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Mass Shooting at Santa Fe (TX) High School (2018)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Xerobull, May 18, 2018.

  1. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    It's like a straitjacket patient in a psych ward screaming "Y'ALL A BUNCH OF LUNATICS!!!" at the staff, hilarious.

    Keep doing your thing, kiddo.
  2. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    Since we're on the topic of Bullying, my man, Billy Zabka hitting with the truths.

    Roscoe Arbuckle likes this.
  3. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    SMH, I don't doubt that's what you took from what I said which is just more evidence that you are a bit "slow".....which is fine. I don't want to shame you for things beyond your control, I'd just suggest that since you are a bit slow, you lash out a bit less often. It's embarrassing.
  4. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    lt gov dan patrick and his perma-frown were on the news this morning and the first thing he said was that abortion was a major cause of gun violence in america. also video games and lack of parental discipline and twitter and online bullying. basically everything except the guns themselves.

    it started the day of the shooting...patrick, rafael cruz and abbot were out there with this coordinated messaging that will satisfy their NRA masters.
    Deckard likes this.
  5. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I agree with that, except probably not in the way he was saying it. We clearly don't have anywhere near enough abortion in this country right now but every time we increase the number of abortions we lower the overall crime rate.....it's why the US now has some of the lowest murder rates this country has seen in 100 years. In fact, the US currently has a lower murder rate than the country had in 1958. Of course, the way people talk about it, you'd never know that.
  6. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    then you dont agree with him at all. you are saying we need more abortions to lower violence and that is the opposite of what he was claiming when he said legal abortions are a cause of violence.
    Deckard and R0ckets03 like this.
  7. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Hence me saying "I agree with that, except probably not in the way he was saying it."

    The most likely people to have abortions are also the most likely people to raise criminals, the more of their children they kill before they can victimize the public, the better off everyone else is. I honestly don't care what ridiculous nonsense he was trying to say, I was sticking to what is true and what has been proven.
  8. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    I can't tell if you think there's a moral difference between abortion and infanticide, or if you think infanticide (or child murder in general) is fine so long as its for the "greater good".

    The logic of your argument suggests the latter.
  9. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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  10. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    RIP and best recoveries for the victims
    Two Sandwiches likes this.
  11. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    I consider abortion an acceptable form of infanticide preferably done early in the development of the child. Basically the more you allow the child to develop the less socially acceptable it is to kill the child.

    I personally wouldn't kill any of my children either before birth or after birth, but if it's socially acceptable for others to kill their children before birth, I'll support it due to the positive results it provides. Also, let's face it, anyone who would even consider killing a potentially healthy child have no business passing their genes on in the first place so they are doing society a favor by willingly taking themselves out of the gene pool and they should be congratulated for it.
  12. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    All jokes aside, my initial statement should have been pretty straight forward and easy to understand.
  13. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    The important thing is that we continue to voice our frustrations on the internet while innocent children continue to be slaughtered.
  14. theimpossibles1

    Nov 17, 2007
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  15. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    What amazes me to this day is how fundamentally stupid wingnuts are about gun rights and the 2nd amendment.

    The slippery slope fallacy is not hard to comprehend, yet they seem incapable of understanding what would lose you points in a junior high mock debate.

    Libs: "Let's talk about sensible gun control laws"

    buffalobills!!! likes this.
  16. Torn n Frayed

    Torn n Frayed Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Why do that? Why set it up to cause 'hit? Stand down Clutchfans, JFC...
  17. Supermac34

    Supermac34 President, Von Wafer Fan Club

    Mar 31, 2000
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    But even the sensible gun laws that have been proposed (and I mostly agree with) would not have stopped this tragedy. He used a shotgun and a .38 revolver, neither of which type of gun have been brought up as guns that need extra protection rules or even banning them. Neither of the guns was a semi automatic (unless it was a semi automatic shotgun, but have not heard).

    A shotgun is almost considered a utility weapon by even gun control advocates. They are also some of the most available guns out there. I bet a ton of people on this board have held a Remington 870 in their lifetime, and probably a bunch either own one, or have a family member that owns one.

    The .38 revolver is a pretty outclassed gun and are usually cheap. There are also a trillion of them out there. Nobody talks about banning revolvers unless you are talking to someone that wants to ban ALL guns, which is usually NOT the case in gun control discussions.

    The guns were legally owned by his father.

    The guy also build IEDs. Thankfully none hurt anybody, but it shows that this guy was more than willing to hurt people without guns.

