@Yung-T You’re crazy if you think anyone will do anything about guns in this country (more specifically Texas). I am an avid hunter and I respect my guns as any gun user should. Lock them up, use when you can in the suitable environment. There’s a long history of respect for your weapon(s). While saying that, and as a gun owner myself, I have no desire to own ANY assault rifle. Do I have friends that own them? Absolutely. Do I trust them? Sure. The ones I don’t, I actually do my best to talk to them, and typically they listen. Gun safety AND KNOWLEDGE, is priority. Parents, friends, coworkers, teachers, etc. that own guns and don’t preach to their kids that you have to RESPECT guns are the problem.
These tragedies are happening far too often. After they occur, the usual people make the usual statements like, "We're going to make sure that this NEVER happens again! We're going to have a round table! We'll find the answer. I promise." Nothing happens, nothing changes, no real action is taken. "We'll make sure schools have armed guards and that the schools are trained on how to respond to these incidents." The high school at Santa Fe had trained for this kind of madness. They had drills. They had armed guards. It didn't stop the tragedy from happening. What would? Making access to firearms a hell of a lot more difficult. Know where I'd start? I'd put the insane 17 year old's father behind bars for failing to safely lock up his firearms. That would send a message. All the speeches by chumps like Abbott and Patrick are just politics. Noise. Nothing but noise.
It's stunning that you fail to understand that there's not going to be a constitutional amendment to strip civil rights from people and that there will always be ******* kids who treat others poorly. I mean, I guess I always knew there were slow people like you out there, but it doesn't make it any less shocking when you run into one. Choosing to stick to legitimately possible solutions is where I'm at, hopefully one day you'll join me.
It seems you failed to understand what I was saying. Of course there's plenty of children naive enough to support Communism....but how many of those also supported Nazism? My point was the combination of the 2 is a red flag because there's no political reason to support both. While they are both authoritarian ideologies, they are opposed to one another, just about the only other thing they have in common is body counts in the millions. Japan is radically different from America culturally, and the result of those factors are a sky high suicide rate. Americans are more likely to lash out at others, Japanese people are more likely to harm themselves, but in some ways it's the same thing. Last year Japan had 21,321 suicides and that's one of the lowest numbers they've had....if you adjust for population differences that means that Japan has about as many suicides as the US has murders AND suicides every year. I suppose one solution could be to teach children to hurt themselves instead of others so that we can be more like Japan.
How About Accountability? If a kid is bullying in school . . .we want to fine his parents. A Kid acts out in school or does something . . ..we want to hold his parents accountable. Why is that not the case with School shooters? Why not . .. if you own a gun and failed to secure it . .. shouldn't you be held accountable? Him and his father should both be heading to prison Rocket River
I think there's no question that negligence that leads to this kind of crime should be punished. Gun owners have a responsibility to secure their weapons and if they fail to do so, they should be punished for that negligence. Now if they do their best to secure their weapons and those reasonable measures are overcome, then you don't punish them, but if they just left guns out to be taken by children or whatever, they need to do time.
Sigh. Safely locking up your firearms? Kinda defeats the purpose of having them for home protection. There are already tons of gun control policies out there. At least be honest with yourself and admit you want to repeal the 2nd amendment and confiscate all guns.
Why do you say "more specifically Texas"? There are gun fetishists all over, the nutters (anti-gov "I need my AR"-types) are numerous out West. And in the South. And in the Midwest. And in New England. Pretty much everywhere that doesn't have effective gun control.
Why don't you be honest and quit making assumptions. Where did I say I wanted to repeal the Second Amendment? Please point it out to me. As a gun owner, I certainly wouldn't want to to create a state of confusion, which is clearly where you're coming from. You know what part of the problem of addressing the out of control gun violence that plagues this country is? People like you making assumptions. There is no dialogue, there are no discussions, the "round tables" are a sick joke, because they produce nothing. You don't care, because doing nothing about the absurd availability of guns in this country while innocents die suits you just fine. Heck, it didn't impact you, so why should you care? In my humble opinion, that is an idiotic way to be, but hey, plow your own field, dude, and everyone else can take care of themselves. We can drape ourselves with firearms and waltz around in a state of constant paranoia because we can, and to you, that's all that matters. If you are dense enough not to have control of your home's protection and its safety because of your own paranoia, that's on you, not me. I keep my firearms safely locked up, yet I can get to them as fast as I need to. In your paranoid NRA fed mind, I would be helpless in the highly unlikely event that someone breaks into our home. In your mind, no doubt, we would sit "helpless" and do nothing, ignoring the .357 I can get to and load in a couple of minutes, despite it being safely locked away, and ignoring our highly protective 75 pound dog who would be busy trying to eat whoever might be stupid enough to break in. Yeah, makes perfect sense in your world, doesn't it. So how do you like assumptions, Roscoe? Did you enjoy that?
I've made my point clear about this before. Gun Ownership has remained fairly static over the past 50 years. The issue with this chronically occurring is from the Columbine incident which stemmed from "Basketball Diaries." Kids that are highly depressed and suicidal (which is another thing that needs to be addressed) have noticed that other kids have their name all over the press after each one of these. Another cause could very well be the internet bullying that happens so frequently these days. I can easily see a teen thinking their life is ruined by something about them being posted for all of their HS to see. I could also see that child thinking their entire school is against them. If gun ownership had increased significantly over the past couple decades, I would agree that there is a correlation. There simply isn't.
Japanese kids just kill themselves when bullied to that point I guess. I wonder how much these shootings are copy cat behaviors. Kinda like how these terrorists cars running over people becoming the craze recently after the incident in Nice France.