When you think about it, it's hard to believe there are any white male programmers, let alone the overwhelming majority of that field.
He claims he's a feminist. To me, feminism is equality for all genders. He's not practicing what he believes.
Subtle "R is better than Python" thread detected. Here's the paragraph where that quote is excerpted: He's not wrong, is he? White males are disproportionately represented in the programming world aren't they? Perhaps he previously mentored mainly white dudes and is now just trying to even his mentees out? Regardless, as a white male trying to get better at Python, I ain't mad. I was never going to be mentored by Guido anyway.
If he wants to focus his mentoring on people who he thinks are less likely to get good mentors otherwise due to racial or sexual bias, good for him.
The money quote is this: Confident? Shame on you. Passionate? Shame on you. I give up -- not at coding or anything like that -- I give up trying to make sense of this and trying to discuss this with people (on Twitter at least). Though I can say I never expected any deep moral insights from a grown adult who has the title of "benevolent dictator for life". It's childish, just like his arguments here, and it leads me suspect there is a certain amount of projection being carried out by this gentleman. Besides, if I want to do statistical programming, I would rather use a language developed by a bunch of nerds at a nerd central (AT&T Bell Labs) than use something developed by some guy who, because he had no one to spend the holidays with, wrote a programming language because he was lonely.
Do you know what's really racist? Playing the race card like you are here. That makes you the racist!!!!!
Liberals (or “progressives” as they like to call themselves) easily have more racists than the right.