Looks terrible. First, who really cared about sonic. Second, the funny didn't seem so funny, so they probably should have played it as a dark origin since the people coming to see it will be adults in their 40's. The whole things looked terrible.
My kids (9 & 5) love sonic so much that they run with their hands behind their back like him (potential injury waiting to happen). I'll probably take them to see this sh** show.
Curious to see how this will play out at the box office. Might score some holiday kids dollars if there isn't any competition. But....it looks it doesn't look promising. But what do I know? Monster Trucks looked terrible and I loved it.
This is not a movie aiming to be innovative or fresh. This is the film equivalent of yesterdays reheated breadsticks at Olive Garden. Familiar and comfortable trumps good. If they could figure out how to resurrect Don Knots, he'd have been in it as well, in the James Marsden role.
With all the technology and effects they are able to do these days, I just cant believe how damn stupid Sonic looks, like how the hell did the filmakers greenlight that design?
They announced they're going back and changing his looks because so many people complained. Good call, next time maybe get it right the first time. Derp. It'll save you some money.
You would think with the millions they spent on putting this crap together they would have people review it before going public.
Spoiler I dun think it's the Teeth to be honest. Because it always has been more human like. It's his eyes which are disproportionately larger than regular comic eyes. His eyes cover half his face IMHO. He's got a meaner look all the time than that real live action model.
the same director that brought you other masterpieces you have not scene like "where the wild things are" and "gopher broke"
I bought all the Sonic games for our kids when they were growing up. I played them a little, but I’m more an RTS guy. Anyway, they’re adults now and the one that lives out of town is in for a visit, so we went out to lunch and then to see EndGame. Over lunch, our son told us there was a Sonic flick coming down the pike and that it looked like it would be terrible. The worst part was that Sonic didn’t look like Sonic. After my significant other said, “Sonic makes a good banana shake,” we ignored her and talked Sonic. Apparently, and the trailer confirms it, Sonic doesn’t really look like Sonic. It’s like if you made a film about Winnie the Poo and he had pointed teeth. It’s just too weird. The kid said what @seclusion said, that the reaction was so bad that they’re going to spend a pile and try to rush out an alternative version of the weird stupid version you see in the trailer. Outlook? Grim.
does this count? it's not based on a video game but it was the source of inspiration for leisure suit larry.