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Mass Shooting at Santa Fe (TX) High School (2018)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Xerobull, May 18, 2018.

  1. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    I was talking about the NRA. When they talk about video games, that should be the object of ridicule. When they mention James Holmes, Cho, Parkland shooter, were all on SSRIs I think it's a valid point.
  2. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I am not going to discount the tragedy of this event, but you hit on the bigger issue.

    The ban-and-collect crowd who have advocated why anyone needs high powered high capacity weapons just got shut down. Myself and many of the gun nutters (and I want to note that I distance myself from this crowd) keep stating banning semi-automatic rifles will do very little in the overall mass shooting gun violence.

    The ban-and-collect crowd keep insisting every life that can be prevented by banning high capacity weapons and semi-automatic rifles is justified. However they NEVER appreciate when a shooter is stopped by a private citizen with another weapon or recognize incidents like Santa Fe could be 5x worse if those weapons that are advocated being banned were used, or if schools didn't implement better safe guards against shooters.

    These people only get on their soap box to preach about the evils of guns when these mass shootings happen. However, they largely ignore the 100 deaths a day resulting from gun violence. If people were really concerned about gun violence, they would focus on this statistic instead of these quarterly mass shootings. Yes, I want to stop the mass shootings. However I would rather find ways to reduce the daily average deaths attributed to gun violence. And let me start by saying banning a certain scary looking weapons will not even make a dent in this number.

    The idea that we are going to stop this type of gun violence over night is absolutely ridiculous. Changing the 2nd Amendment is not going to stop it. Gun confiscation will only take guns from law abiding citizens and lead to massive amounts of violence and rebellion.
  3. Big MAK

    Big MAK Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Do we need to start holding parents accountable for when their (under legal age to own) child uses the parents gun for violence? I'm not sure how this kid got his parent's gun, however I keep mine locked in a safe with a code only my wife and I know.
    B-Bob likes this.
  4. Xerobull

    Xerobull ...and I'm all out of bubblegum
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    Jun 18, 2003
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    Guns aren't the
    All gun owners should be held accountable for the use of their weapons.
  5. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    I agree but within reason. If a gun owner takes reasonable precautions to secure their weapons and they are still stolen and used in an inappropriate manner I don't think you can blame them, but if it is a situation where they were just left lying around and a person who had access to where they were lying around takes them that's different.
  6. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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  7. Nippystix

    Nippystix Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    The irony is PJ Tucker-level thicc here. I can think of one person this worked for.
  8. theimpossibles1

    Nov 17, 2007
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    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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  10. Xerobull

    Xerobull ...and I'm all out of bubblegum
    Supporting Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    Here come the copycats:

    Guns found at 2 schools, threats reported at 3 schools near Santa Fe High School on 1st day back after mass shooting
    May 21, 2018, 3:33 PM ET

    On the first day back in class after a gunman killed 10 people inside Santa Fe High School in Texas, two students at nearby schools allegedly came to campus with guns, officials said, while school threats were allegedly reported at three other nearby schools.

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    Just 60 miles from Santa Fe High School, a student at Hargrave High School was found to have a gun in his backpack, the Huffman Independent School District said in a statement on Facebook.

    The student "was intending to harm himself," the district said, and the student and backpack were taken into custody.

    The school was placed on lockdown as a precaution, the district said.

    [​IMG]Huffman ISD/Facebook
    The front entrance of Hargrave High School in Huffman, Texas is pictured in an image released by the Huffman Independent School District with a message to parents after the announcement that a student was found with a gun on campus,

    Meanwhile, just 14 miles from Santa Fe High School, a male student at the League City Intermediate School was found with an unloaded gun, authorities told ABC station KTRK in Houston.

    League City Intermediate School in League City, Texas, is pictured in an image made from aerial video on May 21, 2018.

    School administrators took the gun and the student was taken into the custody of the Galveston County Sheriff's Office, KTRK reported.

    At a third nearby school, a student was arrested for allegedly making a threat today, though no gun was found.

    A student at La Marque High School, just 9 miles from Santa Fe High School, allegedly texted someone to bring him a gun.

    "We appreciate the quick action of students for reporting what they knew of and saw so that we can keep the campus safe," the district said.

    [​IMG]Google Maps

    The entrance to La Marque High School in La Marque, Texas is pictured in a Google Street View image from June 2016.

    At a fourth school, YES Prep West in Houston, a person allegedly phoned in a threat to shoot up the school, Houston police said, according to KTRK.

    And at a fifth school, Crosby High School in Crosby, a threat was written on a bathroom wall alleging a shooting would take place May 30, the Crosby Independent School District said.

    "Administrators and our school resource officers are investigating the threat to determine its source," the district said.

    The district also urged everyone in the community to be vigilant, nothing that hoax threats are often made in the aftermath of a school shooting.

    The Friday morning shooting at Santa Fe High School left eight students and two teachers dead in what Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called "one of the most heinous attacks that we've ever seen in the history of Texas schools." Another 13 people injured. The suspect, a 17-year-old student, was taken into custody.

