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Chinese fans, isn’t this your cue to leave?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by kubli9, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Seriously, why are you a desperate wife?

    Or are you desperate for a wife?
  2. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Im trying to remember a time this group wasnt full of trolls and assholes. Atleast they were mostly quiet now this stupid chinese thing has brung all the losers out from under their rocks.
  3. mms

    mms Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    I guess that's how capitalism works? US also bullies everybody using its market as you may already knew.
    Lawlruschang likes this.
  4. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    LOL what? U.S doesnt try to get people fired in other countries or break off all business relations based off someone's deleted tweet. We are not the same aaaat all. Racism and supporting Hong Kong(dude even deleted the tweet my god) are not the same, sorry it just isnt.
    Yung-T and clutchdabear like this.
  5. hezhenxiangx

    hezhenxiangx Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    thanks for understand
  6. desperatewife

    desperatewife Member

    Jun 26, 2009
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    Nope, my favourite account name was not available.took the name of the TV soap drama which I was watching:desperate housewives
    D-rock likes this.
  7. hezhenxiangx

    hezhenxiangx Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    I am chinese too.I don't agree with you.I stand with Morey.he did nothing wrong.what you love is communist party. hongkong people are not separate china.they just fighting against communist party.but all mainland state media call them separated bad guy
    kanariya, clutchdabear and malakas like this.
  8. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Fighting for an extreme side or another has rarely bore fruit.

    China can only reform itself.

    Freedom is abstract, but there are more practical goals, like finding a better legal system that works, fighting for artistic freedom.......
    #108 daywalker02, Oct 9, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  9. dachuda86

    dachuda86 Member

    May 3, 2008
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    Communist trolls are here to up their seseme credit by imposing their state approved views onto US culture. They are trying to bully essentially.

    I can see the argument for the ban hammer for these fake fans... people who likely haven't posted since the Yao or Lin years. They are apologists for a modern day totalitarian regime that closely resembles nazi germany. But I urge us to allow them to stay because they further show how blind and stupid they are and actually build up resistence to their anti-liberty ways.

    Stand with Hong Kong.
  10. clutchdabear

    clutchdabear Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    bullying foreign power/businesses didn't work out "fantastically" for both sides. it didn't work for Korea or Japan or the Phillippines.. it's only worked in favor for China. don't kid yourself.

    when you guys in China overreacted to South Korea employing THAAD missile defense systems from the US (a system designed to protect against NORTH KOREAN missiles), not only did you guys abruptly end contracts with Korean entertainment and cosmetics companies without honoring termination agreements... you trashed and looted any and all South Korean businesses in China. Just look at what happened to Lotte. They had several LotteMart stores in China, and all were looted and trashed and had to shut down. Do you know how much damage and loss those businesses took? Just because Korean entertainment is available in China once again doesn't mean it worked out "fantastically" for everyone.

    A business relationship is just like how u would treat an actual relationship. You can't just step all over someone and get everything your way. But when that happens, and China gets what they want.. then China thinks it's a win-win for everyone involved. Why is it that every single time a non-Chinese company and a Chinese company come to an agreement on a business contract... the Chinese company changes the terms of the contract RIGHT before the day of signing... even when all terms of the contract had been agreed upon. The Chinese way of doing business is completely unprofessional and disrespectful. And it's about time businesses and people all over the world stood up to it.

    P.S. - please also stop stealing confidential information and I.P. of major companies and universities around the world. the way you guys do things is blatantly cheating.
    malakas, the shark and Yung-T like this.
  11. clutchdabear

    clutchdabear Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    i respect your opinions and what you wrote. really felt like it came from an honest place.

    one thing i want more clarity is... discussion about separating China is as severe as racism in the US? racism and territorial claims are apples to oranges comparisons and in no way should be considered an apt comparison, even with cultural differences considered. it's a slap in the face to Martin Luther King Jr., it's a slap in the face to Gandhi.. to anyone who's fought for equal rights. This is not a U.S. only mindset... this is a world mindset, a mindset of any human being who wants to enjoy their right to live the life the way they want to.

    And "One China" policy... there is so much gray area in that China's claims for territory can be endless. Right now, maybe we don't see it yet... but 20 years from now? Let's say more and more Chinese people move into Vietnam and the majority of businesses in Vietnam become Chinese... is China going to claim "One China" and extend their territory once again? Is China going to draw upon maps from the 1300s saying that it was their land from way back then? Then what? Close to 50% of South Korea's southern island of Jeju-do is heavily invested by the Chinese now. Is that going to be a future territorial claim as well? How is this any different from Imperialism? How is this any different from what Japan did back in the first half of the 20th century? We all know how much suffering that caused.

