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Klay and Worriers talk contract extension

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Carl Herrera, May 11, 2018.

  1. smp

    smp Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Probably. Tmac made it without winning a single playoff series so HOF isn't all that impressive.

    KD joining the team and taking it over as his own will hurt Klays legacy. It already has. Do you ever hear about the splash brothers anymore? He was a primary player on a 73 win team. But thats changed. ESPN is all about Curry and KD. Mostly about KD. Klay is falling off the radar.

    So Klay needs to take a pay cut so KD and Green can get their money. Or Klay needs to take a paycut to save a billionaire some money. It's going to be funny if that really does happen.
  2. BigO

    BigO Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Look at his performance today, as 3rd best offensive player! HE would get murdered as 1st option and he knows it. I think he has enough money to spare that 50mil and save his face.
    Htown Stros and smp like this.
  3. Icehouse

    Icehouse Member

    Jun 23, 2000
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    roslolian likes this.
  4. davee

    davee Member

    Feb 7, 2018
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    I actually think if Klay went to another team as a number 1 option, he would kill it much like Harden did offensively

    BUT Klay plays great defense as well

    He would be a great addition to a team like the Sixers. He can probably average 26 points a game and get them to the Finals
    justtxyank likes this.
  5. Mr Chuck Norris

    Nov 1, 2008
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    Hardens first game as a number 1 he put up 37 and 12. Klay will never ever do that lmaoooooo
  6. RHU525

    RHU525 Member
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    Sep 9, 2002
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    Sure on the Sixers, he’s basically a taller JJ Redick. And the offense wouldn’t be run through him. It would be Ben Simmons and Embiid setting him up. That is not the same as when Harden came here and played with scrubs. I’d like to see Klay go to a team like the Knicks and see what kind of numbers he would put up having to create his own offense.
  7. MorningZippo

    MorningZippo Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Or, you could remove the max contract all together. Durant might take 1M pat cut, but would be take a 10M paycut?

    Also, forcing players to take a max contract is a very democratic solution. Like putting a band aid on another, ill-conceived bandaid and calling it a day.
    TheRealAllpro likes this.
  8. sealclubber1016

    Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    The sad thing is, most casual fans actually believe this crap. That Klay is a superstar that is "sacrificing" to be part of a winner.

    He knows that if he went to a team as "the man" he would be exposed for what he is. A spectacular shooter, and solid scorer who can't create anything for teammates with mediocre handles. A team with Klay as the primary weapon is bound for a great lottery pick.

    I can't blame the man for doing everything he can to stay in the comfort of GS, it's all good for him.
  9. smp

    smp Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    I completely agree. One of the keys to our last win was to make him drive to the basket. Don't let him catch and shoot threes. He can't lead an offense but he can be an elite role player.

    I am 100 percent sure that any team where he was the number 1 option would not make the playoffs in the West. The same goes for Green. I have my doubts even if they were the number 1 and 2 on the same team.

    What happens to GS without Curry and KD? GS probably doesn't make it out of the first round. So are Klay and Green really All stars, much less HOF'ers? I would say no. They are elite at what they do and the pieces fit together perfectly which makes a great team behind a legitimate superstar.

    Don't project what Klay would do as he defers to Curry and KD. You have to prove yourself in the NBA if you want to remove all doubts. That's what Harden did. He could have taken less money and stayed in OKC hiding behind Westbrook and KD. We would all be wondering if he was a legit number 1. Theres no doubts now.

    Never equate a true, proven superstar and Klay Thompson until he proves it. Projecting and guessing what he would do is ridiculous. You are a role player until proven otherwise.
  10. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Klay is a smart pass friendly shooter who can defend. He's an all Star just because his weaknesses are covered up.

    He deserves the max on a garbage team because of what Harrison Barnes got but no way he'll leave.

    He can ride b**** on the greatest show and be cocky, smug, and beloved.

    It's really a great spot he's in, but is it great enough to pay 30-50 million for it? He's not even Scottie anymore.

    More like Aquaman.
    CriscoKidd likes this.
  11. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    You are underestimating Klay Thompson. Sure on paper he is a "2nd tier superstar". But in reality the NBA has a surplus of Iso masters who can be the no 1 option. Every team basically has one of those except for the absolute bottom dwellers and those will eventually get one. Lowry, Wall, Liliard, Irving, etc. I mean our team has 3 in Gordon, Harden and Cp3.

