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To win the 2020 election Democrats need to...

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by FranchiseBlade, Dec 15, 2019.

  1. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I keep hearing this, but I am not seeing it and the more advanced economic indicators do not really support this. I do agree that this is the media narrative though, and some of the basic numbers being trumpeted are simple and positive.

    Then again it doesn't really matter if people are or are not better off, all that matters is if people believe that things will be getting better in the immediate future.
  2. Redfish81

    Redfish81 Member

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Not arguing either side. Honestly, I don't know the answer. I've read up on it and see problems with all the systems out there. Reality is I have really good insurance and any "change" is probably going to hose me.
  3. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    The current Healthcare Market place sucks. The issue is that it doesnt have to suck. My chief complaint of the ACA has always been the central power left to the insurance companies. Yes, its great that preexisting conditions are covered. However we are still dealing with the archaic annual subscription model that hits your pocketbook on Jan 1st. If you have an emergency, you're stuck at the mercy of both the facility and insurance company. You dont get to shop the costs. And once your deductible is met, who cares? There are no perks found in the Healthcare Marketplace that can be found with employer based insurance.
  4. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Its less about trolling and more about the lacking of substance. Like all of your posts.
    King1 and Corrosion like this.
  5. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    No it's more about your personal vendetta and needing to get cheap shots in because you're a small man.
    Space Ghost likes this.
  6. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    People were buying houses left and right during Bush. The aftermath came at the expense of minorities with tight lending that made old school redliners blush.

    History has a quirk where it'll repeat itself but not in the way you expect it.

    Not sure how long this massive free money giveaway will last. Only thing that's certain is that the losses will be socialized.
  7. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    If the election were held next week I would agree the economy would be a big advantage for Trump. That said 11 months is a long time in politics and the current boom is historically long but ultimately unsustainable. If things do turn before election it will take a very big toll on Trump. Consider that even with a booming economy Trump can't get to even 50% approval rating. Most presidents would probably have 80% approval rating with an economy like this.
  8. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    When this runs end it will likely be bad. Consider many of the tools that were previously used to combat downturns have been used to fuel the boom. The tax cut and low interest rates have kept this boom going for longer that it should and we've used up any effectiveness they might have when a downturn hits.
    FranchiseBlade and B-Bob like this.
  9. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Obama left office with a 80% approval rating?

    Good to know.
  10. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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  11. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    I like Rick Wilson, but disagree with this conclusion.

    Hillary tried that in 2016 and it led to any details about policy or principle getting overshadowed by the general “Trump is so awful, you’re not really going to vote for him. Are you?” message her and the DNC were promoting.
    Amiga likes this.
  12. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I like the strategy for his superpac, but for the Dem candidate my thinking has changed based on the latest donor haul figures the Dems reported.

    Trump pulled in 40 something million which sounds like a lot, until you see that the Dems combined raked in over 100 million even before Bloomberg and Steyers contribution.

    Point being, they have the ability to get their message out IF.. and this is a big IF... the MSM doesn’t do what they did in 2016 in covering every second of his campaign trying to catch the next outrage.... and in the meantime letting Trump get free air time to spread disinformation about the Dems.

    The Dems have to turn out their base and have that Obama base energy that wasn’t there in 2016. That’s a given. But it’s obvious to me that the ignorance of the American voter is the biggest challenge, and finding ways to educate the low information voter about how Trump has been a disaster is also really important.

    So I don’t see it as either or. I think it’s different messages for different folks. The most important thing is to have a media strategy that breaks through the noise and gets the attention you want to get.
    RayRay10, baller4life315 and Amiga like this.
  13. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
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    Sep 18, 2008
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    That was about his character. He didn't have a government record to campaign against. Voters didn't care enough about his character (or more accurately, they probably care as much about her) and gave him a chance - an outsider that would change thing fro the better for them. Well, Trump now has an extensive Presidential record that you can campaign against.

    Attack on Trump was also not the primary focus on the Clinton campaign. What she talked about the most in 2016 were jobs, workers and the economy. You don't hear about them because MSM and social media focus on controversies and negatives. She probably mentioned the basket of deplorable once and that exploded as one example. She could and did attack Trump's character, but again, not his government record as that was nonexistence. That's now on the table (burning hot) for the 2020s dem candidate.

    Yet with all of the 2016 partisanship and negativity, Hillary arguably lost on a single event - the late FBI curveball (another negativity event).

