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Knicks, Rockets working on Carmelo Anthony trade scenarios

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by J.R., Jul 12, 2017.

  1. tycoonchip

    tycoonchip Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 25, 1999
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    It took you guys that long to see how r****ded the Knicks are? When the Knicks traded Gallinari Mozgov and a crap ton of Draft picks for Melo when he already said he was going to them the next year should have already been the sign that they are a "Special" organization filled with "special" staff. Dolan forced that trade to happen. Morey and Les are not stupid and will not repeat that mistake again like when we got Barkley. Melo does however need to speak up or the fans in Houston just need to. As much as Melo wants to be here, the Knicks are STUPID enough to let drama happen in the locker room. All Dolan cares about are numbers and what sells tickets. Negative drama is still Drama and the city will pay to watch it. Sad as it sounds that is the truth. Morey and Houston has to push the issue.
  2. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    The issue isn't finding a team to take Ryno, the issue is what to do with the contracts THAT team has to send out to match Ryno. The Knicks don't want any of the long term salary that any of the teams in the deal are sending.
    Richie_Rich and DonKnock like this.
  3. Plowman

    Plowman Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    All of you thinking that the longer this goes on is bad, are wrong, wrong, wrong.....

    Daryl has offers out there....and now we wait....Technology gives us a window into realtime negotiations...

    Chill on the time frame.

    The endgame only gets better..ie...buyout.

    Bottom line...None of this Chicken Little stuff..We have ALL the leverage.....
  4. Sooner423

    Sooner423 Member

    May 17, 2002
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    Is there a path to bring him back the next season if he's bought out and brought in on a minimum this season?
  5. Tfor3

    Tfor3 Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    I call BS. They won't bring him back. They are just posturing, trying to play hardball with Morey bc they've overvalued Melo. They destroyed his value and gave him a ntc and now they want to cry bc they don't like what they're getting back. Tough shiiit NY. They don't have any leverage and stand to lose no matter which way they choose to part wit Melo.

    Money working his plan!
    J_Hunter_1977 likes this.
  6. kevC

    kevC Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    If the buyout is good enough, he could potentially sign him to a small two year deal since he's getting his money anyways right? Whatever we sign him with just offsets his buyout with the Knicks? I remember that being the case with Josh Smith.
  7. H-Town Melo

    H-Town Melo Member

    Jul 3, 2017
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    No talks in weeks is good to me.


    Means that if talks pick back up Knicks are motivated to get a deal done.
    Richie_Rich and J_Hunter_1977 like this.
  8. DaBeard

    DaBeard Member

    Jul 20, 2017
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    If the Rockets really want Melo they might have to send in extra assets or take on a bad contract. I cant see Morey taking on a bad contract especially with 2018 FA looming. Might have to trade either Ariza or Gordon or maybe Capela.
  9. rockets13champs

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I’ve talked to him,’’ Anthony said. “We’ve communicated. I’ve known Scott for maybe 10 years. I’ve known him for a while back to his Detroit days, the draft, 2003, all that. I’ve reminded him of [bypassing me].’’

    DonKnock likes this.
  10. Tfor3

    Tfor3 Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    Yes it does make them stupid. They need to cut their losses with Melo and move on. The longer this drags on only delays them from building their post-Melo roster/era.
  11. Icehouse

    Icehouse Member

    Jun 23, 2000
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    No they aren't (on the bolded). Melo goes against the type of ball they want to play now. You can't pass the keys if Melo is still there. You can't fully rebuild with him there (worse pick with him on the team). And Melo isn't going to opt out the following season because he won't get that $$ from a contending team. If he were willing to opt-out he'd just do a buy out now. He clearly wants all his $$, which has always been the case for him.
    J_Hunter_1977 likes this.
  12. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    You can say that as much as you want, but adding salary for 3 years isn't cutting your losses.
  13. hakeemthagreat

    Oct 31, 2014
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    We all know the Knicks are stupid and willingly dysfunctional. I was just hoping the new GM Perry would not want all this extra drama coming into training camp. Plus maybe they'd take in consideration the effect this would have on Prozingis. I still hope they'll trade him here. But part of me thinks this has been mainly done out of spite because NY doesn't want Melo walking away from this as the hero. They know he wants to come here and will most likely blossom in Houston. So instead of giving the man what he deserves, they're dragging this thing out trying to get a reaction from Melo
    Tfor3 likes this.
  14. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Do we even care about having him back? Is there much of a market for him next summer?
  15. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Good. ;)

    In all seriousness...

