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It's Very Simple: Get Romo or Jimmy G

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Fullcourt, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. Tha_Dude

    Tha_Dude Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    It seems like you're a true pessimist because you don't believe there are any viable options out there for the Texans. Maybe, you just don't have any faith in the organization to find the right prospect, in which case I would agree with you. Though, I'm not sure why you continue to defend a dysfunctional organization like the Texans so vehemently as you do.

    BTW, you're one of my favorite posters on the board but I simply do not and will not ever understand your devout and zealous hand holding you give to the Texans.

    Don't get me wrong, I think you mean well and I don't doubt your fandom in any way. It just seems like you support maintaining the status quo and you're not in favor of taking risks and putting faith in those who may bring real change to the team.

    Listen, Houston is a football town. For this town, it's super bowl or failure. Winning a division title means nothing. If we don't win the super bowl then our season SHOULD be considered an absolute failure. I get it, you're happy with division titles and that's cool man. Some of us want to see real progress with the team though. Neither Brock, nor Savage are going to bring that to us. So, what do we do? Why shouldn't we try to pursue another QB?

    Are you seriously going to keep defending this team after another season of being one and done in the playoffs? Or worse, missing them entirely?
    #381 Tha_Dude, Feb 7, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017
  2. Deuce Rings

    Deuce Rings Member

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Forget Garropolo and the lottery that is the NFL Draft. You can count on two hands the number of QB's that have proven they can be counted on to execute the kind of drive Brady executed in Sunday night Super Bowl this past Sunday when you need it. When one of these becomes available, teams pounce on the rare opportunity irregardless of risk. The Texans' search for a starting QB should begin and end with Romo unless there's any truth to rumors about Phillip Rivers becoming available. Anything else is reaching with little hope of payoff. A historical analysis of the NFL draft has shown about a 50% success rate for QB's selected in the 1st round with that percentage dropping to almost non-existent round 3 and beyond. Drafting QB's is a crap shoot. You still draft one and hope you hit the lottery, but that should be Plan B, not Plan A. Supposed starting-caliber ex-Patriot back-up QB's of the past: Matt Cassel, Brian Hoyer, Ryan Mallett......but Garropolo's going to shine right? Forget the Patriots back-ups. I've watched the NFL for more than 30 years and have seen free agent off season after free agent off season and have watched the hot back-up that started a game or two signed by another franchise reaching for their starting QB many times. The success rate is low to non-existent. Don't be stupid Houston.
  3. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Are we sure the Texans are cutting Joseph? I'm not sure that is a given.
  4. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Don't think it's a given AT ALL. The coaching staff loves Joseph and still treated him like an elite corner this year. There isn't even a need to cut him if they plan to move Jackson to safety.
  5. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    It's not so much that I want to stick with the status quo as it is that I don't see any really good options out there that would help this upcoming season. I see going after guys like Romo or Cutler as awful decisions because there's no way Romo stays healthy and Cutler is terrible now.....and he probably wouldn't stay healthy. I see going after the next backup QB that the Pats are dumping as similar to jumping at any of the past backup QB's that they dumped, I just don't see him as someone that is going to for sure be better than what we currently have which is to say there's no reason to do it. In the draft, I'm not really thrilled at any of the prospects....and certainly not thrilled about the idea of any of them trying to come in and learn BOB's system in a few months, we already saw how that worked when we tried to do that with Osweiler. It's simply not enough time to have full grasp of the system.

    Making a bad move just to say that you made a move isn't necessarily a good idea, yet I think that's what a lot of the fanbase wants to see. The Texans made that kind of bold move just to say they made a move when they picked up Osweiler....I don't think making a similar move this off-season is going to move the needle either.

    I think that with JJ coming back and the defense being what it is, the Texans are going to have a chance to be a very good team next season. With the young WR's getting some more experience and hopefully being healthy this time around, there's reason to hope the offense improves no matter who is the QB. If Savage wins the job, great. If Osweiler wins the job, great. If a drafted QB is good enough to win the job, even better.

    I'm just trying to be realistic instead of setting up excuses to complain about the team. You know the team must be really good when the fanbase thinks that it's Super Bowl or bust every season and can't enjoy things like winning the division and making the playoffs....the Texans sure have come a long way if that's the standard we're going with because it wasn't THAT long ago when those things were considered the unattainable goals.
  6. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    I have a hard time taking anybody seriously who thinks that it would be hard or unlikely to be able to upgrade from Brock Osweiler.
    Nook likes this.
  7. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Jay Cutler certainly isn't anything special. However, if you don't think that he is a massive upgrade over Osweiler for next season, you are insane. He can make throws that Osweiler cannot, he can move in the pocket and throw on the run. Cutler forces passes too often and he locks on a receiver..... but he is still not as bad as Osweiler at either forcing passes or locking of receivers.
    Yaosthirdleg and raining threes like this.
  8. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    I'm not sure he would be, he was absolutely horrible when he was healthy last season, he wouldn't know the system, and he's such an ass that he could really screw up the locker room......and that's IF he stayed healthy. I know right now the bulk of the fanbase is in "DO SOMETHING....ANYTHING!!!!" mode, but that's not really a smart place to be.

    I know it's going to be an annoying off-season, but we really are just going to have to wait and see what happens and what people look like when they come back.
  9. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    I have a hard time taking anybody seriously who needs to see MORE of what Brock Oswelier looks like when they come back...

    If people were all over the Texans for not taking a chance to upgrade from Schaub after 2012 (turns out they were right)... I really don't see how you fault somebody for wanting to upgrade from Brock now... and chalking it up to idiot fans saying "do something! anything!", and you thinking it will be an annoying off-season because of that.