    Unlike the guy in Florida, this guy had no criminal record, and no history of psychological issues.

    The only gun control law that I guess might have helped was legal liability for the weapons from the father not locking them up. If it was a law that you have to secure your weapons and he were to follow it, that might have made them less accessible, I guess.

    So not one thing in the "sensible gun control law" discussion would have stopped this. The guns were a shot gun and a revolver. Not an AR-15 or any other semi automatic. Not even a semi automatic handgun.

    The kid had not been referred to police via the school for any past behavior.

    Mental health accessibility was not an issue, because apparently nobody had raised that as an issue.

    He was allegedly bullied, but so are lots of other kids over the last 100 years that haven't shot up the place..and there is already a big anti-bullying push in our social discussions today. So what is different in the last 20 years that would drive a kid to do this now, that it would most likely have not happened before? I don't know...the internet? Desensitization to violence, rhetoric, loneliness, echo chambers, etc. that all come along from a connected world? Fame seeking? Knowing that a 24 hour news cycle and internet will make him (in)famous? I don't know the answer, but it doesn't appear that anything in the current gun control discussion (banning AR-15, limiting semi automatic purchases, background checks, mental health involuntary treatment options) would have worked in this case.
  18. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    It definitely isn't about just guns and I think that is why it is such a heated issue. People cannot really look at it from an objective standpoint. The liberals want the guns taken away, the conservatives want to blame anything but the guns. NRA Chief says blame Ritalin. Lulz.

    But powerful guns that serve no purpose for private citizens being legal is ridiculously dumb.

    I don't think you can look at a complex issue spanning decades from the lens of the most recent tragedy, it incites recency bias.

    I think the problem is rooted deep in American culture. A history of violence and the glorification of that violence. The "Put everyone in the same box" public school system we have and the conformity it and society demands. The pressures of an internet era where bullying is much more easy and much less transparent. The fact that misguided youth can find sympathizers and enablers very easily in dark corners of the internet.

    There are a lot of layers and we need the following to happen:

    1.) Common sense gun laws and no more NRA holding votes hostage. Ban automatic and semi-automatic weapons. They serve no purpose whatsoever for private citizens. You don't need to possess a nuclear warhead just because it makes your penis feel less small. This is mind-numbingly simple solution.

    2.) Mental health awareness and an overall personalized approach to education. We need to fund psychological studies that will allow educators and health professionals to be better prepared to identify potential problem children and get them in counseling and provide them medication early before they become radicalized.

    3.) Better homeschooling options for children whose mental needs make it a better option then getting bullied to the point of radicalization in a public school setting. Online courses with teachers who are readily available to answer questions via webcam chat. Most importantly, healthy social outlets for children otherwise ostracized from society. Frequent interaction with other kids their age in normal activities. Easy access to counseling and a support system with organization and structure. Online schooling in the home is probably going to become more and more prevalent as long as we keep seeing school violence.

    4.) Parenting courses and information about how to raise a child and how to make financial decisions. We should have adult classes that are free and easily available that teach adults basic things that nobody tells you in this country. Like how to build a credit history. How to handle debt. How to save money. How to spend money on assets that don't depreciate immediately. We have a whole of stupid people that make up this country, and they make great patsies for our neo-capitalist experiment, but they eventually create bubbles that have catastrophic consequences on the economy. The thinking here is that if mom and dad aren't working 2 full time jobs, maybe they'll have less stress and more time to actually pay attention to their children.

    Not saying these ideas are all great, but at least we have some dialog going about what we can do to eventually stop this horror from happening.
  19. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    That's a very good post and it's right on the money. There's honestly not a lot that can be done to completely prevent something like this happening in a free society. There's no sensible gun control that will prevent it (and there's honestly no need in even acknowledging the nonsensical gun control measures that get brought up), there's no perfect security situation that will always prevent it, and no way to instantly change society so that there's no longer people wanting to do this kind of thing.....this really does boil down to a "price of freedom" situation. So long as there is a will to do this kind of thing, this kind of thing is going to keep happening, the best you can hope for is to be prepared for it and try to limit the damage done.
  20. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    My neighbor is free to drink alcohol and although illegal, he can get into his car and plow into a bus carrying my kid to school and kill him and every child in it.

    Is that also the price of freedom?

    We willingly accept these risks as a part of every day life because we all need to transport ourselves each day, yet there is a simple solution: ban all alcohol and then there are no drunk drivers, r-right?

    It isn't about freedom it is about convenience and the weight of technology enhancing our abilities while at the same time exposing us to greater risks.

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