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Danuel House declines Rockets contract offer

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by motleydeflep6, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. khanhdum

    khanhdum Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    House should ask Clint what happened when he played with James and what contract he got after proving it for a couple years instead of like 10 games
  2. smoothie_king

    smoothie_king Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    As long as you thinking champagne then you thinking along the lines of a championship. Morey dreaming of beating golden state.

    Will we see the rockets toast champagne? Harden got killed once before by Lebron in the finals. Will harden make it back to the finals in the Lebron Lakers era?

    All I know is the rockets need as many able bodied play makers to advance past golden state/ Lakers/ etc.
  3. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    House is asking for a Rest of the Year contract. But Morey won't do it. He's trying to force House to sign a multi-year, minimum deal.

    This is a Player Lockout. House is not on Strike.
  4. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    The lengths some people on this board go to defend Daryl Morey are hard to believe some times.

    Morey’s stubbornness regarding converting two-way contracts has cost the Rockets’ a key rotation piece at a time where they need as many healthy bodies as they can get. With how tight the Western Conference playoff race is, it could cost the Rockets’ valuable seeding come May.
    Easy, cbs1507, Hakeemtheking and 2 others like this.
  5. jcf

    jcf Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    A dream scenario would be for them to compromise. I understand that House needs to get what he can, while he can. But there is still risk. Sometimes things don't pan out.

    Another poster mentioned this, but I wonder if they have tried a 2 year guaranteed minimum contract. It allows House to make some serious money over the next two years, and if he proves himself, he will likely get a larger contract than what he might land next year on the market.

    I get that the careers are short, and that players shoud make all they can during their window, but spending the rest of this year earning relatively little in the G league for the hopes of big contact next year is a gamble. Guaranteeing a really good living over the next year and a half, while still preserving the ability to bet on himself after that while still relatively young, seems like a smart play if available.
    cbs1507 and D-rock like this.
  6. jcf

    jcf Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    If true, this is pretty unwise. I thought Beard spotted him at and basically mentored or advised him. Thumbing your nose at your teammates (if that is what this is) is a bad, bad look. I don't think he is good enough to be displaying an attitude problem as well if he is determined to bet on himself.
  7. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    The lakers? Really?

    Ppl really need to get over Lebron.

    He’s in the West now.

    When has harden since he’s been a rocket had any problems beating a Lebron led team.

    Lebron not pkaying the pacers and demar derozan raptors to get to the finals this year.

    The only team rockets need to get focused and healthy for is GS.

    That’s the only team we need to be worried about.

    I dam sure arnt worried about a lakers team we’ve. Beaten twice already with Lebron playing and won pretty convincingly in both with harden dropping 50 point triple dubs.

    Lakers are trash with or whiteout Lebron they might not even be in the playoffs.
    D-rock likes this.
  8. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    I agree that the dream scenario is for the front office and House to find common ground, and a 2-year guaranteed deal at the minimum may be the sweet spot in negotiations. However, I think it’s really bad business in a players league to basically screw a guy out of a roster spot he earned because he doesn’t want to take a multi-year deal at the league minimum. Other players pay attention to this stuff, and it will play a role in whether they want to play for Morey’s Rockets when they hit free agency.

    If House was unwilling to play for the minimum the remainder of this season, then yes, he deserves all the flack he is getting here. But that’s not the case.
    #868 DVauthrin, Jan 18, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
    jcf likes this.
  9. jcf

    jcf Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I get that. I wonder if we really know all of the back and forth.
  10. smoothie_king

    smoothie_king Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    The dude has done everything a coach can ask.

    He played in Vegas, competed in training camp, etc. House has basically taken Carmelo anthony spot in rotation and within the entire organization.

    The dynamic in the west have changed now that Lebron is with the lakers. House has every right to a mle to avoid being trade bait for the likes of players like Anthony Davis, damarcus cousins, or even 2019 draft night bargain deals.
  11. jcf

    jcf Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    It's not over yet. Let's see how it plays out.
    Hakeemtheking likes this.
  12. smoothie_king

    smoothie_king Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Man Lebron will single handedly tip the scales of power once he returns to form.

    Defensively, he will be a game changer. Remember how he brought Cleveland back against Celtics after being down by what? 3 games in east playoffs last year.

    After tonight, rockets have the same amount of wins as the Lakers have. That's without Lebron. So when Lebron enters playoff intensity, you know Lebron will stop some people from doing what they like to do.
    #872 smoothie_king, Jan 18, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
  13. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    House is making an ass of himself and Gary Clark better check himself too.
    AroundTheWorld and ryano2009 like this.
  14. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Honestly I think holding onto the MLE "for the buyout market" is an excuse not to spend it. Its not often that useful players become available in buy outs , usually they are washed up older vets on bloated contracts playing on bad teams … No amount of Joe Johnson's is gonna help this team and House would certainly be a greater help ….

    The thing about being in the tax is that for every dollar they pay House , it costs them two ….

    I don't know what House & his agent want ….other than to reach FA. Is there a reasonable dollar amount they'd accept to resolve the situation ?! I have to believe there is .... and have to believe that some (or all) of the remaining MLE would get it done.

    It'll all come to light soon and we'll find out if Tilman is the problem …. If they don't spend the MLE on a buyout OR use it on House. That MLE goes unspent and @Carl Herrera is spot on with the Tilman is a cheapass narrative.
    joshuaao, Hakeemtheking and D-rock like this.
  15. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Malt liquor is beer …. cheap beer.

  16. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    There are so many posts capable of winning worst post of the week it's doing my head in.

    News flash in case you've missed it, LeBron is in the West now. LeBron has failed to realise so far that sitting out games gets you down the ladder in the West.

    He ain't in Kansas, sorry the East anymore.

    It's 50/50 whether LeBron even makes the Playoffs this season, let alone have lofty ambitions of clowning the 2xMVP.
    BigShasta and hakeem94 like this.
  17. smoothie_king

    smoothie_king Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    #877 smoothie_king, Jan 18, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
  18. smoothie_king

    smoothie_king Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    check the standings on ESPN, and you will see that Lakers are #8 in playoffs ahead of the jazz. All of this is without Lebron since what? Christmas!?
  19. elmotsangtt

    elmotsangtt Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Goodbye House
  20. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    If House is as good or better than Ariza, he should have no trouble getting $10m+ from a tanking team right? Lol

    In some people's minds, House is great but only we have seen the film and he is an a-hole for believing what they think.

    There's no logic here. A contender will pick him up for 2 year biannual exception in the summer and he will outperform that contract. We want to tell a player the NBA is a business but when it's time to pay up THEN we expect him to give a "we were there for you" discount.

    I'm here to support a basketball team. That means 99% of the time I have the players backs when it's players who have shown on the court that they're here to win it all. I can't understand how peoples fandom can morph into a corporate policy position. Are there people here to support a business? Jeez.
    joshuaao likes this.

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