    This all stems from Brock being THAT bad... he's THAT BAD! Couple that badness with the Texans having an elite defense that by itself will win them games, and you now have a sense of urgency that's intimately tied to the quality of the most important position on the field.
    Yaosthirdleg likes this.
  10. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Well that is part of the disconnect in my opinion.

    Bobby in the past has down played the importance of the QB position. I tend to agree with you, it is the single most important position in sports.

    The Texans defense is good enough to win a SB. The problem is that by the time the Texans develop a QB, the defense will likely not be specials. A number of players are going to demand large salaries, and the Texans will not be able to afford to resign all of them, including some core pieces. So, unless the Texans draft very well and can fill the inevitable departures, we will be back where we are right now, needing to fix one side of the ball.
  11. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    I agree entirely.

    In the past, I've been reluctant to rely on the draft... due to needs at other positions, the amount of time it takes to develop "any" QB (minus the once in a generation types), and the high bust rate of any early round QB.

    Now, if you have anybody with a semblance of proven ability... whether its a veteran with past success, a backup who has shown promise when given the opportunity, or that perfect draft candidate (most unlikely)... they need to explore all options and attempt to upgrade the position.

    The sense of urgency is real... both because of the defense being where it is, and this coaching regime not going to be around forever (and any further regime change has to come with the mindset of starting over).

    Seeing more of Brock should be the last option/resort. He was not getting better... in many ways getting worse. He's now started over 20 games in the NFL... there's an extremely high likelihood that he is who he is.
    Yaosthirdleg likes this.
  12. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Your QB desperation is noted.....for the thousandth time. You aren't going to sell me on "Do something! Anything!", it's just not going to happen. If the Texans find a way to upgrade the QB position this season, great, but pretending that it can't get any worse is incredibly short sighted. I'm going to assume that you've watched football for more than a handful of seasons, so you should know better.

    On top of that, the assumption that Osweiler can't look better with another offseason worth of work is pretty short sighted as well....hell he looked better in Denver so we know he can look better than he did this past season. The Broncos don't even make the playoffs at all if not for him picking the team up when Peyton was god awful. Continue to freak out if you see fit but I'm just being a realist here. The Texans will have Osweiler next season, they'll probably still have Savage, and they'll probably have a drafted QB. One of those 3 WILL be the starting QB. Cry about it if you like, but it won't change anything. Now if the drafted QB comes in and instantly has command of the offense and looks good, great....but I think that's fairly unlikely so if you plan on staying a Texans fan you might as well make your peace with at least another partial season of Osweiler or Savage.
  13. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Sticking with Brock, and hoping upon hope that he now improves, is the very definition of "QB Desperation"

    And again... you're having a discussion with yourself and answering questions/having arguments that nobody is discussing.

    But at least you're on record... you don't see a big need to upgrade from Brock.
  14. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Actually that's not, and it's not just "hoping upon hope" there's reason to believe that he should improve given that we've seen it before. Also, it's not just "sticking with Brock" it's pointing out the realistic options and then pointing out that he might still be the best option. Throwing draft picks at a Pats backup they are looking to unload or screwing up the cap going after Romo is the very definition of "QB desperation"....it's that kind of thirsty attitude that leads teams to make REALLY stupid decisions. Does the team need an upgrade over what they had this season? Of course, but you don't do something stupid trying to get that upgrade (that might not even be an upgrade) and you don't discount the idea that an upgrade could come from within either by Brock improving (or just getting back to what he did in Denver when he was in a system he was comfortable with) or Savage stepping up. Continue to be unrealistic if you like, but this feels a LOT like when I was the voice of reason telling people here that the Texans would draft Clowney and half the board was freaking out about that saying that the team has to go after Bridgewater or Manziel with the first pick instead.....both of which would have been absolute disasters.
  15. The Real Shady

    Jun 8, 2000
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    I guess it will depend on if they can sign Bouye. If they can't keep him they'll likely still have them money for JJo. At his age though he has little to no trade value
  16. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    You can want to upgrade from Brock all you want. However, there is a salary cap. Savage is the likely starter and the Texans will draft a rookie. If Romo is cut and is willing to take less, then he may be able to be brought in. If you cut Brock, its a 26 million dollar to your cap.....when u have a need to sign players.
  17. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    You seem to think much more of Os than just about anybody who watched a historically bad QB.

    You seem to be fine with another 7-9,9-7 season

    You're right about The McNairs throwing the same old crap out there at the QB position.

    You're right that the McNair's will keep on cashing those checks. 6.25% increase this year after making their fans 9Paying and non paying) suffer through some of the worst QB play that I've seen in my almost 50 yrs of watching football.
  18. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Assuming they want to upgrade, Osweiler should have no bearing on the QB situation. He should be viewed as a sunk cost and the Texans would negotiate from that position. If they dealt for or signed Romo, they could easily structure (or restructure, if traded) his deal to be cap-friendly in 2017.

    People are overplaying Osweiler's financial impact.
  19. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Yep, Brock could improve over last yr and still suck.

    You could be wrong about Jimmy G. After last years Brock debacle I can understand that you see Jimmy G in the same light as Brock. You're wrong though, I will bet you whatever crappy team Jimmy G is on next yr he will have a better season than Brock.

    You're also wrong on Cutler, even Cutler at his worst would be an upgrade. Brock was that bad. You seem to think Brock who hasn't proven anything is going to improve. But Cutler, who has lead his team to a NFC championship game cant improve and is worse than Brock? Laughable
    #399 raining threes, Feb 7, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    Yaosthirdleg likes this.
  20. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    We have?

    Can you name another QB who was statically the worst QB in football... who improved enough to make his team a contender in just one year?

    Your view of Brock is LITERALLY desperation.

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