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You are seeing why we have to play iso

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by basketballholic, May 17, 2019.

  1. RyanB

    RyanB Member

    Apr 30, 2009
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    Olajuwon in this system with Harden would've been a nightmare for them
    vlaurelio likes this.
  2. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    Luc a better defender than Iggy?

    Comeback when Luc makes an all defensive team. In the mean time, I advise you layoff whatever you have been sipping.
  3. Roxfreak724

    Roxfreak724 Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    This is something I really want to see next year. We need to have more variety in how we use our elite spacing to break defenses down. Harden in triple threat would be deadly.
    vlaurelio likes this.
  4. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    That year he was yes and had been for awhile, dude had the highest net rating on our team that year and had better offensive stats than him.

    Accolades dont mean crap when you are comparing the hear and now. I dont even know if you even watched our 65 wins season that year but Luc was a big part of it just to let you know.
  5. smp

    smp Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    I read a quote from MDA last year where he stated that post up shots were the worst shots in the game. I’m sure it’s on CF somewhere if anyone cares to find it.
  6. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    The have never needed that though. Scoring has never been a problem for us, holding the other team defnesively has. Yea I agree we probably need some more plays and some better 4th quarter offense, but what holic is saying makes a lot of sense.
    vlaurelio likes this.
  7. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    That's only true for the regular season. In the playoffs, the Rockets ORtg ALWAYS drops, and puts them middle of the pack.

    2015: 7th of 16 playoff teams
    2016: 15th of 16 playoff teams
    2017: 7th of 16 playoff teams
    2018: 6th of 16 playoff teams
    2019: 7th of 16 playoff teams

    You can also track the drop. Eg. this year regular season ORtg of 115.5, playoff ORtg of 110.9

    I've heard "well everyone goes down a bit", but data for top teams doesn't always support this, or Rockets are always playing good defensive teams, which is true, but that's called getting relatively deep in the playoffs, lol.

    More obviously, watching the game - the good ole eye test - this is obvious.
    harold bingo likes this.
  8. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I usually have good discussions debates with you, I will say Nurkic is a bad matchup verses GS. They would run him off the floor. Not to mention that Durant is not playing. Portland got killed in game 1 and blew it in game 2. But honestly once the warriors turned it on in Game 2, there was nothing Portland could do to stop them. Im not saying we shouldnt have more plays, but I will say that we play GS way more effectively than Portland, lets see what the Bucks do. But even if the Bucks do well, I dont think thats an inditement on our system.
  9. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    This is just too funny. Luc was not even the best defender on that rockets team.

    To see how good Iggy is still is as a defender, you should check out Hardens stats against him.

    BTW where is Luc playing now?
  10. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I also think Nurkic isn't some magic pill that would make Portland better against GSW. That said, Portland is playing their bigs... because they have to, and Nurkic was their best defensive big.

    And honestly, I'm not saying ISO sucks. What I am saying is saying ISO is the only way because of last nights Warriors-Blazers game makes no sense. And that the Rockets need actual legit plays and offensive variety deep in the playoffs. Even if they want to continue to ISO, mix in a post-up, for example. It's less about ISO, to me, and more about offensive variety.

    Relevant part of my initial comment in this thread: "The problem with the Rockets ISO isn't in the ISO itself, it's that its ALL they have, so when things aren't going even close to perfect, they have no other options and no one else knows what to do."
    HP3 likes this.
  11. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    These have no context though, thats the problem. Our defense was middle of the pack last post season too for the post season, do you really believe that to be the case???

    The only one it doesnt support is GS, and thats because they are stacked beyond belief. Yea we played those good defensive teams, you know I think a way to get to the bottom of this is to see how other teams would have done against our opponents relative to us. Like barring GS, what team would look as good offensively against Utah and vice versa, same with that spurs team who beat us. Same with GS, look at how Portland's offense just went to crap in the 4th quarter when they just turned it on and the game was over. Playoffs are harder to judge because there is too much context involved. Its not that I disagree though, I think Dantoni does need to add something major because our offense in often too predictable(hard to stop mind you, i think we are successful) but too predictable, it needs to go to another level.
  12. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    He was, but they are also not playing Durant.

    Hmm, yea i get what you are saying here. Im not opposed, well to posting up I am, but other plays, yea for sure.


    Yes, yes he was, the best perimeter defender, even better than PJ. The numbers supported how good he was.

    You should check Lebron and Kawhi's stats against Luc.

    Injuries, dont be disingenuous. Injuries have derailed a lot of careers.
  13. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Well, in my head, I think hey let's add in a post up, maybe we can run actual plays off that as well.

    You guy remember the FT-line elbow PnR play we used to run over and over with Josh Smith back in the day, and/or Dwight? Granted, that success was more against the Mavs that year in the playoffs and he wasn't nearly as good against the GSW. But hten he wasn't that good generally and only played 55 games in the NBA since that series ended 5 years ago (despite the fact that he's still only 33 years old).

    In either case, it'd more likely just be true legit ISO... but at least it'd be some variety.
    HP3 likes this.
  14. Roxfreak724

    Roxfreak724 Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    I don't think anyone is thinking of Harden backing down a defender with his back to the basket, which is the type of position I believe that stat relates to. I'm talking mid-to-high post, face-up, in triple threat position. Would afford Harden the option to drive baseline as well as survey the floor for cuts and open 3 pt shooters.

    It basically adds another wrinkle to our offense and makes us less predictable, but the main thrust of our offense would still be the way we played this year.
    smp likes this.
  15. Dankstronaut

    Dankstronaut Way, way out here.
    Supporting Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Wait I was kidding....

    You really don’t like Capela???
  16. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    Luc was an 11yr veteran by the time he joined Rockets. His body of work is there for everyone to see. Injuries did not derail his career. There is a reason he stated only 15 games for Rockets.

    It was amusing for a while but I have no intention to continue with someone who seems out of touch with facts and reality.
    Cuongzilla likes this.
  17. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Yes and his perimeter defense was up there as one of the elites in the league. Injuries derailed him before he got to show himself in the playoffs. He looked really good on offense in our system. LOL, he had the highest net rating on our team(and one of the highest in the league). In the games he started, i think we only lost like one game. guaranteed he was an impact player and would have made a difference in the warriors series.

    You have given no stats, you've given a bunch of shallow points without any elaboration. Your points are just "Iggy was an all nba defense, Luc is a scrub." I think its pretty clear you dont follow the Rockets at all. Or watch any of the games at least for that year.
  18. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    We have known that playing 5 out is the way to go.... nothing new.

    However assembling a 5 out team that can not only win enough in the regular season but matchup against everyone including the Warriors is so tough....

    Are we going to go super small and get knocked out of the playoffs earlier because we face a team with a traditional center that kills us? Or are we getting AD this offseason?

    Zhou ain’t the answer....
  19. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Lies... you just talk about him without mentioning him.

    Look you ****ed up with your Capela take earlier on and claimed we wouldn’t make the playoffs with him. You’ve wanted Thong Maker and Zhou as replacements for Capela. Had you just admitted you were wrong things wouldn’t be like they are.

    And now that Capela has a matchup that he struggles with in the post season... you come out with the “wild” 5 out theory that Morey has been ahead of you on.

    Finding another Draymond Green isn’t easy.....
  20. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Not sure what’s so ground breaking about “to best the Warriors.... we must become the Warriors”....

    As if finding a bunch of switchable players who can hit 3s is easy....

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