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[VENT] Lack of respect for the Rockets from the media and from some on this board

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Roxfreak724, May 30, 2018.

  1. Roxfreak724

    Roxfreak724 Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Following this incredibly devastating loss, and annoyingly watching all of the media responses (I like to suffer ok), I just can't get around the lack of respect for what we just witnessed.

    This Rockets team gave league the first competitive playoff series that actually put what many thought was a foregone conclusion into doubt. These Rockets were the first team that actually defensively controlled an Offensive Juggernaut that many said could simply not be slowed down or stopped. This Rockets team won as many playoff games against the Durant-Curry Warriors as the rest of the ENTIRE league had over the past 2 years. They didn't do it with just talent, they did it with intelligence, defensive brilliance, and unyielding tenacity. They shrugged off impossible 3 pt bombs that have shattered so many lesser teams, they fought through borderline criminal officiating, and they accepted the catastrophic loss of their second best player in stride. In the end, they gave themselves an excellent chance to win, but the shots, for whatever reason, refused to fall.

    Could they have made some better adjustments, maybe try a few different strategies? Sure, but their entire team philosophy doesn't deserve to be crucified just because of one tough loss to an all time talented team where they weren't even healthy.

    I have seen little to no credit given to the Rockets for their unbelievable defense, for James' commitment to defense for an entire series, for the ridiculous hustle and focus from guys like Ariza and Tucker, and for the great clutch decision making from CP3.

    I am TIRED of the constant nitpicking, especially from the media, and occasionally from this board, about D'antoni's "refusal" to adjust (he played Anderson and JJ in Game 7, used an 8 man rotation similar to the way Kerr finds spot minutes, but still got roasted for "essentially" playing 6 guys), about Harden's game, about Rockets' destined-to-fail ISO ball style, about our refusal to go away from our 3 pointers, about our lack of mid-range (that piece was injured on the bench).

    NEWS FLASH: This Rockets team was the the first to actually push this seemingly unstoppable GS squad to the brink of elimination, and they did it with their style, so until y'all prove something else that actually works STFU and GTFO.

    I'm extremely proud of this Rockets team, and I haven't felt that way about a Rockets squad since since the 2008-2009 squad that I still think should've won it all had Yao been healthy. However, one thing is for certain, that squad got a lot more respect than this one, especially from the media. This one meanwhile is being roasted for every single mistake it made in Game 7 by the same people that completely denounced them at the start of the series. I've never completely bought into media conspiracy against the Rockets, but the fallout from this series seals the deal.

    Congrats and THANK YOU to the 2017-2018 Rockets squad for making, even if just for a moment, the NBA entertaining again. You may not be champions (yet), but you have earned my respect and admiration. Your performance in these playoffs was something all NBA fans desperately needed, but evidently it was not one so many of these ungrateful a**holes deserved.
    #1 Roxfreak724, May 30, 2018
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  2. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Rocket River
  3. hajkov

    hajkov Consummate Member

    Jun 17, 2003
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    Finally someone reasonable.

    From my side, I will reduce my views in CF from 3 to 4 times a day to basically once every 15 days in the offseason.

    We even got Carmelo threads already.
    CCity Zero, Daddy Long Legs and HP3 like this.
  4. Samiam1234

    Samiam1234 Member

    Nov 4, 2013
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    we lost two games we were supposed to lose.. Lets face it.. Harden is a great individual talent, who still doesn't know how to inspire players and win in other ways.. it was a heartbreak loss because of how good we played in first half of both games.. But lets not forget, CP3 is our ultra defensive and offensive player.. we were outplaying the entire GS team with just two super stars, with CP3 out there was no chance.. No need blaming others, the team without CP3 and without a healthy Luc is basically last years team minus Patrick Beverly and Lou Williams.. This is barely a 50 win team.. We are going against a team with a healthy KD, Steph, Green and Klay.. How does anyone expect to overcome those odds.. Just see how they butter knife through Lebron and the cavs.. I believe they win the series in four
    Rocket River likes this.
  5. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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  6. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Ungrateful rockets fans are worse than the regular season lower bowl TC crowds. I hope they get an attitude adjustment for next season, but it'll take a ship to change their low energy, late showing doubter ways.

    Wcf what?
    Lawlruschang, adw, BMoney and 4 others like this.
  7. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    I do want to throw up when people go zomg trade Harden! Fire Dantonio!

