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Another Day Another Uneducated Angry White Trumpanzee

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by CometsWin, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    How is that false equivalency? it is ACTUAL equivalency. If you can't deal with that, don't start threads like this one, with titles that specifically call out....violence initiated by uneducated people. But great job on the double standard, congrats you are part of the problem. And more of the usual liberal moving the goal posts when someone points out the flaw in YOUR argument. Good job! Please continue...the more you do, the worse you look.

    So, black violence, like in the example I cited where they drug the person out of the car, beat him, and then stole his car and drove off with him being drug along....that's just fine by you? Seems so. Meaning you're an idiot...but we knew that.
  2. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    exactly. Liberals live in their little echo chamber, insulating their impressionable little minds from other viewpoints and opinions. Ignorance is bliss to them
  3. TheresTheDagger

    May 20, 2010
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    Do you know how many attendees there were at this "alt right" conference? About 300 according to the National Review article posted here.


    Yet this small meeting of idiots somehow became so important that close to 50 journalists were in attendance and multiple left leaning media outlets decided to cover it like it was 30,000 members. Here's some examples:
    Why would these left leaning publications suddenly cover 300 people in a hotel when in years past, they paid them little attention? The National Review sums it up best here:
    AntiSonic likes this.
  4. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Uh... you should read again and figure out where you went astray. Who is the black supremacist sympathizer in the White House? What? o_O The flaw in my argument is apparently that you can't read.
  5. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Because the President elect of the United States has a neo-nazi as a top level adviser who used to run a site that caters to racists and racists all over the country see his election as taking their country back from minorities? Is the national review covering that or are they just covering the coverage of the racism emboldened by a lying demagogue? I do find it intriguing how entertaining nonsensical conspiracy theories about Clinton selling uranium is on your resume but Trump factually having a scumbag racist as a top adviser is no big deal. Why would that be?
  6. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    This is the problem with the media covering these groups. The Westboro baptist church is a dying/dead cult with a dozen members. David duke has been politically irrelevant for decades. The KKK consists of a a handful of r****ds. But they all get free airtime, exposure and cash from the media.
    Baba Booey and shastarocket like this.
  7. Dei

    Dei Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    So what? I can't mean to just compare black people to monkeys in the same sense the title compared white people to chimpanzees because they'll feel bad? That's privilege. We're banning speech in order not to hurt a set of people. Same thing with whites not being able to call blacks the n word yet they call each other that all the time and no one makes a fuss.

    To get true equality, we have to either ban comparisons to monkeys for all peoples entirely or we allow comparison of blacks to monkeys.
    #67 Dei, Nov 29, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016
  8. Baba Booey

    Baba Booey Contributing Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    The theme of this thread is that half of this country is an ignorant racist cesspool. So which is it? Are the majority of Americans good people or are they POS? This is not my perception of America, it's CometsWin's and those that share this warped viewpoint.

    And let's say for the sake of argument that CometsWin’s perception of reality is 100% correct. I would still argue that this line of attack on the opposition is a losing strategy. It’s worse than the republican strategy of calling all democrats “takers.” Way worse. I hate that the loudest people on the democrat side are these guys. They are hurting democrats. I called them “far left” as an easy term to use. I guess I should use a different term. ‘Deplorables’ is a great description for the racist element in the republican party. Perhaps I should just call the opposite side of that coin the Crazies. You cannot win an argument or support by calling anyone that disagrees with you ignorant and/or racist, no matter how right you are. You lose any chance of support with that strategy. It is a loser strategy that needs to be dropped immediately. Just look in this thread to see this logic in action. It was implied that I must have no stake in the future of this country that I live in because I didn’t walk in lockstep with a poster’s opinion. The only thing I can do at this point is laugh at the absurdity and wonder at the power of propaganda.

    I’d ask this question: do you want to own the moral high ground in your own mind or do you want to win?

    The discussion has been about CometsWin (and tons and tons of other people...he ain't alone...) seeking out reasons to spew his own vitriol.
    TheresTheDagger likes this.
  9. babyicedog

    babyicedog Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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  10. babyicedog

    babyicedog Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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  11. babyicedog

    babyicedog Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Extremists on both sides= bad. Not everything racist. Some on the left- go too far. Cry wolf too much. If Left- make everything about racism, real racism harder to fight against. Pick and choose battles. Mosque gets evil letter- OK, not nice, but don't lose yo **** over it. Mosque gets vandalized- OK, lose yo ****.

    One time, white boy- call me and bro- "Rice-a-Roni Patrol." I don't get pissed. I invite him to home for chicken-rice dinner. He surprised. But he accept. We talk friendly. Then, when leaving, he start feeling sick. Gave him bad rice. Moral of story: Don't f**k with Uncle Ben.
  12. pmac

    pmac Contributing Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Context matters. So, you could absolutely mean to call a black person a chimp in the same manner as the OP has here. I've seen it done in my personal life and the general public will decide how to feel about it based on their perception of you and the situation.

