an implied agreement to remain civil. That is ok, albeit inherently tenuous. And those sorts of "agreements" typically fall apart near the end of the race, which is were this appears to be headed for Elizabeth Warren.

    Sander's volunteers trying to convince voters door-to-door that their preferred candidate is better than his opponents is as innocuous a campaign tactic as anyone can reasonably name. If they cannot do that, what on Earth can they do?

    Warren panicked and effectively pooped herself in the process. She made this mess. It is on her.
    #2409 MojoMan, Jan 15, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
    fchowd0311 likes this.
  10. justtxyank

    justtxyank Contributing Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I think Kamala trying to say "racist not racist" about Biden and Gillibrand trying to say "sexist not sexist" were probably more pointed and worse.
    Nook and jiggyfly like this.
  11. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Yes, I'm referring to the rumor that Warren and Sanders allegedly agreed to not attack one another. And like you say that can't go on forever.
  12. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    It should be noted that asking voters door to door to vote for your preferred candidate and distinguishing that candidate from their competitors is not "attacking" them. It is called "campaigning".
    generalthade_03 likes this.
  13. generalthade_03

    generalthade_03 Contributing Member

    Feb 1, 2003
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    This is a tried, true and proven method. Voters do not give a shiet about a candidate until they have some sort of personal contact with that candidate. I worked with a nurse and back then Obama was virtually an unknown, and my friend was knocking on door to door for Obama about a year and half before he was elected. This is what the YangGang doing now, going door to door for Andrew, because they know that’s the only way their man will have a chance. The decks are stacked against Andrew and his YangGang because the polls are rigged, and the corrupt DNC and the fake news are making sure their campaign stay invisible.
  14. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Questions and concerns are again being raised about biased and unfair treatement of Bernie Sanders by CNN and the DNC. Of course this was confirmed to have occurred in the 2016 race. Despite reforms at the DNC, it looks like they are going there again.

    CNN Under Fire For Overtly Hostile Treatment Of Sanders In Iowa Debate

    However the lowest moment of this or any debate this year occurred when CNN reporter Abby Phillips made Sanders repeat his outright denial of the allegation by Elizabeth Warren that he told her that no woman could be president and then immediately stated that Sanders did make the comment in her next question to Warren. In watching with a room filled with people who are not affiliated with Sanders, Phillips’ statement led to loud gasps and Sanders himself seemed dumbfounded on stage by the bias shown by the CNN reporter. Later, Warren appeared to refuse to shake the hand of Sanders.


    While Warren refused to shake the hand of Sanders, she had every reason to shake the hand of CNN and Phillips. The debate left many of us with the feeling of another setup in the Democratic primary debates. The problem is that the bias was so open and frankly gross that it could have the opposite effect in pushing people toward (not away) from Sanders.

    {More at the link}​
    Os Trigonum likes this.
  15. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Tucker Carlson nails it. The race for the Democrats is almost certainly down to two, unless somehow Bloomberg pulls a rabbit out of his hat, or someone really spectacular jumps into the race at the last minute. The race, realistically speaking, appears to very likely be down to Biden and Sanders. Take your pick.

    Forget Warren, It's Down to Biden or Sanders

    So say what you want about Bernie Sanders -- we do regularly -- but he probably didn't attack Elizabeth Warren for "being a woman." There a lot of reasons not to vote for Bernie Sanders, but you have to be a shallow, lifestyle liberal to think sexism is one of them.

    If that's Warren's Hail Mary pass -- and it is -- she is done. It's over.

    So where exactly does that leave us in the Democratic primary? Well, really with two options. The party is either going to nominate an elderly socialist or an elderly corporate shill who spent decades taking bribes from the credit card companies. Those are the choices.​
    Os Trigonum likes this.
  16. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    How are the polls rigged?
  17. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Questions or Question?

    I did not know Turley was such a drama queen looking for those clicks.

    If he is that concerned he can take it up with CNN since he already works there.
  18. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Questions. They started four years ago and the treatment that Sanders has gotten from CNN (and the DNC) this cycle seems to routinely generate more. In this episode, you have 1) the initial question posed to Sanders, 2) the way it was phrased back to Warren (clear bias) and then they just HAPPENED to be right there to capture the audio after the debate when Warren tried to make a scene (for the camera).

    There are other points along the way that are worthy of being questioned as well. CNN and the DNC have it out for Sanders. They did in 2016 and they still do in 2020. Will any honest person say that they doubt that? Answer: No, they will not.
  19. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Marianne Williamson throws her support to Andrew Yang. Well played, Marianne.

    Marianne Williamson throws her support behind Yang in Iowa

    Spiritual guru and former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson said she would throw her backing behind Andrew Yang ahead of the Iowa caucuses, though she stopped short of offering a full-throated endorsement of her fellow outsider candidate.

    In a series of Instagram posts late Wednesday, the bestselling self-help author argued that while she also likes Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), she would be appearing with Yang in Iowa in large part because of the levity his personality brings to the 2020 race.​
  20. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    this is HUGE
    Nook and MojoMan like this.

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