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"Deconstruction of the Administrative State" Steve Bannon

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Rocketman1981, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. Rocketman1981

    Rocketman1981 Member

    Oct 30, 2009
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    A driving force of this administration is the deconstruction of the administrative and regulatory state.
    We are a society that was based on laws, but is now shifting to one based on regulations and governmental
    control in virtually every facet of our lives and existence.

    In my opinion this deconstruction will be the greatest gift this country has received a long time. Trump asking the government to do more with less and making all new regulations include a reduction of two older ones is an amazing start to what will be looked at as one of the greatest moments unlocking the power of American business, entrepreneurism and our country.

    Failed liberal policies that can't pass as laws so become regulations and a virus of agencies that just continue to grow with more and more layers and complications must end.

    cml750 likes this.
  2. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
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    Aug 25, 2009
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    Reince talks like a recovering alcoholic. Bannon looks like he rubs his face in pubes every morning.
  3. Deji McGever

    Deji McGever יליד טקסני

    Oct 12, 1999
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    I don't think Steve knows what "deconstruction" means.

    B-Bob likes this.
  4. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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  5. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Ah, yes, the reconstruction of 19th century America. Can't wait.
  6. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    "Deconstruction of the Administrative State" is not something adults take seriously.

    Reduce some regulation in a smart way? Okay.

    But Wormtongue is basically that guy you avoided in high school, who spent way way too much time by himself on a computer, convincing himself he was smarter than everyone else and that, in good time, he would get to seek his revenge on all those attractive and popular kids, goddam them all!

    So, in other words, he's not an adult. But he knows how to manipulate our Cheetoh in Chief.
  7. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Guys this philosophy is nothing new and let me tell you now it's dangerous as F. If you think you support Bannons ideals I just ask you to first go read about Vladimir Lenins Russian Revolution of the early 1900's and the Russian Philospher Alexander Dugin.

    If you understand history and are informed about the ideals behind White nationalism you'll quickly see that it's a far cry from traditionalist conservativism. Traditional Republicans are all about upholding the constitution and our laws. Nationalism and Bannons ideals are about deconstructing our govt piece by piece and closing itself off to a globalize society.

    It's basically the same indoctrinizatiom you get when you first start down the path of justifying .... well.... I'm not going to go down that path but it rhymes with Reo Razi.

    This is dangerous stuff man. Be careful with it.

    -and if you don't remember or know who Lenin is, you probably remember this-

    Probably how most people know about Lenin honestly.
    #7 dobro1229, Feb 24, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2017
    B-Bob likes this.
  8. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
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    Sep 18, 2008
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    That's probably not what you meant to said. Regulation and "government control" ARE due to laws. Having less regulation and "government control" is within the norm of changing laws. Having your ideal of a society likely isn't within the law of the US.

    So I think that's not what you want. If Trump and Bannon have their way, they will be above the rule of laws. I think you are very confused here. What you are saying is we shouldn't be a nation of laws, at least not for rulers, so that they and you can have a society based on your ideals, not laws.
    Nook likes this.
  9. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    I don't find these guys likeable. As I said, I think Trump is a malignant narcissist. But I do agree directionally with the concept of cutting down on big government and over-regulation.
  10. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Wouldn't you say though that the idea of cutting down big government in traditional conservatism is more about protecting the people from Government Overreach?

    Trump sure is cutting regulation like a slash and burn sale (all the while we might be using gas masks to go outside in 10 years), but there is a ton of evidence already that as it comes to government overreach, his admin is acting like its the wild wild west. The whole idea of this conservative philosophy is to let the laws of the land, and the constitution uphold how the government intervenes. Trump has shown no conscious effort to give respect to our constitution, and openly attacks our court system.

    Also the conservative idea of more power at the state level is being compromised (while Trump has proposed cracking down on Federal mar1juana laws that dismantle State authority). More power at the State Level means more diversity in our political system as states look to draw people & companies in by upholding ideals that people find palatable (look at NC as an example of a state taking a stance on a controversial issue and paying the price in the form of businesses leaving, boycotts, etc.). As Trump keeps implementing more and more federal executive orders, he's actually undermining the states in their ability to uphold the constitution in the way they believe it will best affect their own state.

    Also from a fiscally conservative perspective he's looking to expand govt spending (can we say WALL), expanding govt employees (proposal to add significant amount for immigration policing), and heavy military expansion at a time of relative peace. Yes... he has cut spending of the Arts, but he's spending 10 fold on other areas that suit his agenda.

    Again.... Trump is no Republican Conservative. He's a Nationalist. Big freaking difference.
  11. mtbrays

    mtbrays Member
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    Jul 4, 2007
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    The Dow Jones is over 20,000; companies like Facebook, Google, Uber, Snap, etc. have harnessed technology in ways that creates hereto untold wealth for investors and utility for consumers; unemployment has steadily declined since 2009; but the economy and entrepreneurism still need to be "unlocked."
    dmoneybangbang likes this.
  12. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Start taking it seriously.

    The House is introducing a bill to begin dismantling aspects of the public education system.

