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[I.D.I.O.T] Harden Injury Update

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ElPigto, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    She's a dude-bro that yucks it up with the guys? IDK.

    She is joining Mike Greenberg's morning "Get Up" show with Jalen Rose. I hope that commitment takes her off the NBA Countdown show. Just give it to Cassidy Hubbarth or back to Doris Burke.
    DonKnock likes this.
  2. Stormy1234

    Stormy1234 Member

    Sep 16, 2015
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    Where did you hear that?
    DonKnock likes this.
  3. Stormy1234

    Stormy1234 Member

    Sep 16, 2015
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  4. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    And one of those due to suspension
    Tfor3 and Stormy1234 like this.
  5. amaru

    amaru Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    Dislike. Keep him sitting. We go nowhere without James.
    hakeem94 likes this.
  6. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Good point to follow up with, my friend. I firmly believe that among NBA circles (execs, power players) there exists prejudicial/racist beliefs about players because of their skin color.

    Steph Curry will always have more fans than James, but it's not because of his ability. We all know, skill for skill (with the exception of shooting --but it's close enough), Curry isn't nearly the talent that James is. However, because Steph is presented to the world as a straight-laced family man, with no vices like a drink from time to time, he'll always receive the benefit of the doubt, and every accolade over James. But, it's beyond that. Unfortunately, within the African American culture, there's the whole Light Skin vs. Dark Skin philosophy. It started off as playful among African Americans, but now, the whole concept has extended to "white America" (the dominant fan base of the NBA). Simply, it's considered "sexier" to be a "light skin" over a darker pigment.

    It makes me sick, but I fully acknowledge that I believe this is a form of in-class racism that the media, fans and NBA powerhouses bought in to.

    James has deserved MVP twice. Russ had an amazing feat last year, but he didn't lead his team to the same amount of wins or win shares. So what's the underlining issue no one wants to admit? Color.

    Kevin Durant is arguably MUCH better than Steph Curry, but again, this skin color BS takes precedent.

    And, it's new, in reality. Michael Jordan didn't deal with this subculture, nor did other MVPs.

    So yes, unfortunately x6, some fans/owners/voters/etc consider players with "darker" skin tones to be "ghetto" or non-representative of what the league SHOULD look like.

    It makes me sick.

  7. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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  8. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    inb4 Harden's injury update thread pops a hammie and runs off the track.
    BigMaloe and J Sizzle like this.
  9. Daddy Long Legs

    Daddy Long Legs H- Town Harden

    Sep 11, 2016
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    He’s dead.

    Let him rest junior
    Pen15clubber and hakeem94 like this.
  10. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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  11. DonKnock

    DonKnock Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    This is so true, but it also takes a seasoned pallet to be able to sniff out the ways that this actually manifests itself. It is not always as cut and dry/tangible as the MVP voting results. It’s rarely a flashing neon sign that says “look there’s something suspect here”; it’s the subtleties that don’t make your ears ring cause they’re unbearably loud, but over a longer time you realize that noise has detrimentally affected your hearing.

    This is one reason that I like the way that Adidas has marketed James: being a creator, the Vitruvian Man commercial, the commercial with all of their athletes in a board room. These present James as cerebral, enlightened, professional. Having this image presented won’t change some people’s minds about James and all of the more melanated athletes, but hopefully it will show to those who do have a blank slate and those who see themselves in James that this is acceptable and achievable respectively.
    BigMaloe, Deuce, Reeko and 5 others like this.
  12. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Iunno man Michael Jordan was pretty dark black
    mike2k132 likes this.
  13. DreamShook

    DreamShook Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Colorism was/is by no means "playful" in the Black community. The root of this issue stems from slavery and has persisted and internalized through history. This is not a recent thing that "White America" just adopted; it has been there from the beginning. I'm not saying this is the main reason for Harden's lack of accolades I'm just talking about the history.
    ClutchLatina, BigMaloe, amaru and 4 others like this.
  14. Daddy Long Legs

    Daddy Long Legs H- Town Harden

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Pen15clubber likes this.
  15. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Great response. I dig it. And, as a person of "color," I appreciate your take. (Also, this is not intended to be a Curry vs James debate, but as 2 MVP players, the analogy works)

    But, my dude, your analysis is spot on. However, I was writing from a much more informal lens, in the sense of what is commonly heard in discussions among collegiate basketball players, NBAers, my Bartelstein family, professional connections etc.....

    I agree that the whole notion isn't "playful" in general, but within a certain context of people who use the terminologies, there is some implied humor. Not that it matters that its MY family, but there are subtle jokes thrown around at family events related to this same debate, so I think it's too general to say that there is no element of "playfulness" in any instance. But, that doesn't mean I support the discussions I hear whatsoever. I think they're unnecessary and perpetuate ideologies that hold our communities back. (Oh, and Donald Trump, too. :) )

    I mentioned that the lightskin/darkskin as a relatively recent occurrence only because of its increased usage in pop culture and social media (Memes especially). Obviously, the historical origin is much different, as you mentioned. I appreciate your clarification of all that, but please understand, my response was more of a quick address of the unfairness surrounding James' as a person, whereas your analysis dives towards a D&D discussion. To your credit, I think it's great that you took the time to explain your perspective for others to read as an example of a painful, racist history. I certainly admire an intelligent person such as yourself.