    The warriors have beaten every other team in 5 games or less the last 2 seasons. Maybe AD, Pop, Lebron etc are all scrubs!
    CCity Zero, Reeko and Killatron 2000 like this.
  8. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    To be fair, I did not see any of that this time around.
  9. lionaire

    lionaire Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    These are the type of posts OP was talking about. Harden got his teammates looks and they just didn't convert. Yet somehow that's on him? You say he doesn't know how to win in other ways yet we saw Harden at his peak defensively??
  10. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    LOL this hater...
  11. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Thread title: [VENT] Lack of respect for the Rockets from the media and from some on this board

    Someone on this board's reply: Pretty much a perfect example of said lack of respect.

    Nicely done!
    CCity Zero, Lawlruschang, adw and 5 others like this.
  12. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    The Rockets defense as a collective was the MVP of that series. And yes, very little is being made of it. Perhaps after the Warriors thrash the Cavs defense while it is in the national spotlight, people can take a moment and reflect just how much the Rockets bent GSW's offense to their will.

    Also, PJ THICC was a madman. New definition to the phrase "clutch rebounder."
  13. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Alright look man I'm not here to attack you, but NO ONE could have done it. Lebron couldnt take down this team with two other all stars. Harden did the best he could. We would not be in this position without Harden.
    Lawlruschang, Reeko and vlaurelio like this.
  14. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I'm not one of those conspiracy type people or whatever, but it genuinely feels like alot of the media hate and disrespect us. Even the Jump instead of praising our efforts, had a segment called blame pie chart for the rockets losing or something and I'm just like wow. Only people who didnt tear into us was the show with Michelle Beadle. No one cares about the heart of this team all they care about is the missed 3 pointers.
    Lawlruschang, Reeko and Roxfreak724 like this.
  15. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    The Rockets were never at their best and still forced a game seven. When Ryan was still functional and Moute was playing lockdown defense and dropping threes, this team was a juggernaut. Remember early on when Green couldn't miss and Gordon was launching bombs from downtown? A lot changed before the playoffs. CP3 sort of filled the gaps and the defensive intensity went way up, but offensive effectiveness fell off. Shooting averages went down, and the Rockets mud-wrestled their way through the playoffs. I am absolutely convinced that if CP3 had stayed healthy, we would be celebrating right now. The non-calls against Harden in game seven were really ridiculous, but what sealed it was the worst shooting draught of the season. Even then, the Rockets make all their free throws and it is a different outcome. It was there for the taking; that is what hurts so bad.

    I don't blame disgruntled fans; they are just dealing with pain and disappointment in their own way.
  16. banzai

    banzai Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    So well put. It’s time we as fans stop complaining about the refs. That’s all the media want us to do anyway. It makes us fans look salty losers. Let’s put the spotlight on what this team has accomplished in just a year. Gutting our lineup and building chemistry. Harden cp3 and company played their hearts out - putting aside their egos and statistics in the quest to give something good to a city that has time and time again suffered incomprehensible loss. We should start a “Dear Houston Rockets” thread cause they ain’t gonna get it from anyone else.
    RoyalGuard and Roxfreak724 like this.
  17. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    honestly, i dont think the media wants us fans to do that at all. it sheds light on what really happened in that game and its impact. Also brings that side of professional sports into play. they actually want the public to believe the missed 3's narrative bc that's the most simple one that the casual follower will understand. A casual fan isn't going to do the thinking involved to calculate what pts were left off the board and the swing in score change.
  18. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    this. we got this far because of harden not inspite of him.
    CCity Zero likes this.
  19. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    In my mind we solved them. We solved them and we beat them and the league didn't like the solution on the court, our ability to take away passing lanes and guard the offball screening to get open threes without setting fouls on the pics.

    The league didn't like what it saw so it made a last second adjustment to change the outcome, doing an about-face on how games were being officiated, two third quarters in a row.

    We got jobbed and the league has no legitimacy.
  20. HookemHorns1250

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Eh, just got to ignore some people. The biggest “can we make it any more obvious” moment from the media was

    “Game 7 for Harden is a legacy game. He has to show up... it’s on him.”
    - Literally as soon as the game is over -
    “”Lebron has no pressure in these finals. He’s not supposed to win.”

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