So the Syrian/Russian alliance was bombing fighters trained by the United States that are battling against ISIS, and we shot down the plane. Hopefully, we won't cave into the Russian tyrant, Putin. The fight against ISIS is too important to pull back on attacking them in their home.
Since the generals are now running the war, we are more likely going to do the right thing wrt Russia. Trump is a genius!
The military just released some more info regarding this shoot down. The target was a Su-22 (a 40+ year old Soviet era ground attack aircraft that's not very agile) and in somewhat embarrassing fashion it took 2 missiles to down this plane. (The first missile, a brand new top of the line Aim-9X somehow missed)
So, Obama's strategy for fighting ISIS is working (letting regional ground forces do the work with special advisors on the ground, US and Allies Air power). Raqqa is starting to collapse and the noose is tightening. Trump never did have a strategy and just let the current one continue. Trump still doesnt have a Afghan plan....