Sure. It’s called close your computer and step into the real world, a place which you’re quite detached from.
Confidence and passion are not negative attributes, on their own, and he never says they are. Being passionately confident that you are right and someone else is wrong without sufficient reason to believe that is the case is the thing he is talking about. And that this quality happens to be more prevalent among males is a well established sociological fact.
I am not weighing in on him saying he won’t mentor white guys. However I don’t have an issue with the quote above concerning women. I am an equity partner and founded a firm and I have noticed the issue he is discussing concerning men and women in my own business and experiences. It doesn’t mean that men are bad or women are good.
You are concerned about a grown man being childish or projecting? You voted and openly support Donald ****ing Trump.
How is this really different than having a mentoring program for at-risk-youth that focuses on a certain area or demographic? Also, there have been STEM (among many others) based initiatives geared toward minorities and women for many years. I don't see the difference, and don't understand how serving an underserved group or community is a problem. Unless you're like Cojete, I guess, and feel that everything that does not favor white males is inherently discriminatory.
This guy is prolly gonna go down on me-too charges. These people who feel the need to espouse virtue are always guilty in some way related to their said virtue signaling. IE raging male feminists who end up being creepers who are just trying to get laid. Common amongst loser personality types who think it gives them an edge, when it really just makes them a Beta. This guy likely wants social points out in california and wants to "mentor" plenty of young impressionable women. He is also showing signs that he is racist because he assumes minorities need a white savior and they couldn't possibly code well on their own. They neeeeed him.
When some white people downplay black people's experience with racism, is this what they think it is?
As far as charity goes, send the help where it is most needed, but using the melanin content of someone's skin as a qualifying (or disqualifying) attribute is sh*tty no matter what your intentions are.
I bet he would mentor you out of pity brought about by his white guilt complex. If you are female he might even rub your shoulders.
Most of the examples you listed do not focus on race or sex. I wish you could see that in those examples. Women’s groups, black people groups, etc are discriminatory. I am a minority here in Houston. I am a minority here in Texas. I am a minority here in the United States. I’m sure @Buck Turgidson and @B-Bob can laugh these situations off — they never dealt with this kind of discrimination during the early years of their respective careers while establishing a family of their own.