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The Splatoon 2 Strategy & Tips Thread

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by what, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Anticope

    Anticope Member

    Jun 11, 2001
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    But seriously, I haven't been able to play all that much so far but I've found the roller to be fun and I seem to do pretty well with it. Definitely gonna try some other weapons once I'm able to play more soon.
  2. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    When you are in the lobby, I forget which button you press, but instead of choosing turf war or league battle, you can go into recon mode. There, you get 3 minutes to explore the map. Try that for training mode.
  3. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    My father in law has been in town, so I haven't had a chance to play :/
  4. MystikArkitect

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Give him a roller.
  5. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    Some more tips. Ink resistance up. I want to talk a little about this ability. In splatoon 1, ink resistance up was a main ability only, and it was a lot more powerful than it is in splatoon 2.
    Nintendo nerf'd this ability in splatoon 2 by requiring you to devote so much of your loadout to it that I'm not sure it is worth it.
    The reason I am saying this is that many vlogs, and other sources are always touting this as the #1 ability to get, and while it might still be good in some instances, I think that most people are just remembering it from splatoon 1 and aren't factoring in the changes to the ability.
    If you devote 1 main to ink resistance up and think you are going to escape splatting, lol at you. You need at least 2 main and even then it is iffy. You are still slower than Christmas in enemy ink.

    To a lesser degree, ink saver main and ink recovery up. Both are pretty good abilities, but I don't see the marginal benefits of them, in anything but possibly turf war. I mean it sucks when you have to stop to refill your tank, but how much does an extra quarter second buy you.

    In my current loadout, I am running: Ink saver sub, bomb resistance up and object shredder. To me ink saver sub is critical, because without it, when I throw a bomb(or even want to throw a bomb) I need 70% of my tank. With just 1 main equipped, that number is drastically reduced.

    Object shredder doesn't help you in every game, but it is versatile ability that for weaker weapons like my ink brush can give me an advantage against the strongest weapons in the game. I mean i can battle the strongest weapon in the game on a sponge or other objects and win. To me it is well worth the main.
    The final ability I am using is new. I'm now running bomb resistance up, I'm running 1 main and 3subs of this ability. The reason I decided to run this ability is to counteract the tenta missiles in tower control and other places. In tower control, if I'm on the tower and somebody locks on to me with tenta missiles, I am forced to jump off the tower or get splatted. Using 1 main and 3 subs I can withstand the shot and not move. This is a game changer. You also will take a lot less damage when people are throwing bombs everywhere.

    The ultimate tank, if you are in to that would be to play with the brella and nothing but bomb resistance up. You can block snipers and you'd be hell to kill.

    Anyway, here is my loadout.
    1 main of ink saver sub. 1 main of object shredder. 1 main of bomb resistance up.

    6 subs of ink saver sub. And 3 subs of bomb resistance up, although I may play around with the subs to see if more bomb resistance up helps more.
    #25 what, Aug 13, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2017
  6. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    @what , what are these hedgehog things i won for being team mayonnaise?
  7. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    They are super sea snails. You present them to murch and he can add ability slots to your favorite gear.

    If you have a hat that you like, but it only has 1 sub ability slot, go to murch and he can add 2 slots to the gear for the price of 2 super sea snails.
    You can also use them with murch to reroll your unlocked abilities. Say you unlock 3 abilities on a piece of gear and you get nothing that you want to farm, you can have murch run the slot machine again to see if you pick up an ability you like.
  8. MystikArkitect

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Switched over to the Splashomatic/Mist/Inkjet from the Dualies/Curling/Inkjet. Much more accurate and rangey, no side roll or fast fall but couldn't really implement those strategies a whole lot. The Splashomatic is crazy accurate, loving it so far. Every time I try to use a sniper rifle I end up in disgust, the learning curve is just massive for a game as chaotic as this and the laser really gives away your position.

    Also the new teams have been announced for Splatfest. Team Invisible vs Team Flying (superpowers).
  9. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    I think I have put myself at a disadvantage with the ink brush. When I play with the splattershot jr, I kill everybody.
    It doesn't help that with run speed up, a player with a gun can run at you while shooting. It's terrible and I have to be on my game to win those fights.

    The inkbrush is a lot better in tower control where you can fight close up and people aren't specifically chasing after you.
  10. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    So here is my impression of playing salmon run yesterday for 5 hours.

    First, a hate playing this mode. There is nothing fun about it, and it is mostly frustrating.

    However, in playing that long, I got 2000 points, which was good enough to get 2 super bonus orbs and several stuff after that. When I cashed everything in, this is what I got:
    1. I got lots of money. I'm still not sure if it is more than you can get by using a food ticket and winning turf war matches, but you do get a hefty amount of it.
    2. I got a lot of drink tickets, I think I got about 8 drink tickets.
    3. I got grizzco gear. Grizzco gear is good because if you already have the gear, which you probably will, you can sell the gear for cash: $4000 or, if the new gear has unlocked abilities, you will have the option to swap the gear for the abilites on the gear as chunks, without having to pay 20k to murch.
    Some more info on rewards:
    There are 5 colored "bobbers" in salmon run, each with unique rewards to them.
    1. The redish Orange "bobber" is a food ticket.
    2. The purple is a drink ticket with the chance of getting more than one drink ticket per bobber.
    3. The green is ability chunks.
    4. The yellow bobber gives you cash.
    5. The pink bobber gives you grizzco gear from last month.
    Some other thoughts: I finished the single player and hated every minute of it. If you decide to complete it, here are some notes.
    Most of these levels are difficult and the only reason to do them is for the tickets, but you'll never find the tickets without the guide and even then you'll sometimes pass them up.

    Finally, my favorite ranked battle right now is rainmaker. I love this mode. I like tower control too, and I hate splatzones.
  11. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    I haven't played salmon run yet. Maybe later this week. Is your SN will? I'm not sure which CF friend is who.
  12. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    It is 14u2ponder
  13. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    @what salmon run time!! I can't message you through switch
  14. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    I figured something out. I was getting killed so much and it seemed like it was 1 hit kills. I was getting so aggravated by it. Then I searched for "aiming in Splatoon 2" and I came across this video that talked about how to get the best aiming in splatoon.

    It said that you need to turn your monitor into gaming mode if it has one. Basically if you have a gaming monitor with split second lag times, you will aim better. It also said to see about dialing back the resolution on the switch.

    Long story short: 1 turned the switch down to 780p, and I put my monitor in gaming mode (I have a 4k monitor, so my lag time was probably huge). When I did that I actually had time to aim at my opponents and kill them before they 1 splatted me like before. If you are having the same problem, you might try this. I had no clue that the switch was affected by the monitor you use.
  15. Nigel Thornberry

    Aug 1, 2017
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    I just got this game, anyone want to give me some beginner tips??
  16. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Don’t delta 8 and Splatoon 3.
  17. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
    Supporting Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    Vector, Victor.

  18. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    is delta 9 ok?
  19. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    HHC ftw.

    This game is fun AF. The 3 team battles are nuts.
  20. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I haven’t tried that yet…I actually completely forgot about it. I’ve just being doing the classic matches and haven’t even done any of ancillary games.

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