    Just because one group of people thinks its beneficial doesn't mean it's helpful to all involved. It's sad because there are so many signs with China's power creep that history is repeating itself...
  12. Red.Glare

    Red.Glare Member

    Sep 26, 2010
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    Seriously? I support HK and I'm a proud American, but come on. My father was Under Secretary of State to three Presidents (both parties). Kennedy signed off on a CIA-backed coup to dispose Diem (South Vietnam's leader) which then allowed our troops to come in as advisers leading the way to war. Same thing with a CIA coup installing a new Shah of Iran who was more open to the US and British control of Iranian oil. Then there is the Iran-Contra Affair which began as an overthrow of Ortega in Nicaragua. There is not a country in Central America that the USA hasn't interfered in its leadership. While most of this is in the past (with exception for the false claim of WMD's in Iraq), the United States has forced many leaders of other countries to be fired and worse. I think what China is doing is immature, but one needs to know there own history before casting too many stones.
    CXbby, thedopefiend and malakas like this.
  13. mikeshinoda

    mikeshinoda Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Thanks for the kind words. Respect from my side as well.

    Well tbh man your questions exactly showed how much you guys don’t know us.

    Comparing separating China to Racism is an apple to orange. I agree. This is not a perfect example but my point is, any comments even remotely related to separating China esp from a guy important/famous in China would be a serious issue for us, whether you like it or not. So serious that the guy deserve same consequence as Donald Sterling.. or at least he should apologize. I mean in China. This was my point.

    And your question abt Vietnam is unbelievable bcuz none of us would think that way. It’s like Mongolia is also nearby but never for a sec hv we thought of claiming them back. North Korea seems to be close to us but hell no we don’t want them.
    Hongkong is part of China. Period.

    Btw I believe Morey is fighting for Freedom not Sovereignty of Hong Kong. Then that’s different story.
    His implication is that China is suppressing Hongkong. I’m not going deep into this here. But if you are interested I would love to share you how biased China, HongKong and West medias all are. All busy at posting one sided news.
    Hong Kong is not totally Free. Hongkong is not suppressed either. That’s my personal opinion tho anyone can challenge me.

    We never questioned why Guam belongs to the US even though it’s geographically far from your mainland.
    Never hv we openly questioned the justice behind your history of killing the native Indians.
    Forgive me if that’s offensive I’m just giving examples.

    Bcuz we don’t know much of that part of your history. It’s none of our business. That’s our respect to you.
    #113 mikeshinoda, Oct 9, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  14. iXnal

    iXnal Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    I'm pleased that you looks like a rational guy. I think you should give more thoughts about the following questions.

    1. Does Hong Kong protesters only demand for independence from China from the beginning?
    2. Are Hong Kong protesters violent?
    3. Does some Americans have supported Hong Kong protesters is only because their bias or culture difference?
    4. Based on what information you got your conclusions for all of the above questions?
    5. Is there any possibility that the information you've got are not comprehensive or just one-side?

    There is a Chinese old words says that "Widely listening to various views leads to understanding, listening one single view only leads to believing". Do you realize that currently there is only one view about the Chinese modern times history inside China? Do you really think that the internet blocking will be helpful for widely listening to various views?
  15. thedopefiend

    thedopefiend Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    Thanks for the insights. There are signs of CIA backing and funding current HK riots. Walk us through that a little , please
  16. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Looool woooooooah, I know fully we’ll that the U.S government isn’t some paragon of virtue nor did I say it was nor did I say I was a huge supporter of everything the U.S government doee, Absolutely not . Nor am I saying I’m a nationalistic person(I am not at aaall) but what I am saying is that the United States businesses don’t just break up break off all ties Just because one executive and another country tweets something they don’t like.
    malakas likes this.
  17. Asian Sensation

    Oct 29, 1999
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    You sound very westernized. If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were Chinese American.
  18. mikeshinoda

    mikeshinoda Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Thanks dude. I take it as a compliment haha.
    Well I'm local Chinese. But hv been studied overseas for like 3 yrs. And now from time to time I would travel around the world either for fun or business. But still, I basically only hang out with my fellow Chinese, so...very stereotypical Chinese huh?
    For that reason I'm confident that my view is relatively unbiased, and also valuable in terms of representing the younger generation from China in this series of China-HK-US topics, if you guys want a guinea pig.
    #118 mikeshinoda, Oct 9, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
    Asian Sensation likes this.
  19. Asian Sensation

    Oct 29, 1999
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    It was a compliment. That’s why I said it cause it clearly broadened your horizons. I’m sure there’s lots of Chinese that aren’t as fortunate as you are to to have lived overseas and get to travel let alone see outside of China.
  20. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    You should read thru my posting history. I have a lot of love for China. I only hate the current Chinese government.
    malakas likes this.

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