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[Official] Mariners @ Astros

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by Castor27, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. CK Johnson

    CK Johnson Member

    Aug 27, 2013
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    Keuchel looked red hot!
  2. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    They might, but there was just no reason to push him Game 1 with a fully rested bullpen.

    Hopefully Lance can follow suit tonight.

    BTW, good to see Giles dominate like that.
    AB423 and mikol13 like this.
  3. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    Sodden thoughts after game 1... three runs were enough, and Altuve will get his hits. Pitching is deep, and guys like Harris, Devo, Feliz, and Sipp still to come. Batting order is so deep... and the top four are 27, 23, 26, and 22. Not just like the new center field... love it.

    edit: yikes... Yuli at first base looked like a gold glover. Must have given Carlitos even more confidence on going deep into the hole and getting enough mustard on the throws to first. And speaking of gold gloves... Keuchelangelo coming off the mound... the second was even more of a masterpiece than the first. As good as the batting order and pitching is... the defense might even be better.
    #184 NewRoxFan, Apr 4, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  4. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    Loved the expression of M's hitters when Giles was throwing... after eight innings of low sliders, near 100mph fast balls up in the zone must have been scary.
  5. HookemHorns1250

    Nov 1, 2007
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    So with two lefties following tonight's game, do we march the same lineup out there tonight and let Gattis catch game 3, and DH game 4, putting Beltran in left?

    I was so pleased with Guriel's performance at first last night. Obviously he's not going to snag everything, but for a guy just learning the position, it was certainly refreshing to see. Like the previous post, this allows players to feel comfortable making quicker throws that may take a hop or two, instead of stopping and loading up just to make sure it's not an error because of a lack of faith from first.

    Dallas was the Dallas we were Praying showed up. Yes it's one game but you got to start somewhere. The bullpen was great, Gregerson got into a 'bit of a jam but that was after getting the first two outs rather easily, and just happened to get a 'bit wild. Giles looked filthy. Yes again he walked one, but there were signs of him locating his fastball in places that hitters just don't have a chance when they have to worry about a slider that's almost unhittable when he's hitting his spots.

    Hitting wise, Bregman and Correa stood out for me. Breg had a nice hit in the first, and a GREAT AB late. These at bats will be huge with Altuve and Correa following. His hustle also lead to the 3rd run in the game, going first to third on Altuve's single. Correa did what he's supposed to do. Not only the 440 foot bomb, but just making sure he got that third run home. He didn't wait to let the pitcher get back into the count, but went for it on the 3-0 count leading to the sac fly.

    TL;DR - Wohoo everybody!
    mightybosstone likes this.
  6. Colt45

    Colt45 Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 8, 2000
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    Don't mean to be a jerk but your math is a bit off...it's 50 years less. Arlington didn't start watching until 2010.
    texans1095, moonsh0t and kaleidosky like this.
  7. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    It would have been depressing had they had a one run victory.
    texans1095 likes this.
  8. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
    Supporting Member

    May 3, 1999
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    Infield defense looked great. Shifts were a little more extreme against RHBs with Gurriel playing a good way off of first.

    Seattle has some bunting skill on their team. Decision making regarding when to bunt may be a little lacking.

    Lefty reliever to face Reddick. Going to see that a lot this year.

    Seattle had a very extreme shift against McCann. He could have popped it up to 3B and it would have dropped provided the catcher doesn't make a great player.

    Going to have to keep my rule of not going to games during the week. Happy for the quick game, but 290 was horrible. Left lane was closed. Then a mile later left lane opens, but right two lanes close half a mile later. 290 is going to 290.

    Great win, fun game.
  9. Madmanmetz

    Madmanmetz Member

    Jan 27, 2012
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    I'm talking about coming out of spring training. Prior to the season starting Beltran was not an Astro. Beltran was added at the end of the year in 04. And he was gone when the season was over. No doubt when he was added and he start cranking HR everyone in Houston was crazy.

    However going into 2003 Kent was added in the offseason and just had a very good season 108 RBI in SF. Lance Berkman looked like future MVP candidate he hit 42 HR in 2002 with a 292 avg and walked over 100 times. Add that to Bagwell numbers were almost identical to Berkman's. Roy Oswalt was an ace and Wade Miller was a true top of the rotation pitcher. Billy the Kid and Dotel were lights out. That team had a few holes going into the season but adding Kent still in his prime was a big deal to that line-up.
  10. SuraGotMadHops

    Nov 10, 2009
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    "I'll play left handed for you"
  11. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    That's how you start a season!
    Nook and Rocketman95 like this.
  12. houstonstime

    houstonstime Member

    Jun 10, 2014
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    End of work yesterday I got offered tickets in low level behind our dugout.. Never been to an opening day, it was REALLY FUN. Great win, and believe me or not, I looked at my friend and called the leadoff homer as Springer walked to the plate.
    texans1095 likes this.
  13. leroy

    leroy Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Great start to the season. Every player has the one team they face that just owns them and that is King Felix against the Astros over the past few years. Keuchel was a little shaky at times but he couldn't have asked for a better start. Great to see Giles have a relatively clean inning. I think it's very important for him to get off to a good start. Correa absolutely crushed that hr and actually his liner in the 1st was smashed, too. Would've been another rbi as Bregman likely scores on that.
  14. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    On a scale of 1-10, i give the:

    Defense: 10 - This could end up being our best defensive game of the year.
    Pitching: 9 - Gregerson had me biting my nails as did one inning (5th?) Dallas pitched. We got out of them, but a clutch hit in either inning could have spelled doom.
    Offense: 5 - The solo HR's were nice, but we got to get more men on base. Three runs isn't going to win many games.
  15. rocketpower2

    rocketpower2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Rangers bullpen blowing a game is a fitting start to a new season. Hoping that luck from their '16 shifts 240 miles down South.
  16. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    They should win games when your ace in on the mound. The important thing about yesterday's lineup was that there were no easy outs.
  17. kaleidosky

    kaleidosky Your Tweety Bird dance just cost us a run

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Giles getting off to a start like that could mean everything for his season. Success breeding success, etc.
    texans1095 likes this.
  18. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    Right now, we dont know if Dallas is ace material or if we have a #1 SP on the team. IMO, mediocre offense isn't an excuse just because your pitching well.
  19. bobrek

    bobrek Politics belong in the D & D

    Sep 16, 1999
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    One game sample size. Imagine the panic on the Mariners fan boards.
    houstonstime likes this.

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