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My Case for Jimmy Garoppolo

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Two Sandwiches, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    After all your verbal diarrhea... how many more years do you predict Tom Brady will play at a high level? 1 year? 2 years? 3?

    I feel it will be at least 2... which goes in line with how much longer most QB's have after they START to show signs of regression (which I am saying, Brady hasn't done yet).

    And since they're unlikely to extend or franchise a backup QB while they still have their guy, I suspect they will eventually trade their backup.
  2. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    If you read it, you might learn something.....

    I think the absolute max would be 3 years and it could be as few as zero. Given that, the "Patriots way" would be to get rid of Brady in the next year or two if they had someone behind him they thought could be the next franchise QB. Of course, since they don't have any good backups, they'll fleece a QB desperate team just like they did with Matt Cassel and Ryan Mallett. There's a sucker born every minute and it only takes one, they are pretty much guaranteed to find that sucker to give them picks for their garbage.
  3. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    So again, after all your verbal diarrhea, how long do YOU think he will play at an elite level?

    Is it zero years (as in, he's done after the SB)... or is it 3?

    Not sure what the rest of the stuff you spewed out is in regards to. Your having an argument and answering a question I never asked.
  4. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Follow up question...

    Who would you rather have right now:
    Jimmy Garopolo or Brock Osweiler?
  5. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I'll try this one more time, hopefully your reading comprehension skills will suffice this time.

    I think it's not knowable how long he has left, but it's almost certainly not longer than 3 seasons and could potentially be as little as 0 more seasons.

    Hopefully you follow now.

    I'm not sure there's a difference, and neither are you. What we do know is that we have Brock Osweiler now, and we will have him next season and we don't have Jimmy G and unless we want to waste valuable picks just to find out if he's the next Cassel or Mallet or if by some miracle the Pats actually chose to let a valuable QB go despite having an ancient QB that they'll need to replace VERY soon......we won't have him next season either.

    I've known for a while the position of the QB desperation crowd, so this is nothing new to me, you just change the name of the "savior" each year and it's the same narrative. The "savior" was going to be Mallett, then Bridgewater or Manziel, then Tom Savage, then Jimmy G and once that doesn't happen you guys will pick another person to be the "savior". It's just how it goes.
  6. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    So what's your prediction?

    You have an awfully large range of 0-3 years... a lot can happen in that time. If you honestly have no clue... and you stand by your "its not knowable" jargon, you might as well bow out of this whole discussion.

    Take a stand... how many more years do you predict Brady to play at an elite level? I'm suggesting both the Patriots AND Brady have a good idea, and will make moves based on that number.

    I think somewhere amongst this mess, you just said Brock is better (or safer?) than Jimmy G... which in that case, they should be shopping him to the Browns or 49ers for higher picks, no?

    I think you're honestly desperate for Brock to back up all your non-sensical BS... and you've decided to base your assessment on every other QB option on this one stance.
  7. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    My prediction is that he has at best 3 seasons left of worth a damn play thus if you had a potential franchise QB caliber player on the roster, you go with him within the next year or two and find a sucker to sell the farm for Brady due to QB desperation. You let him finish the ass end of his career elsewhere and work towards the future. Of course, if you don't have anything behind Brady worth a damn, which is the current case in NE, you find a sucker to throw picks at your garbage and you look to pick up a QB that could be the next guy after Brady.

    I'm thinking this might be simply too complex of a take for you to grasp, so maybe it's best we end here. I can't dumb down this any more, you either get it or you don't at this point. Given the poor reading comprehension skills you've shown thus far, I'm not very optimistic on your chances.
  8. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    So, just to dumb it down for everybody else here... since you use 78 words to say nothing with each post:

    1. You think Brady has 3 years left
    2. You think the Patriots will trade Brady next year... or the year after that.
    3. You still think Brock is better than Jimmy G or any other replacement option...

    And then once again, you give a bunch of answers and statements to questions that nobody is even asking you.... you're having 4 conversations with yourself, when really you can't answer just one simple question.

