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Does Rox Fans See Dekker and Anderson As Our Future Going Forward

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ABS, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. tochiee22

    tochiee22 Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I'll keep dekker. Trade Anderson ariza kj and a 1st for Blake griffin
  2. Daddy Long Legs

    Daddy Long Legs H- Town Harden

    Sep 11, 2016
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    As hilarious as i think that is i gotta back up OP on sayin be careful. I think its better to allude to that and leave breadcrumbs towards that joke. Plausible deniability man. You are opening up a can of worms if you straight up come out and say that lol
    douglasreedy1 and ABS like this.
  3. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    I can't tell by op's message but are the Rockets 17-40 or 40-17. not sure
    douglasreedy1 and Richie_Rich like this.
  4. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  5. getbloodyred

    getbloodyred Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    So you don't think Parsons deserved the starting nod? Because I remember Parsons playing very very well during his time as a Rocket.

    Also, I don't think Morey has ever said that Dekker would be the eventual replacement for Ariza. So you're creating a false problem, and then criticizing Morey's false solution to that false problem? This is a fallacy-ridden thread, OP.
    Richie_Rich and BigMaloe like this.
  6. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Don't bother trying to explain this. I wasted hours doing such.

    We never had markieff, Phoenix did, we had Marcus Morris who was infamously drafted one spot before kawhi.

    Also, parsons was world's better than Marcus and his brother markieff when he was on his rookie contract.

    Now both brothers are better than him.
  7. burnshroom

    burnshroom Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Didn't I read this thread already. Something about trade Anderson for a box of chips cuz that's all he's worth.

    @ABS Welcome to the community and WELCOME TO MY IGNORE LIST!!!!! Yeaaahhhh!!!!!
  8. jogo

    jogo Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Ok, I've figured you out. You're just a big troll. Either that, or you became a Rockets fan after Morris was on the team. No one that's a fan of this team would make that Markieff mistake. No one.

    If you became a Rockets fan after Morris was on the team, then why are you criticizing the job they did?! You surely didn't follow some "backroom talk" if you don't even know the difference between Markieff and Marcus.

    So, just tell us what your real favorite team is and why you are coming to this board to stir up trouble. Is it the Mavs? Or some other team?
  9. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    I'm skeptical that anyone has characterized Ryan Anderson as "our future"
  10. ARA71197

    ARA71197 Member

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Ryno is streaky and can't really complain about him. Dekker? He should be backup SF instead of backup PF. Was listening to a podcast and they do believe Dekker will have a huge role in the future. Not sure what stars Morey could get. Hayward would be nice, but I see him staying in Utah.. Face of their franchise along with Gobert. Also looking forward, after this season Nene is a FA and Morey could use Harrell as a backup C. I think the way that this team has been playing it is hard to complain. Sure this team could use upgrades, but it is pretty cool how they are a top team in the West with only 1 star. Had to have the right players on the roster to make D'Antoni's offense work. Bench has been playing better as of late as well. Expect them to all be fine after the all star break once they are rested and are able to get a few more practices in. Not to mention any possible trades that can add depth. Like I always say, we'll have to wait and see what Morey does. A lot of his moves come under the radar.
  11. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    What are you talking about? We had Markieff Morris and Ruben Patterson at PF.
  12. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    This is a thread full of alternative facts
  13. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    Ariza 31yrs old, signed until summer 2018
    Anderson 28yrs old, signed until summer 2020
    Dekker 22yrs old, becomes an RFA summer 2019

    You figure it out. I'm sure Morey has already crunched the numbers and has projections for how much longer our vets can stay viable and what ceiling our youngsters might approach as they get older.
  14. HayesIsBack

    HayesIsBack Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    It was Marcus Morris.
  15. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Like it or not, Anderson is the future based on the fact that he's got a ridiculous contract which makes it impossible to move him. As to Dekker, we'll see, he's still young.
    ABS likes this.
  16. ABS

    ABS Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    I assure you, I am not creating a false problem. There's a pattern to Morey's vision. Look, I study Morey, man. Its pretty routine and repetitous the kind of basis starting 5 units he employs in order to help his wheeling and dealings in the NBA.

    It took a while for me to figure out how he operate. Its a clever stragety but I don't like it. It treats players like properties than Human Beings. The same way Dekker got the nod over K.J. when K.J. outshined him in preseason and the early part of the regular season, is the same way Parsons got the nod when Markief outshined him the same.

    The only difference, McHale was the perfect Coach for Morey and shared his knack for "certain players" whereas D'Antoni looks for styles/skills/3-points banging of a player. D'Antoni had to be "told" who to play.

    Which is why there was an abrupt change to yanked K.J. out of the rotation in favor of Dekker Keep in minute, D'Antoni told K.J. that the only way he gets minutes and in the rotation is his defense. He said, his defense is what gonna earn him playtime.

    K.J. trusted his coach and gave good defense and his athelicism. So, don't think D'Antoni would ruin his own reputation with Players by saying one thing and yank them out of the rotation when they did everything he asked. Like I said, it was out of D'Antoni' control...and he was "told" who to play.

    And thus Dekker took K.J. minutes. All of it, too.

    Now, many Rox fans love to say K.J. lost his spot to Dekker because he couldn't shoot 3s. If you want to go with that argument then explain why C. Brewer still getting minutes and a lock in the rotation when even NBA Experts around the league (Writers) are all saying C. Brewer shouldn't even be playing and K.J. should definitely be taking all of Brewer' minutes who can play the S.F./S.G and a little PF. So, why the ill treatment against K.J.?? Brewer is shooting like what.....29% 28% from 3s? I know it's not over 30%

    That goes back to Morey...and the set-up of the Unit to help his wheeling and dealing in the NBA. He let K.J. come off the bench early in the season to get some samples of his game to have in tow to show GMs for a trade piece. When K.J. showed enough, the call was made to yank him and put Dekker in his spot.

    So, the philosophy is make the athelic

    There's alot of history about Morey with the Rockets that you do not know. It's never about "he played very well" when it comes to Morey. Markeif (or was it Marcus? I get them confused, I admit)....but Markfief was a "very good player" then, and Morey traded him to give an unrpoven Parsons a lock in the rotation.

    So, its never about how good someone is in Morey' eyes unless that guy is a bona-fide Superstar talent. And that's all Im gonna say.

    What I want is for Rox Fans to "recognized" the type of players we used to bring in or go after....we are not doing that anymore. We going after guys that's not the norm how we acquire players for the Rockets.

    I shudder to think Anderson/Dekker is our future..Just like my heart sank when Morey said Asik/Lin was our cornerstones and Parsons was the starting SF too.

    The fact Morey saw that team as some kind of powerhouse of a squad in the West is downright embarassing and dork-ish.
    #36 ABS, Feb 13, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
  17. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  18. Daddy Long Legs

    Daddy Long Legs H- Town Harden

    Sep 11, 2016
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    All he does is build straw man arguments. Logic and reason dont work with this guy. @BigMaloe and I already tried. I think hes a troll and he got us all taking the bait lol
    Richie_Rich and BigMaloe like this.
  19. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    OP has been having a tempor tantrum for days on this forum.
  20. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Having to read all of these illiterate posts from @ABS makes me actually miss reading @basketballholic

    My goodness...

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