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[Game of Thrones] Season 8

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Sajan, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I enjoyed the episode. That said, there was some really dumb logic, as usual. The battle scene was great tv but just god awful logic. I mean, truly terrible stuff. I get it though, we need Dany's army gone before they attack Cersei so they are the underdogs. So to accomplish that let's just wave our hand and do something dumb like have Euron show up and obliterate a fleet..oh no not what I meant...I meant the Knights of Flowers being cupcakes and wiped out...oh no I meant let's just ride the entire Dothraki army charging forward on horses into an army to die.

    I guess nobody in the North has ever been in a siege to understand how to survive one lol. Let's just line up all of horse fighters and charge them directly into the army that can see them coming and that won't run in fear lol. That's just dumb dumb dumb.

    But, that's really just minor. Like I said, the show needed them to lose a ton of fighters before they go for the Throne. Now they are the underdogs.

    The rest of it I was fine with. The ending was abrupt so I get that being a complaint. I think the reason it's problematic is because we built for 8 years to face off Jon v the Night King and Jon did nothing. He was, again, useless in the big battle. Arya one shotting the Night King would have been easier for some people probably if they'd see the Night King do anything but walk. After 8 years that's all we got. He walks in, walks up to Bran...and boom it's all over lol. None of the White Walkers did a damn thing. If I could re-write it I would have had the White Walkers do some damage. All of the Valyrian steel that can kill white walkers, the dragon glass...it was all pointless.

    Still, I liked it.
    BigM, Space Ghost and Hakeemtheking like this.
  2. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Agree, I wanted Top Gun music for that.
    And I wanted Chariots of Fire (Ice?) for Theon's pathetic charge.
    cebu and justtxyank like this.
  3. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Also, if the show was going to do something so dumb with Ghost they should have just left him off. Running in a wide open field, charging into battle against the army of the dead and he's gone. Bye bye Ghost. lol
  4. BiGGieStuFF

    BiGGieStuFF Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I would have preferred Arya comes out and makes a 3 combination move to kill the night king but fails but then Bran stabs the NK in the back or a Jon snow / Arya double team on the NK, but they should have had some sort of small battle that kind of cleared out some of NK imperial guard to make it a bit more believable for Arya to sneak by.

    I still enjoyed it. My biggest gripe is that yes it was so dark. First time in a long time I had to increase the brightness on the TV to see ****. I give it a B+
    daywalker02 likes this.
  5. donkeypunch

    donkeypunch Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Best rack in the entirety of this show.
  6. donkeypunch

    donkeypunch Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    He had to be stabbed in the same spot he was stabbed with dragon glass when he was created.
    Hakeemtheking and tmoney1101 like this.
  7. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    There is no Night King in the books per say. The White Walker and wights are pretty different than what is portrayed in the TV show. IF the books are ever released, it will be very different than the TV show.

    Additional notes about this episode;
    Why is it all the fans could see the dead rising in the crypts but nobody in the actual show could see this happening? I was really hoping they wouldn't go down this route to spare this very poor plot point.

    Why did we spend so much time collecting dragon glass back by kings landing (or whever they mined it from) if there were not going to be individual battles with white walkers? We know dragon glass has little impact on wights... no more so than any other weapon.

    Why would you shepherd everyone into the crypts, a place of no escape, when they could have retreated south?

    All of these points were done to create a shitty battle scene that resembles WWZ or TWD.
    B-Bob and justtxyank like this.
  8. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Ghost has a cameo in the episode 4 preview, so he's alive. But that's probably the last we'll ever see of him so he might as well be dead.
    justtxyank and tmoney1101 like this.
  9. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Dragonglass will kill a wight for good. Normal weaponry will just dismember them. Jon demonstrates that to Cersei.
  10. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    Aren't there numerous instances throughout the show where wights are getting bonked on hard by dudes without dragonglass or valarian steel and "staying dead"?

    Season 7's "Beyond the Wall" is basically nothing but that happening.

    Because killing the WW's was of the utmost importance. They knew that. At any given time, any individual soldier could be fighting a WW, and so they needed dragonglass by the boatload to give themselves the best chance of knocking out a whole battalion of undead. Simple numbers game.
    justtxyank likes this.
  11. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I loved the episode. The only thing was I wish the night king would have scheduled the battle at Sunrise, deadlight savings time or something.
    Saw this posted
  12. mtbrays

    mtbrays Member
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    Jul 4, 2007
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    Then it's a good thing not a single white walker participated in the entire battle!
    justtxyank likes this.
  13. tallanvor

    tallanvor Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    night battles are fine. Blackwater Bay from season 2 and Helms Deep from LOTR look great. This was just poor work by the people behind the camera.
    Rocket River likes this.
  14. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    justtxyank likes this.
  15. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    The darkness didn't bother me (simply turning off the lights in our living room was enough to balance that out). It was the damned snowstorm taking up the entire screen for 50% of the episode. Realism is one thing, but at a certain point you're robbing your audience of what they came for.
  16. Ubiquitin

    Ubiquitin Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 7, 2001
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    They’re all gone anyway.
  17. Harrisment

    Harrisment Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    Lol....that's a meme.
    #777 Harrisment, Apr 29, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
  18. DFWRocket

    DFWRocket Member

    Mar 21, 2000
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    Me too. When it was just Bran and the King, we knew exactly were everyone else was except Arya. Jon Snow was trapped by the dragon, Daenerys was on the battlefield, and Jaime, Breinne & Sam were in the castle courtyard fighting. Arya had slipped away presumably to fight..we just didn't know where. So my thought was it had to be her who would attack. ESPECIALLY after Melisandre told Beric that he was brought back to life for a purpose (saving Arya) and now that purpose was done; foreshadowing the important part Arya plays in all of this.

    Bran uses the Ravens to see whats going on in other places. He was watching the action from above. I think Bran knew exactly how everything was going to play out (remember he gave Arya that dagger). That's why he was never really concerned. He knew she was going to kill the King.
    #778 DFWRocket, Apr 29, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
    Hakeemtheking likes this.
  19. ChrisBosh

    ChrisBosh Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Episode 3 was terrible, preposterous strategy, nobody really relevant died, the dead would overwhelm everywhere except the main characters, everyone should be dead except for a handful. What was the giant doing with the little girl, was he going to eat her? It would have been way more compelling if it was a little more even. Lastly, how did Arya get to the night king, was she flying through the air. She was struggling to stay alive with just a few dead in the library or wherever that was, yet she figured out a way to get past a whole army? Lazy episode, this show has not been good since it got past the books.
    astros123 likes this.
  20. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I don't think the scene was "shitty" but I get your other points. All of the dragon glass and the Valyrian steel were useless. Jorah's final battle should have been against a White Walker. He had Valyrian Steel. We would have been teased that he could have won. Sam the Slayer should have confronted a White Walker and been useless this time. I would have redone that. I would have had the White Walkers enter the battle and wipe people the eff out at the end to create a truly terrifying moment. Leading up to it it was just a numbers game, then the Walkers come in and start oneshotting folks. Jorah makes a valiant stand, boom, dies. Sam tries to attack one and gets knocked back. He's about to get killed when someone else gets involved. The White Walker who killed Jorah is about to killy Dany when Arya kills the Knight King.

    That was the only issue that really bothered me. The rest was silly, but that did bother me. The White Walkers and the Night King were so...uneventful.
    Buck Turgidson likes this.

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