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MVP Shouldn’t Even be a Discussion

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Reeko, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. the shark

    the shark Member

    Mar 16, 2010
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    Now this is funny!!
  2. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    hahaha look at the bkn bench reaction!
    celebrating the mvp playing the right way!
  3. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    GS: 22-8 against the East
    Denver: 20-10 against the East
    Houston: 21-9 against the East
    Portland: 24-6 against the East
    Utah: 20-10 against the East
    LAC: 20-10 against the East
    OKC: 20-9 against the East
    SAS: 17-12 against the East

    most of the top teams in the West are slapping around the East, and these records are with them not playing all the garbage teams more than twice

    the East is an easy conference...your arguments aren’t valid and hold no weight

    “Rockets should’ve gone like 28-2 against the East”...lol, once again, not every team in the East is trash, but the conference as a whole is far weaker than the West...sorry the Rockets don’t get to beef up their EC record by playing the non-playoff teams there 3-4 times a year...non-playoff teams that they’re 11-3 against

    the Kings are a playoff team in the East, they had no chance in the West...

    lol at trying to argue that the East is anywhere close to the West in terms of strength...c’mon man...
    SamFisher, rhee, clutchdabear and 4 others like this.
  4. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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  5. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    Firstly seems you have missed my argument by a fair margin. The claim made earlier, which I am disputing, is that Toronto and the Bucks have a better record simply cos they play in the east, and that if Rockets played in the east, we would have a better (65+ win) record.

    My assertion is that even if Toronto and Bucks were in the west, they would still have better records than Houston and that Houston wouldnt match their records even if they were in the east. This is simply cos both Toronto and Buck are better built for the regular season which rewards consistency over peak performance. Those teams have quality depth (so that a few injuries are not as detrimental) and did not a have the roster instability that rocket had for much of this season. Even within the West, Denver has a better record than Rockets not because they are a better team (in a 7 game series) but that they have been more consistent

    Bucks and Raptors went 20-9 and 21-8 against the west respectively (Philly also went 20-10) which is similar to the records the top west teams have against the east, and thus the difference in strength of conference does not show.

    Scheduling, injuries and consistency go more towards the regular season record than perceived strength of the conference. Example, Rockets lost to Cleveland and Washington, two of the weakest teams in the east, not because those teams were better but that Rockets were in the midst of a losing streak. When your roster is injury prone, you start off your season with a 'melo experiment', and are making major roster overhauls deep into the season, you will have a poorer record than teams like Bucks and raptors, no matter which conference you play in,
  6. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    if harden were in the east we would never hear the end of how its weak, noncompetetive how its a statpadding conference and all the numbers achievements in the east are bogus

    it would be the first and the most important argument against harden
    but hes playing in the east!
  7. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    and I am telling u that is not the case...the Rockets would have a better record than both Milwaukee and Toronto if they swapped conferences, and that’s even with all the injuries and Morey having a horrible summer

    Denver has a better record than Houston only because the Rockets started out the season horribly. Since the 11-14 start, the Rockets are 41-14 which is the best record in the NBA over that span. That is the real Rockets.

    Once again, u simply can not compare EC team’s records against the West to that of WC team’s records against the East. Milwaukee is barely over .500 against West playoff teams, but they only have to play them twice instead of 3 or 4 times. The Rockets have a similar record against the East while having much more devastating injury issues and only playing the many garbage EC teams only twice each. If the Rockets got to play the Knicks, Bulls, Cavs, Hawks, Hornets, etc 3 or 4 times instead of twice, their record against the EC would be much better, that’s just obvious. If Milwaukee and the rest of the top teams in the East had to play GS, HOU, Denver, Portland, Utah, LAC, etc 3 or 4 times instead of just twice, their record against the West and their overall record would be worse.
  8. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    This is the underrated difference between the East and West. It is the *attrition* of the season. Multiple games against high level teams over and over and over again. It wears teams down. There is no time for rest. More chance for injuries or shooting slumps. These things matter. This aspect NEVER gets talked about.

    Here is something else. Bucks only played Philly and Boston *THREE TIMES* instead of the regular 4 (They went 2-1 in both). So not only did they get an easy conference, they didn't even play 2 of the harder teams the FULL AMOUNT. And played the Pacers twice with Oladipo (1-1), 2 other times without him (2-0).

    Take that for data.
  9. MystikArkitect

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Lebron James would disagree with you.
    clutchdabear, Deuce and hakeem94 like this.
  10. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    @biina needs to take few days off , perhaps even go to the mountains and contemplate over those 2 passages above to improve his/her 2d view of the nba world
  11. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    hahahahah! AWESOME
  12. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    You dont get to choose which part of the season matters.

    Following your logic, the clippers are the best team in the west since they had the best record in March - that was the real clippers!!!
  13. Gorilladunks

    Gorilladunks Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    Um ... the rockets changed their whole roster, and had bad injuries for the entire middle of the year. Are you dense?

    The slow start correlates with players no longer on the team. Melo, ennis, mcw... sll gone. James nunnally and the like were closing games for houston while harden carried the team.
  14. jordnnnn

    jordnnnn Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Since 11/1/2018

    #1 Bucks 53-21 8.0 net rating
    #2 Rockets 52-23 6.0 net rating
    Deuce likes this.
  15. windpuppy

    windpuppy Member

    Apr 14, 2013
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    Not only that.

    For the 4 worst teams in the East, bucks got 2 in their division. 2 out of 4.

    The other 2 worst teams, Hawks and Knicks, bucks play both 4 out of 4 times (which could be 4). They get the max amount of 16 games of the 4 worst teams, while only play Philly and Boston 6 instead of 8 games.

    .395, that's the W/L record for the other 4 teams in the lousy ass central division.
    Deuce likes this.
  16. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    lol, yet another terrible argument from u

    the Clippers played 15 games in March, I just gave u a 55 game sample size for the Rockets...try harder...

    that was even worse than u trying to compare an EC team’s record against the West to that of a WC team’s record against the East

    Are u being this ignorant on purpose?
  17. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    and I obviously dont need to ask if you are dense! While you are at it, you can buzz Silver and tell him that Rockets should be #1 seed overall cos they have changed their whole roster and had injuries else they would have won 80+ games

    The slow start correlates to the choices made by the rockets management. You do not get to wipe the slate clean and selectively pick which houston rockets you want . The lack of such drama is one of the reasons the bucks have the record they do and is also why the Rockets cant match the same record even if they played in the east.

    82 games is 82 games - each games counts for only 1 win, whether its the first game of the season or the last.
  18. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    and NBA season started on 11/1/2018?
  19. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    Why do you get to choose 55 games and I cant use 15?

    The NBA season is 82 games and all games count equally. You trying to focus on 2/3 of the season to suit your argument is just amusing.

    If the Rockets wanted a better record, they shouldnt have gone for a melo experiment
  20. windpuppy

    windpuppy Member

    Apr 14, 2013
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    No, but close enough to review the entire season and say both teams performed on a similar level that team record should not be THAT big of a deciding factor in this MVP race.

    I hope you get it this time.
    Deuce and fckbandwagons like this.

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