    However consistent 3nD players are super rare, most spot shooters wilt in the playoffs or become wildly erratic guys like Green, Anderson, Ariza...they can't maintain their season 3 pt% in the playoffs. But Klay is super consistent and he can adapt successfully as a 2nd option or a 3rd option. That's what makes him valuable if you put him in CLE for example they would be a lock for tge finals.
  12. sealclubber1016

    Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    You basically just agreed with me while acting like you disagree.

    On a team with a great playmaker to draw attention he can be good. He's the best 3-d player in the world, but he shouldn't be in the same breath as guys who have the entire focus of the opponents defense on them.

    He's not even a 2nd tier superstar. Top 50 player certainly, top 25 probably, not going much higher than that.
  13. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    But I'm saying there are lots of guys who can have the entire focus of the opponent defense on them, there are few guys like Klay Thompson. Being the focus of an entire offense sounds valuable but since so many guys can do it you can make do with a B level star and Klay Thompson vs an A level star and Ryan Anderson and you will win. It's a big reason why GSW is so dominant when everyone is healthy they have 3 consistent offensive options, I mean look at Klay's stats during their NO and SAS series he was scoring on his own just fine without a playmaker of Steph's level.

    Imagine if Harden had Klay Thompson on his team, Harden will get Thompson 30 ppg a game easy with all the open looks.IMHO if we had Thompson instead of Cp3 on this team we would probably win more games just because the team's 3pt percentage would improve drastically.
  14. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    That doesn't make him a 2nd tier superstar. I don't have too much of a problem that he's selected as an All-Star given his history and skillset, but IMHO, a superstar generally means someone who you can build around not the 2nd best piece you surround the superstar with.

    He might be top twenty but you don't blow your first pick on this guy unless you're on a dumpster team looking to assemble through the lotto.
  15. NIKEstrad

    NIKEstrad Member
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    Mar 21, 2000
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    Richer man's JJ Redick is a great comp. No mistake, he can torch you if you don't keep a body on him, as we saw.

    Otherwise, he's JAG. He didn't even come close to breaking Capela down off the dribble, and he's just not really a playmaker.
  16. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
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    Jul 23, 2002
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    Why are you guys still arguing about whether Klay Thompson is a superstar in a Rockets board? Has he ever claimed to be a superstar? Has he ever played like he thinks he is a superstar? Has he ever said anything that he resent not being "the man" of his team? Just because someone compared him to Harden a couple years ago does not make him a superstar. Some Rockets fans are super sensitive about hearing anything that comes close to challenging Harden's superiority.

    If a good role player chooses to take less money to stay on a winning team, all power to him. To me, he is similar to Iggy. These guys can be a "star" on a bad team. But they understand that they would rather win than pretend to be a franchise player. What's wrong with that? I respect them much more than players like Westbrook.
    Space Ghost likes this.
  17. tehG l i d e

    tehG l i d e Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    I'm more mad that Joe Lacob smug ass keeps his stacked super team without ever having to pay the tax because his players don't want him to pay it for some reason. The Warriors could sign Klay to the max which he deserves but instead he wants to save his billionaire owner some bucks? Lacob should have to pay to keep that cheating stacked to the gills team together. That's why the luxury tax exist..to penalize owners from signing 15 prime all-stars together to demolish the league. Durant and Klay signing these undervalued contracts are setting a bad precedent that is leading towards that. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they're secretly getting under the table money to compensate for these contracts just so they can avoid the tax while also keep their players happy, which is even worse. Joe Lacob smug open letter to the media a few years ago was absolutely infuriating..boasting about how they are the class of the league and far more sophisticated than other organizations..how they're "lights-years" ahead of every team in structure which is why they are rightfully demolishing everyone...the arrogance runs deep.
  18. BackdoorHarden

    Nov 16, 2015
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    THye be getting some hush hush VC money on the side. Look at Draymond, he's the face of Google Youtube. Klay has those stupid Protein Milk Shakes commericals.

    ANd he signed a $80 million shoes deal. Ain't no way he's getting a $80 million shoe contract playing for Memphis.

    I bet Lacob paid the chinese shoes company for that. Hush hush side deal, everyone wins except the NBA.
  19. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    This is getting ridiculous. If Chris Paul took a huge pay cut so that we could sign LeBron, would you call him out to say that he was getting hush hush money from the Rockets paying State Farm for CP's commercial?
  20. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    The Klay minimization is ridiculous. He is a GREAT player. He's a good, sometimes great defender and he is an absolutely incredible shooter. He's a better shooting Reggie Miller with good defense.

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