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Per Woj : Melo expected to come off the bench

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by treyk3, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    LOL. of course someone who is nothing more than maybe a 24 hr fitness player would have no concept of balance and versatility. leave the organized upper level to the grown folks plz
  2. bmelo

    bmelo Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    ok Ennis is better than HOF player you right
  3. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    how ironic coming from who is posting. you came in here questioning PJ tuckers starting spot which was a proven winning impact move. It then turned into a bunch of whining about why does it matter who starts or not. you've made 0 points. congrats
    xiki likes this.
  4. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    I bet you that Melo starts but goes to the bench with CP3. He will come back in when Harden and Capela go to the bench. He will play the 2 man game with CP3 where they are running Pick and Roll or Pick and Pop. He will also get his ISO's when they have a good matchup.

    I also see Melo playing a lot of Stretch 5 against teams that don't really have a post presence. I wonder if Melo can handle Boogie.
    D-rock and Richie_Rich like this.
  5. jogo

    jogo Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    It's a little hard for me to believe that he's willing to come off the bench. He needs to play well this year to earn another contract and I imagine Melo thinks it will be easier to get more $ if he starts.

    However, signing him may mean that we make a second move for a starter (Anderson+? for a starting SF or PF). Can Tucker play SF and we trade for a PF? Or does he stick to PF and we trade for a SF? I can also see keeping Anderson and playing him to up his value until the trade deadline.
    don grahamleone likes this.
  6. clutchdabear

    clutchdabear Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    24 hr fitness player... lol. thanks for giving everyone here a heads up on where you play your ball at. didn't even know you can play ball there.

    y don't you just go ahead and root for the warriors while you're at it. seems like everything the rockets do pisses you off.
    TheRealAllpro and dc rock like this.
  7. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    oh you're welcome to join since you apparently are some "do you even ball" guy. I'd love a great laugh

    nah its more like armchairs who refuse to listen to rational takes and instead b**** and whine when things that are being said are logical
  8. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I personally believe what they probably told him was he's likely to be paired with either CP3, or Harden & will play off either of them in the high P&R.

    So if he's pairing better with CP3, he'll likely start & come out early when CP3 does, coming back in when Harden goes to the bench.

    If he's pairing better with Harden, he'll likely come off the bench & come in when CP3 comes out. Either way, he'll have a large role. I'm just not sure how Eric Gordon will feel about it, but the thing with EG is he's in a position where he just can't get in a ton of action in their offense like a big can. He's mostly been just a spot up shooter, and driver which he's great at, but I think he might be used a little less this next year with even less games where he's the primary ball handler when CP & Harden are on the bench.
  9. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    1) Melo remains very much a net downgrade from Ariza and Luc in terms of where we want to be against the Warriors.
    2) Melo agreeing to come off the bench and play a catch and shoot role for the vet minimum would represent a positive mindset change that makes me slightly more confident in Melo being a worthwhile addition.
    3) I remain skeptical that once the games start, this mindset remains the same and Melo is content with it. I can very much see him wanting more touches/post ups/starting opportunities when the season starts or if things hit a rough patch.

    All 3 of these are true. I hope for the best, though. It is impossible to ignore Melo openly saying that he thinks he should have gotten more touches in OKC, laughing at the notion of him coming off the bench, etc.

    We'll see. I don't find myself a member of the "caravan of hecklers". I think Melo will be fine for the regular season. The Rockets will still win 55+ games. My holdup has always been how he effects our chances against the Warriors in the playoffs, and I still think there is simply no evidence that shows we are in a better spot now than we were this past season. I think it's hilarious how many people are trying to talk themselves into that. But we'll see. I would like to be wrong. I trust Morey.
    #129 J Sizzle, Aug 13, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2018
    Reeko, DreamShook and YOLO like this.
  10. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    To add, I also see the following lineup at the end of games against the GSW.

    CP3 - Curry
    Harden - Thompson
    Tucker - Durant
    Gordon - Iggy
    Melo - Green

    Melo just needs to learn to set a proper screen, and we are golden.
  11. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Pretty much agree all-around. But if you find a way to replace what you lost with Ariza (something Morey says he's still looking to do), then add a stable Melo into what was a short rotation against the Warriors last matchup, you might be cooking. Especially if Melton can disrupt GSW's guards and actually see the floor in a GSW series. That's assuming Cousins isn't at 65%+, in which case, nobody stands a chance IMO.
    Reeko, Relativist and J Sizzle like this.
  12. clutchdabear

    clutchdabear Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    logical? rational take? any time i read your posts, the only logical take you believe in is your own.. you won't even consider any other opinion.

    go ahead and give yourself props for being so logical.. you only live once anyways, so might as well go out with guns blazing... amirite?
  13. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    limited role off the bench with his ego in check is what ive said brought value for this team. I loved the formula of having 4 defensive players surrounding harden. This was what really took another step for the team as the season went on last year and ultimately what put GS on the brink of elimination
    Reeko, DreamShook and J Sizzle like this.
  14. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Your 2 month join date certainly qualifies you for judgements
  15. forchette49

    forchette49 Member

    Jun 7, 2003
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    Thanks MDA.
  16. mike2k132

    mike2k132 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Tucker will def play starting 4
  17. mike2k132

    mike2k132 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    He is 100 percent right doh. Did u watch the team. His impact was off the charts.
  18. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    you got it
  19. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    It isn't really a matter of who is better.

    Ennis is a better defender and a better switch defender.

    Anthony is better creating for himself and rebounding.

    With James Harden and Paul on the court, the Rockets need guys that will hit open 3's and defend.

    The Rockets needed someone else to create when Harden isn't on the court, that is what Anthony is good at...... he will get more shots and opportunities coming off the bench.

    The Rockets bench isn't like others when it comes to opportunities. Ask Eric Gordon if he gets any shots coming off the bench. Also, Anthony will play with Paul more coming off the bench.
    BigMaloe likes this.
  20. mike2k132

    mike2k132 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Man i hope we get warriors again. Im just astonish how people can't see that Melo would be a positive against Golden State he's another guy that can create bro that can ISO. Thats what beat them. Not cakling anyone names or sating anyones opinion is wrong. Im a betting man n i would bet he wpuld be a positive. With that said yule c. I cant wait to find out which side is right. This is why i love sports
    D-rock and don grahamleone like this.

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