    Setting all politics aside, I truly feel bad for parents with special needs children. They are in for a very difficult future. I know many of them feel like the state has already failed them, but it's about to get worse. Sometimes you lack perspective on how bad things USED to be so you take for granted the progress that has been made. Then it all gets burned down.
    Nook, DudeWah and RocketWalta like this.
  13. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Pre-Trump election: Don't look at the stock market! It doesn't mean anything! What about main street???
    Post-Trump election: Look at the stock market!!!!!!!
    B-Bob likes this.
  14. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Yeah, it's amazing. I've never been seen as much as a personal silver lining that Mrs. B-Bob and I don't have children as I do now. It's sad, and not just in a tweet way.
    wouldabeen23 likes this.
  15. Anticope

    Anticope Member

    Jun 11, 2001
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    This entire post is a load of crap, nothing but vague platitudes and worship of Dear Leader. How's the "unlocking of the power of business" working out in Kansas? Its gotten so bad that even some Republicans there are voting for tax hikes, but please keep telling us about these failed liberal policies that are so detrimental while failed conservative policies are staring you right in the face.
    DudeWah likes this.
  16. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    ~6.5M student with IEP. Autism is on the rise. Rude awakening for many of these parent when IEP is scratched. I'm going to guess that's an early target.
  17. Rocketman1981

    Rocketman1981 Member

    Oct 30, 2009
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    Anyone in any serious business capacity understands the level of regulation and bureaucracy that is raising costs of nearly every
    good and service in this nation.

    Even in healthcare where a majority of hired employees in the last year are to do behind the scenes paperwork, the added jobs in banking and finance are predominantly compliance. These are ineffective assets being underutilized to go through a maze of regulations.

    Government has invaded virtually every sphere of commerce in this nation.

    Regulatory bodies artificially constrict the free flow of resources and capital and incur costs and fees which stymie
    business and increase costs to customers.

    A group of homebuilders in Dallas were held up for years due to a five feet wide stream that was under the mandate of
    the EPA, doctors are now not looking at patients but filling our EMR's during visits, financial institutions are raising the minimum
    fees for retirement accounts as Big Brother is deeming the industry as needing fiduciary status.

    Who here has actually tried to open a business with employees?

    In virtually every industry its copious and a flood of paperwork and waiting to do anything.
  18. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Autism families have no idea how bad it can get if proposed changes go through. ACA for example has been a miracle for children with autism in many states, Texas in particular, though most families don't realize it.

    The problem, again, is people don't have perspective. You have a 5 year child benefit from the ACA right now or the education system but it's not perfect, you can get fired up by this kind of talk not realizing how bad it was just 7 years ago. A child with special needs was an automatic decline for health insurance pre-Obama. If you worked for a small business and you had a child with special needs that got covered by their plan you would drive their rate up 30-66%. If you worked for a large company you just might find no coverage at all (still the case a lot of the times on the last one.) ACA changed all of that, but unfortunately for a lot of parents they don't know what it was like without that coverage so all they see is high prices.
    DudeWah and Amiga like this.
  19. Rocketman1981

    Rocketman1981 Member

    Oct 30, 2009
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    Wow! The liberals are touting everything is great because the Dow 30 Companies and the 100 billion+ dollar
    Facebook, Google, Uber and Snapchat are doing well! I wonder how Teddy Roosevelt would have felt to have
    liberals talk about Standard Oil, US Steel, Ford motors doing well so therefore everything is great!

    Very large companies have done great. They receive nearly half of their revenue from overseas and have the armies
    of accountants and lawyers to have them be in an advantageous situation over starting businesses. To a scale business
    government bureaucracy protects them as only the very large companies and very wealthy people have the financial resources
    to scale the costs of tax advisors, lobbying and such. Same with ultra wealthy people versus the working wealthy as there
    is an absolute cost to set up trusts and offshore accounts and sophisticated tax planning vehicles. If you are worth
    $100 million, you can pay for this but if you are a 1% income earner making $400,000 a year or less you cannot.

    Bureaucracy and complication is better for the establishment. The current large businesses and wealthy people.
    I'm for new money, new business and not generational and legacy fortunes and businesses.

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a grouping of some of the largest companies in the world. It is a terrible barometer
    for the business environment of simply the United States of America as most the companies are sprawling multi-nationals
    with most of their sales outside of the US.

    The tech industry has been a boon for the US in stature, shareholder returns, but the companies don't really employ
    that many people and regulations haven't caught up in the tech world yet but are slowly moving for the government
    to assert control on the industry. As an example Facebook with nearly 400 billion in market value employs roughly
    the same number of employees as PF Changs which had a value of about 1 billion when it went private.

    I thought democrats were the party for the little guy? Guess their barometer for US success has changed significantly!
  20. Anticope

    Anticope Member

    Jun 11, 2001
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    I'm not denying that unnecessary red tape exists that hinders businesses, I work on a variety of real estate projects in a VERY bureaucratic city (Austin), so I understand this very well. What you are promoting though isn't to identify said red tape and roll it back, you want to blow up the entire system, almost like burning your house to the ground because you found some termites. "OMG the EPA has some terrible regulatory practices, so let's just get rid of the entire EPA!" Even then, the side you support claims to be for the little guy but their actions say otherwise. Look at who Trump promoted to the chairman of the FCC, a former lawyer for Verizon. How the hell is that "draining the swamp" or looking out for the little guy when you hand a special interest shill the keys to the car to oversee an already monopolized telecom industry that has completely suppressed small business? Republicans (and Trump) aren't in the business of helping out the little guy or promoting competition, they're in the business of picking winners and losers based on who the highest bidder is. The fossil fuel and health insurance industries are great examples of this.
    AroundTheWorld and mtbrays like this.

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