    So they found a multi-team deal (& presumably a home for Anderson) but Perry hit reset.

    Now there is no deal.
    -Perry trying to put together his own deal?
    -Did that 3rd (or 4th) team back out?
    -Would that 3rd (or 4th) team be willing to come back in (or more specifically, still interested in Anderson)?
    -Mills was willing to take back money(not necessarily Anderson) in a deal but now Perry isn't?
    -Perry is looking for only expiring contracts?

    If he's looking for solely expirings, that makes a difficult deal even more difficult. As is, you have to find someone who wants Anderson (or someone willing to take him if you provide additional assets) while also giving something to New York.

    Expiring deals(no team/player options)
    Sixers: Amir Johnson($11M) & J.J. Redick($23M) (Neither can be moved until December)
    Bucks: Greg Monroe($17.8M) & Spencer Hawes($6M)
    Bulls: Dwyane Wade($23.8M)
    Jazz: Derrick Favors($12M) & Joe Johnson($10.5M)
    Lakers: Brook Lopez($22.6M), Kentavious Caldwell-Pope($17.7M) & Corey Brewer($7.5M)
    Pelicans: DeMarcus Cousins($18M)
    Spurs: Tony Parker($15.4M)

    Would the Bucks or Jazz want Anderson?

    Yeah, too much time spent on this **** that isn't imminent. Leave it up to the GMs who do this for a living.
    DonKnock, Cash Cam and justtxyank like this.

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    Not to derail the thread (as if that were possible), but I wish there were a list somewhere on the Interwebs telling how each NBA salary is paid out. Well, maybe I don't, but.....each player gets paid differently, as stipulated in his contract. Per-game basis? Monthly?

    Maybe Anderson or some other player-to-be-traded gets paid a large wad of the season's money at training camp. If he were traded after getting that sum, the team receiving him would be less on the hook for that dough-re-mi. Or is that not allowed?

    Hey, it isn't as if we have time for useless speculation here. o_O
  17. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    Agree. Pretty obvious what happened here:

    - Melo demands trade to Houston.
    - Houston and NYK working on a 4 team deal that it appears all sides agreed on.
    - Perry is hired and kills trade talks.
    - NYKs leak that they are trying to "re-engage" Melo. He says no.
    - NYKs leak that they are trying to get Melo to lift his NTC for other teams. He says no.
    - NYKs leak that they are prepared to bring Melo back.

    I'm not sure I buy the "Melo will be a good sport in training camp" line....too soon to make that determination. If they did promise they would trade him to Houston, my guess is the water will start to get warmer the closer we get to camp.

    So far, Melo has handled this pretty well. He hasn't changed his stance, but at the same time hasn't set the entire Knicks organization ablaze, which would be counterproductive at this point. I believe the reports that say he doesn't want a messy divorce. He wants to thank fans and have a mutual parting of ways, similar to Dwight and the Rockets. But again, if we get closer camp and a deal isn't done, don't be surprised if things start to get a little dicey...maybe rumors of whether he will show up to camp, followed by skipping a few days, followed by an interview where he says something like "i've made my point to the FO"...

    Point is, it's wrong to assume NY gains more leverage the closer we get to the season. I have NO DOUBT that Houston is perfectly fine with marching Anderson into camp without a second thought. Nobody cares that Anderson's name has been mentioned frequently in trade discussions, and they don't really care what he thinks about it. The Knicks are in a completely different situation with Melo. When he decides that he values being in Houston over maintaining good relations with the Knicks...thats when it will get ugly.
  18. 1Deep

    1Deep Member

    Nov 11, 2010
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    It's crazy to me that we get this close to acquiring Melo and the Knicks all of a sudden want to start running their franchise like a professional basketball team. Trying to make smart decisions and ****. Smh
  19. kevC

    kevC Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I hate hate hate that they're clearly setting it up to make Melo look like the bad guy with phrasing like "be a good sport". It's not a matter of "being a good sport". The Knicks shat on him all year publically, continuously disrespected him, to goad him to drop his NTC. He finally does it and have a trade agreed on, then they stab him the back like this and try to make him look like a bad guy? Melo should 100% tell them to fck off EVERY DAY.
    slothy420, mikol13, Dgn1 and 2 others like this.
  20. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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