    However, I disagree with you about Harden's lack of accolades and their direct relation to his persona, "color" and the "story" that the media and fans have created, partially as a result of ignorance in pop culture, but also as a sort of revolving evolution of black-on-black destructive relationships.

    In my professional relationships and circles of coaches, players, agents, reps, etc, it's been widely recognized that James' reputation is negatively influenced and biased to the point of complete bullshi*. There were efforts to paint James as an stubborn, uncoachable, wild child without any ambition to become what he is today as a leader, both on and off the court. One of my friends suggested to me that even in OKC, potential suitors would try to lower his trade value because of the beard, the rumors of strip clubs, Jenna Shae, etc.

    The ideal prototype was/is Curry for countless reasons ranging from business to fans, and it's possible people don't even recognize their own biases as they look at a given player's physical attributes. While incredibly successful off of the court, it's been argued that Steph Curry is more of a go-to face for a product because of his skin color.

    Anyway, instead of viewing James purely as a MVP-Caliber player that has improved each year, he has to deal with shots at his appearance, allegations of dividing up the d12 era or even setting up Moses Malone JR. James can control his basketball legacy, but it's a shame that he can't control his off-court legacy for such petty, physical and psychological beliefs of others. It's even pettier that he's judged for things like dating celebrities, behaving like a young man and wearing his own spin on fashion. So yes, I don't think James gets a fair shot to be called one of the "greatest" because of humanity's conceptualization of beauty, morals and how a man is supposed to look and behave

    Yet, James does SO MUCH for charity that goes unnoticed. It's ridiculous how involved the man is. But, you have a guy like Steph who is portrayed as a shining diamond for similar charity work. It's not right.

    . To his credit, at least James is real and doesn't wear "masks" like those boys in the bay. ;)

    Sure, James gets positive mentions by plenty of decent commentators who know damn well that he is our MVP and a great person, but usually the discussion strays to the "family man," "dedicated father," and "golden boy." Essentially, James is penalized for not being married, dancing in commercials and appealing to an audience that wants him to be ANOTHER Steph Curry.

    Whether or not we want to admit it, there is a conflict in the African American/Black community between the categorizations of "Team Light Skin" and "Team Dark Skin." And, in my eyes, and many of my Ears, "Team Light Skin" gets more of a pass from the media, the fans and the business side of things.

    It's an ugly truth, but what's uglier is that the "skin debate" spills over into the lives of our players, who at the end of the day, are just humans with the same emotions, insecurities and hopes we all have in a country that is supposed to be characterized by freedom, equality and opportunities to excel regardless of physical indicators.

    One Love.

  16. Blackjack84

    Blackjack84 Member

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Besides all of this other nonsense that everybody have started talking about in here is there any word on Harden's injury
    RiceRockets and Codman like this.
  17. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Meaning, Michael was more marketable/face of products regardless of how you said "pretty dark black." MJ was the face of dozens of business ventures. The game is different now. That business value has some racial/color/ethnicity ties to it now. I don't like it, but I refuse to ignore it. LeBron made it work, but that wasn't easy for him.

    Again, this is just my opinion and beliefs stemming from professional relationships. I don't claim to be "right," but I think that viewing the world through some of these intricate thought processes is important to, in the least, consider.

    Alright, I'm done.

  18. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    LOL, that's fair. Some of this debate is just nonsense. Thanks for the laugh.

    I have only heard what you've heard in the media.

    But, my basketball "friend" suggests that the timetable will be shorter than originally feared. #Durability and drive.

    Either way. we're safe with CP running it.
  19. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I think the missing piece to this is how MJ publicly conducted himself. He never took political sides, and all he did was mold an empty aspirational persona, much like Kobe(pre-rape) and Grant Hill.

    This is why President Obama rarely showed public anger and did so with diplomatic wording, and despite it was torn apart in right wing circles when he took a side with "thugs".

    It's mix of skin color and expectations by the majority to "act in a way that befits your standing". It runs so deep some people don't realize the have it.

    The skin tone, the facial hair, James non manufactured persona all create a disdain in mega circles.
  20. amaru

    amaru Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    Codman, I like your insider posting and I don't want to get to D&D here, but I have to correct you. Colorism didn't start in the AA community because nobody was "black" until the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Ancient Africans didn't identify by skin color, the overwhelming majority of people in sub-saharan Africa was "black", they identified by ethnic and/or empire organization. They were Igbo, Yoruba, Mbuntu, Ashanti, etc. These Africans, and their descendants, became black when they were stripped of their true identities in an attempt to make them a docile work force. Things like colorism and divisions among native born vs. foreign blacks came as a result of the institution of slavery and the decades immediately following it.

    *EDIT: @DreamShook covered it from his island.
    #300 amaru, Jan 13, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2018

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