    I think 2016 was an anomaly and while you take that into account, I think it's probably a mistake to weigh it too heavily. 2020 will certainly be different, although Trump will attempt a repeat (fabricate Biden dirt), you know better about his game, the Russian game and where to play your defensive game and you must defend yourself. While both Clinton and Biden are relatively centrist candidates, 2020 Biden is absolutely not 2016 Clinton on so many levels - I would be much more comfortable with Biden than I ever was with Clinton.

    With that said, I haven't a clue what is the best strategy and have been flip-flopping on them quite a bit. Turn out the non-dependable young and progressive loosely left base vs alienating the non-left anti-trump folks? What about black voters turnout?

    p.s. I don't necessarily agree with Wilson's tactics and in fact, I hate the negative campaigning, but negativity is a big part of winning again and again in a horse race.

    57 to 82 % !!!

    RayRay10 likes this.
  14. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Just keep airing ads with clip after clip of lies and stupid stuff coming out of Trump's mouth. 3 categories:

    1) The I am really really smart category
    Comments like the disinfectant ideas and other "brilliant" ideas.
    2) The changing his story category
    Covid-19 comments, boasting about how great someone he hired was in one tweet followed by him slamming and condemning the same man in a tweet after he fires him, and just about a million other categories
    3) The liar liar pants on fire category
    Tweets, video clips, all with the words from his mouth. There should be at least 17,000 to choose from.
    RayRay10 and seemoreroyals like this.
  15. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    The messaging shouldn't change just because Trump says stupid sh$t. The messaging should still be:

    1. Trump is currently suing to destroy ACA protections including pre-existing conditions. Biden will Secure and Expand healthcare coverage.
    2. Trump has claimed he will, and he will try to cut back on Social Security
    3. Trump is using the powers of the government to enrich himself and his friends (allude to tax cut for the rich among many other griftings)

    and add this important one

    4. Trump tried to cover up evidence that COVID 19 was here in the US, and his failure to lead has led to a poor response, costing many lives
    baller4life315, joshuaao and RayRay10 like this.
  16. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Of course, but my idea was simply to call him out on things he says and tweets that his voters can't dispute. They don't care about the other stuff. They want tax cuts for rich, an immigrant free society, and no assistance for the poor. They don't care about protecting the environment or climate change issues. None of those things make them richer.
    dobro1229 and RayRay10 like this.
  17. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    At this point just let him talk uninterrupted for like an hour. That should be enough for Democrats to win in a country of sane humans.
    deb4rockets likes this.
  18. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    Don't know what else, but the low bar would be to avoid having the Democratic candidate suggest insane cures for Coronavirus like injecting Lysol or inserting bright light rods into your body...
    joshuaao likes this.
  19. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    this biggest holdup is the epiphany like requirement needed for all the wannabes ( see all of 30k millionaires in dallas as as a reference) that are poor that somehow think their interests lie with the gop. Its remarkable how theyve been bamboozled.

    My wasp neighbor is this old guy cant pay his rent and has all kinds of financial issues. Always complaining about the services and cuts yet somehow he is more loyal to rush limbaugh and tuning in every day. Its insanity. The only time he gets excited is when talking is when he parrots rush. Its like a sports team type of loyalty.
    If only an illegal passed in his yard and he could light him up. Even better if it was a charlie like the ones in nam he used to hunt.

    Poor folk that support gop are like the slaves given house privilege thinking they got it good.

    Some of the biggest magas I know are poor as dirt, no insurance, on snap via baby momma projecting wannabe culture of material goods, 900 dollar car payments ridiculous rims.

    Even the posters here you can tell who the wannabe posers are and unfortunately its most of them.

    The real issue is guys like my old neighbor vote and no one else really does.

    If could mobilize the vote the gop wouldnt stand a chance. They know it, everyone knows it.

    Unfortunately as well, biden is a placeholder tomato can and its a disappointing predicament.

    Cuomo should run as independent I wish.
    So its at the part where most would vote for a ham sandwich instead of trump. Which is what will happen. Biden isnt much better than a ham sandwich but he would win and the alternative is more insanity with trump. Im over the reality show it was fun for about 2 mins now I want out of he matrix please.

    If you are gop - Better hope no one shows at polls like normal. Universal testing? I don't think our polls can handle full blown voter turnout either.

    If this virus doesnt bring out some level of passion to vote then not sure what to say.

    If can get people to polls most in their right mind wont vote trump.
    Apathy is the gop hope for their king
    RayRay10 likes this.
  20. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    If you can convince some poor white people that there are people lower than them on the totem pole, you got yourself life long fans. It's how GOP legislators pander votes. Democrats pander with gun control and the GOP panders with immigration and blaming "the other".

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