    How long does Brady have left at an elite level?
  9. Tha_Dude

    Tha_Dude Contributing Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    If the Patriots were smart they would just rest Brady for the first 5 or 6 games of each season. It seems like no matter who they plug in there they still find ways to win games. Even if they split those games by the time Brady came back they would go on a tear again and still be a top seed. Brady could probably play another 3 or 4 years if they did this. I think the suspension actually helped the Patriots this year, it gave Brady more rest and time to prepare.

    I'm not a big fan of giving up a bunch of picks for Jimmy-G, but the Texans can't go into next season with Brock as the starter, either. I think if the Texans were serious about winning right now they should go after an established vet like Romo or Rivers. If they just care about competing for the division again then Brock or Savage will likely be good enough for that, but we won't do anything in the playoffs with either of them at the helm.
  10. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Dear god your reading comprehension is bad. Here's one final attempt, I don't have crayons so you'll have to do the best you can.

    1. Brady has 0-3 years left
    2. I think if the Patriots thought that Jimmy G was a potential franchise QB they'd trade Brady next year or the one after that.
    3. Since the Patriots know they don't have anything special with Jimmy G, they'll sucker an idiot into trading for him.
    4. I think that Brock is currently and will be on the team next season.
    5. I think that Jimmy G won't be on the team next season.

    It's really not that complected, but somehow you are still struggling with it. You don't even seem to understand that I've answered your question about 5 times now. IMO Tom Brady has between 0-3 years left at an elite level meaning he's VERY close to the end. I know that you still probably won't be able to comprehend what I'm saying here, but I tried as much as anyone could be expected to.
  11. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Contributing Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    Brock isn't even the second best QB on the Texans roster
    Yaosthirdleg likes this.
  12. Yaosthirdleg

    Yaosthirdleg Member

    Jun 8, 2016
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    I could see Belichick retiring when Brady does as Nick has thrown out there. So why would he not capitalize on Jimmy G's market if that's the case? It would be very difficult in that instance not to take a king's ransom even if he believes Jimmy G is a slam dunk. And what will JG get during the free agent process after the 2017 season? Let's say Brady plays three or four more years. You'd be paying the backup anywhere from 15 to 20 million per if you did whatever to keep him. That wouldn't make much sense for an hc/gm looking relatively short term.

    On the other hand, Belichick could also very conceivably coach into his early to mid 70s. He seems like a football junkie. Why would he let a special qb go if he knows he's still going to be at the helm when Brady's gone as Bobbythegreat has posited? I'm quite certain that he believes he can win games without a special qb. He's done it before. He probably sees it as a challenge. But Super Bowls? He must realize that Brady has been a vital cog in the massive and constant success? Does he want to see if he can consistently win post Brady with just average qb play? Does that not scare him? Is he willing to take that chance of dealing with average qb play in the future in order to bolster the odds of winning in the next couple years? Or is JG just okay in his eyes and he wants to sucker some team out there who is desperate?

    It seems like Belichick expects Brady to play for a while longer and already took Brissett in the 3rd last year to prepare for Jimmy G going elsewhere. He's trying to juggle both win now and win later. Some valuable picks in return for JG could possibly get you valuable contributors to a Super Bowl victory in the near future. But it could also backfire in a major way.

    When it comes to the Texans, I would rather they draft a guy in the first or second round than trade multiple high picks for Garoppolo. But I wouldn't cry if they bit the bullet and did it. Jimmy G is definitely a better prospect than Mallet was at the same point in time. JG has a quick trigger, accuracy, leadership, and football iq. Mallett didn't have any of those. He just had size and a big arm. And that's why the Pats only got a 7th in return for him.
    #72 Yaosthirdleg, Feb 2, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
    The Real Shady likes this.
  13. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Only in Bobby's world is "0-3" a number.

    And only in his 2-dimensional/delusionary world can keeping the greatest QB and franchise icon of all time, till he retires, indicate that Jimmy is worse than Brock (in his mind).