    ABC News' Janice McDonald contributed to this report.
  11. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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  12. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Read about the LC intermediate one this morning cuz that's where I went. What kind of dumb kid would bring a gun right after this happened in a nearby school? I mean don't get me wrong, I was a moron in middle school, but even I would know this is far beyond ok.
  13. Surfguy

    Surfguy Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    Maybe he was scared for his life because of a copycat scenario happening where he is? Yea...it was dumb. But, it's not hard to understand these students are sitting ducks. I assume if he didn't or wasn't going to shoot up the school...then he brought it in case he needed to protect himself. I guess he picked the one day they decided to search backpacks? But, it says he was going to harm himself at school. Bah...go harm yourself somewhere else!
  14. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    1. Friendswood ISD:

    The most recent was at Friendswood Junior High where an 8th-grader was taken into custody and charged with making a Terroristic Threat, a third degree felony.

    Peers of the student alerted the school resource officer about social media threats posted by the student.

    Following an investigation, the school resource officer took the 8th-grader into custody.

    2. Huffman ISD:

    A student was arrested Monday morning in Huffman ISD and a gun was found in his backpack. It's unclear if the weapon was loaded.

    A tip about the gun was phoned in to the district's tip line. School officials say the student allegedly intended to harm himself. The school was placed on lockdown and swept by authorities.

    3. Cleveland ISD:

    An East Side Elementary School student was taken into custody after he brought a BB gun to the school to show his friends.

    Another student saw the weapon and reported it to school officials. The investigation is being handled by district administrators and Cleveland Police.

    4. Clear Creek ISD:

    Around 10 a.m., a student was arrested with an unloaded gun at League City Intermediate.

    The student was reported to authorities by another student and was arrested by a Galveston County Liaison Officer.

    5. Texas City ISD:

    Earlier on Monday, police say a La Marque High School student sent a text message to another student, asking for him to bring certain items to the school, including a gun.

    A third student saw the text and reported it to authorities.

    The student who sent the original text was arrested and is expected to face charges including making a Terroristic Threat against another student.

    Crosby ISD:

    Authorities are investigating a shooting threat that was found written on a bathroom wall at Crosby High School Monday.

    The threat alleged a shooting would take place on May 30. The district says it's not taking any threats lightly.

    The threat did not name a specific student or group of students. The district said tips can be reported to police or through the Crosby ISD app.

    Katy ISD:

    Monday afternoon, threatening text messages were sent to students at Seven Lakes Junior High, according to Katy ISD.

    The texts were sent out from two unknown numbers. The messages themselves were not released by officials. The school administration and Katy ISD Police are investigating.

    Police presence at the school has been increased until the end of the school year, the district said.​
  15. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    I can’t remember if it was at LC intermediate or creek but I remember being in lockdown for something similar.
  16. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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    Autopsies will determine whether any Santa Fe shooting victims were killed in cross fire

    A Texas sheriff says he does not believe any of the victims of last week's deadly shooting rampage at Santa Fe High School were caught in a cross fire and killed by police officers but said a final determination can't be made until autopsies are completed.

    Eight students and two teachers died in Friday' shooting spree. More than a dozen people were injured.

    Galveston County Sheriff Henry Trochesset said "minimal shots" were fired by officers who pinned down the shooter in a classroom while other officers evacuated the school.

    Trochesset said two school resource officers engaged the shooter about four minutes after the shooting began. One was critically wounded.

    "I don't believe any of the individuals that were killed were from law enforcement," Trochesset said. "I can't give that in full until after the autopsy."

  17. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Second Amendment is there for "the security of a free State" not the security of your house, so it doesn't really matter if your guns are accessible for home protection.

    I think there is something here, maybe something broader than just cyber-bullying. The internet is isolating, lets people substitute rich interpersonal relationships with poor virtual relationships. You and I would be better off having this conversation over a beer, but here we are. Aside from the mass shooting trend, self-radicalization of ISIS sympathizers and white supremacists both are in the ascendancy thanks to the internet. Its a transformational technology and I think there's a lot more work to be done to figure out how to live with it. (Doesn't mean we shouldn't do something about guns though.)

    Despite what I said above, I think it is useful to be able to talk out what we think and the shooting problem in a public forum. Its easy to say this isn't helping, but there's plenty to attend to between fielding challenges to what you think, building consensus, and working out your own emotions. I'm glad the bbs is here for this kind of conversation.
  18. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Your interpretation of the 2nd amendment is adorable, but the Supreme Court disagrees with you.

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    LOL. And all of these people wanted to move out to the sticks because it was safer than HISD.
  20. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    glad i'm done with school... and education in general. we had columbine happen when i was in school. very scary but not many of my peers imagined it could happen at our school. today, any school seems open for a similar tragedy. hisd didn't seem so bad either back then.

    i can't imagine being a parent knowing your child could be in danger every day he/she is in school. i'll have to figure something out for when my kid goes to school in a few years.

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