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Stars will not want to play with Harden

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DaDakota, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. BeardNation13

    BeardNation13 Member

    Feb 13, 2019
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  2. lnchan

    lnchan Sugar Land Leonard
    Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2010
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    I am arguing that playing with friends is tertiary behind what another player wants in terms of their role and the championship readiness of a team if money is forfeited.

    Teams that successfully recruited the super duper stars pretty much promised the newcomer a primary role and championships... NOT playing with their buddies. Like Wade was willing to defer to Lebron (while Melo was not willing to accept this role). Steph to KD. Duncan to Aldridge. Butler wants to be an alpha... not happening in Houston. Melo still wants to be one, and that's why it failed. CP3 has the self-awareness that he no longer embodies a franchise.
  3. jordnnnn

    jordnnnn Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Some people of clutchfans have this funny way of looking at a result. Ignoring all information, facts, circumstance and reality. Then use the result as proof positive that the thing they want to complain about is THE reason for that result.

    We didn’t beat the Warriors......therefore Morey, Harden, moreyball, MDA, blah blah will NEVER work. Ignoring the warriors were one of the best ever that really only ever lost a title because of injury, Harden being one of the best ever, the entire league gravitating to the moreyball shot distribution and that MDA VERY easily could have a title if it weren’t for Bob or Paul’s hamstring.

    The Rockets don’t land a star every single year they try.... therefore Harden is not a good recruiter and no star wants to play with him. Ignoring that who else on the team clearly means little to a lot of players(Butler) and that financially it would have been a minor miracle to pull anything off anyways. And the fact that Dwight and Paul were absolutely still stars when we got them.

    Also think it’s hilarious how previously the talk was, “why would ANY player want to come here to just stand in the corner with Harden ball hogging...” Then one of the most ball dominant players ever in Paul comes. You have role players like Rivers taking a pay cut because he likes the fit and situation. So now since the old bs story has been debunked, the new story is “no young stars want to play with Harden”... Some damn shifty goal posts.

    And again the only way to prove these people wrong, in their minds, is for a young star to come play with Harden. Something that is unlikely to happen for MOST other star players, because you know they don’t switch teams that often.

    When are you asshats gonna wake up and realize that this view is not the norm? Clueless media and people who dislike Harden are literally the only places you hear this stuff.
    #123 jordnnnn, Jul 2, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
    aelliott, Fyreball, HP3 and 4 others like this.
  4. harold bingo

    harold bingo Udoka Only Fan
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    May 16, 2017
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    They call this "results oriented thinking" and it's common everywhere, not unique to clutchfans. It's a big pitfall for bad poker players.
    Fyreball, HP3, jordnnnn and 2 others like this.
  5. RocketTheory

    RocketTheory Member

    Oct 11, 2018
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    James enach
    Harden is really all the Star Power we need, just need a point to push the rock.. his talents are like no other player, they hate cause its Houston that have him. We have our core, i dont see why we cant give the league hell again...Run it Back again..
  6. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    LOL only thing obvious is your terrible takes on basketball. Your record speaks for itself.
    Blurr#7 likes this.
  7. CDrex

    CDrex Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Dwight Howard and Chris Paul both came here of their own free will to play with James Harden.

    The fact that their best days turned out to be behind them doesn't really change the fact that both were in-demand players who could have gotten the max anywhere in the league at the time, and they chose here.
    HP3 and thesonofsam like this.
  8. jordnnnn

    jordnnnn Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    GS “lost” out on Dwight to us. They were absolutely going for him. If I were an idiot I could have said it’s because no one wants to play with a mouthpiece chewer and a donkey.
    Hmc415 and HP3 like this.
  9. Blurr#7

    Blurr#7 Member

    Dec 12, 2007
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    Notice how he never actually gives a response to people he knows know basketball? He’s that guy lol
    HP3 likes this.
  10. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
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    Nov 1, 2008
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    Outside the woeful talent scouting, I still remember him accusing Morey of "kicking the can" to look for a star rather than building team chemistry around a team with AB as it's top 2 player.
    Blurr#7 likes this.
  11. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    At least as bad as Kyrie you described, there is still KD wanted to play with him.

    And which superstar actually had or will do the same to team up with Harden?

    CP3? We all know that the contract he signed last year is all about the money and only the Rox will offer such amount, well, not even the Knicks.

    Even though all those rumors about how unhappy he was with Harden last years and this off season, he never came out directly to dispute it (his only reply on IG is saying "that's news to me regarding the news about him demanding a trade).
  12. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    And Chris Paul and Dwight Howard came to play with Harden, what is your point?

    What? He willingly opted into a deal to come and play with Houston and Harden. He took a risk leaving money on the table. There were other places he could have gone.

    Yes he has? Go read the chronicle piece. He directly came out and said he did not demand a trade. I get that Harden and him are having problems right now but they can work that out, a lot of great teams have friction. Did you see what PJ said about the situation, that should tell you enough.
  13. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Dwight had one of the ugliest divorces with the Rox and basically everyone was blaming him for most of the failure.

    CP3 was being blamed for his fading performance and "horrible contact" all year long last season.

    And you are still expecting any superstars that will want to come to Houston to play with Harden with such fresh examples?

  14. Jwise44

    Jwise44 Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    The optimist in me thinks we’ll share the ball more next year
    Rudyc281 likes this.
  15. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    So players declining is now Harden's fault LOL. All players who arent performing up to their contract(as lame as it is here on CFs ugh :rolleyes:) get blamed in every fan base. And you think people dont wanna play with Harden cause Cp is getting blamed for not performing as well....what?

    You also have to understand, that Dwight and CP(as much as I like him) arent the easiest guys to get a long with. Thats is just the truth. Also in the case of Dwight, no one wanted to play with him, almost no one. Look what happend after he left Houston.
  16. Rudyc281

    Rudyc281 Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I hope so and I hope we play our young guys more during the season to rest harden and cp3 more during the year.
    Jwise44 likes this.
  17. s3ts

    s3ts Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    People are talking like Harden wants to be the ballhog. Harden is only a ballhog because nobody else can do what he does, save for CP and EG.

    Nobody else on this roster can go to a spot, setup, get the rock, go to work, and then hustle out a scoring play.

    I wanted a coaching change so that there is a possibility that these guys can design plays that allow the off-ball role players to finally get their chance to score on their own. Morey and Tilman screwed that chance.

    For everyone to blame it on Harden, it's obvious you're just not giving Harden the credit he deserves. He's forced to play with a sub-par roster, with a sub-par coach.
  18. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Players declining obviously is not Harden's fault, but you just failed to understand a simple fact.

    What can the Rox only able to attract declining superstars to play with Harden? And why there is ZERO stars while in their prime willing to come here?

    I guess its all Morey's fault, isn't it?
  19. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    What? They werent declining when they decided to come here though? Thats what you arent getting. They were in demand Superstars that decided to come to the Rockets and play with James Harden.

    What you dont understand is that there are bunch of factors in getting a superstar in their prime to come to a team. As we just saw with Jimmy Butler, it was about more than Basketball.
    Blurr#7 likes this.
  20. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I guess you just made an compelling case for the stars that Morey will be going after in the FA : come to Houston to play, we will guarantee you to see your career flashing down the toilet.

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