    This entertaining run of demented posts brought to you by the same person who thought the Broncos were "done" going into last year (SB champs), DMo would be a huge free agent signing, and who has staked an unhealthy devotion to Brock.
  14. Houstunna

    Houstunna The Most Unbiased Fan
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    I'm just glad McNair acknowledges the problem at QB.

    Hopefully his eyes continue to be more opened.
    Yaosthirdleg and J.R. like this.
  15. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Contributing Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    And loves Ryan Mallet
  16. houstonstime

    houstonstime Member

    Jun 10, 2014
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    I don't trust Belichick.. If Jimmy G was in FA, I would say go for him, but when hoodie is shopping him, I don't think they think he is good. No matter how long Brady has left, if you think you have the next Brady or anything close, you do what you can to keep him.. If you just have another system guy that works, you know you can replace that so you just sell him to the highest bidder... let's not be the team that brings in Brady 2.0 just to find out hoodie just made him look good.
    Bobbythegreat likes this.
  17. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Or, if you have an asset that has trade value... and you know you're not going to be getting anything out of him for at least the next 2-3 years... AND as a coach, Belichick knows he doesn't have that many more years or SB opportunities left.... you're going to want to maximize what you can get for him.

    I know you all think the Patriots and Belichick have some 10 year plan or something... but the stark reality is that plenty will change once Brady steps down (with a high probability that Belichick moves to the front office and/or retires... and McDaniel takes over).

    The Pats didn't blink an eye this year when Brady had to serve his suspension... in many ways because they knew Garopolo could handle the offense.
  18. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Contributing Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    You're asking him to predict an unknowable - how would *any* of us know when the end will come for Tom Brady? I doubt Tom Brady knows...

    I don't know if I agree that Garappolo is trash but I think his larger point also makes sense... the Patriots ARE cold and calculating. And while the rules may be thrown out the window for Brady... they have absolutely, positively shown zero hesitation in making extreme moves that long-term benefit the franchise. Again, I assume Brady will test that commitment - but if they truly thought Garappolo was a worthy successor...

    Having said all that... I'm at a loss why they have to do anything this spring. I understand waiting a year will make it impossible for them to return assets if Garappolo walks - but it also gives you one more year to evaluate Brady and see where you stand.

    Also... are we all 100% convinced Brady is back next year? He's been very emotional this week (one or both of his parents are sick) - would it shock anyone if he wins and rides into the sunset?...
  19. Nick

    Nick Contributing Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    He just gave an interview that he wants to play another 3-4 years at least.... I don't think anybody can surmise anything either way. He put a gag order on his dad, who was suggesting he'd be playing past age 45 prior to the SB.

    I agree its impossible to know... but based on previous similar examples (QB's that had no physical deficiencies as they got older), Brady will have 2 more years AFTER he starts to regress.... which hasn't happened yet.

    Drew Brees, another 38 year old... just said he wants to play several more years as well, provided he continues to play at a high level.

    In this pass-happy, no contact allowed, QB's are at a premium league... QB's that take care of themselves are going to play at a high level at an advanced age.

    To me, Belichick is the bigger question mark. Josh McDaniels purposely isn't putting his name out there for any jobs, despite having several opportunities available and him being completely rehabbed from his failed Denver HC stint. Word is that he's being groomed as the successor... and that move could come sooner rather than later.

    If the Pats are sold that Brady will be just fine next year (and why wouldn't they be), AND its shaping up to be one of the last years of the Brady/Belichick combo... Garopolo's return value goes down sharply in his pending FA year (along with the $ amount he would likely receive... given the # of teams looking for QB's now is higher than the norm).
  20. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Contributing Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    It just has to do with Garropolo having only 1 year left and Brady still looking good.

    Garropolo is gonna command a big raise from some team and there is no way the Pats will be spending that much on a backup QB.

    Unlike the Texans, they actually pay attention to the salary cap and try to keep flexibility.

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