    Also, you absolutely have the legal right to say the N word, there are non-black people (white/hispanic/asian/etc) who do. Based on the context and character of the speaker, the general public may choose to be indifferent to it or upset. You absolutely have the right to call a black person a chimp but the American public is competent enough to measure your intentions. The US government acknowledges your freedom of speech. You can call the sitting president either of these two slurs, as has been done throughout his presidency. In this respect, we have equality. We can all call each other monkeys.

    If you have this urge, by all means, please call a black person the N word or a monkey.
    wouldabeen23 likes this.
  13. TheresTheDagger

    May 20, 2010
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    Did you read what I posted? JFC you are one dense individual.

    What part of...

    ...do you not understand?!?!

    Meanwhile, I'm gonna cue you into something. Just because you WANT and NEED Bannon to be a racist lying demagogue and WANT and NEED Breitbart to be the same does not mean they actually are those things. Until you provide solid proof of these things from non left leaning sources I will assume once again you are simply a screeching lib who still needs some time to adjust to the reality of a Trump presidency. I quoted the NY Times when I spoke of Clinton selling Uranium to the Russians. She is still currently under investigation by the FBI for her ties to the Clinton Foundation during her time as Sec State. What FBI investigation is Bannon under? What respected major conservative sources have tied Bannon to the Alt-right? Until these types of sources and investigations of Bannon occur, your faux equivalency will be ignored and laughed at as the ravings of the alt-left lunatic you truly are. Don't you have a BLM riot to attend?

    You are the left leaning version of Rockets Pride here. A complete tool who has lost any sense of fairness and balance in her thoughts and posts here. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad. I now realize why the D&D was so much easier to read since I had you on ignore. Now that the poster who made me aware of this stupid thread has put you on ignore, I can do the same myself again and blissfully never read another single stupid, ignorant, word of your drivel again. Now you can scream into your pillow every night about false boogeymen and cry yourself to sleep. Enjoy the silence.
    Granville likes this.
  14. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Yes, that is indeed the theme. Coming from the supposedly tolerant inclusive side. Ironic, no?

    The single thing that would change the entire political discourse in this country is the simple recognition that those on the other side may have a different opinion than you, but they aren't bad people, or ignorant, etc. But that is not the world we live in.

    They want to own the moral high ground, without realizing that their tactics immediately give that up...and also aren't a winning strategy.

    I say let them continue. Hoist by their own petard...that seems to be fine with them, and its certainly fine by me. Would be nice if we good have actual adult discussions, but, again...that ain't the world we live in.

    Yep. and who likes the one in the hall throwing up?
  15. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Probably for some, it wasn't for me though. I tend to stay away from attacking posters unless they come at me and stick to a discussion point. That's left or right.

    This is absolutely right. Context really is everything.

    Honestly 'PC' Culture is about decency. If you have respect for someone and you've said something that offends them the usual response is "Man, sorry about that. Didn't know you'd take it as an insult. I'm sorry." not "Stupid SJW Liberal!" if that persons continues to be upset at you for offending them then you obviously didn't respect or cared for that person enough to have their friendship and respect. Man up to it and move on.

    You can say whatever you want and I can say whatever I want in response. It shouldn't be that complicated I think.
  16. TheresTheDagger

    May 20, 2010
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    If PC culture were strictly about decency, nobody would object. I can appreciate your sense of this. But as usual, PC culture has been taken to extremes with folks being accused of being bigots, mysogynists, nazi's, and on and on over innocuous comments. It has created the words "triggered, safe spaces, microagression,Victim blaming, xenophobia, SJW" and so many more. Here's a more complete list.


    Somehow, we lived for centuries without PC culture at the level we are now seeing. I guess only the SJW's of this specific generation have it figured out amirite?
  17. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    No it isn't and this is a confusion often made.

    Trump is not a anti-PC warrior. He is a jerk. He is not decent. You can be anti-PC and still be decent. It is extremely important to not conflate the two. PC is killing open and honest debate and is a much bigger threat to free speech than Trump trolling r****ds about flag burning.
  18. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Well the counter to PC culture isn't prettier. The people that think it's alright to say anything they want and the only thing you have to do is say "Thank you, may I have another?" no, if you say something offensive you should hear about it. If you don't mind offending that person or that group of persons then you live with their angry retort. That is all I'm saying.

    I don't know if people live in the space of the 'SJWs' to really understand. To get hate mail based on who you are or get harrassed by someone for your life choices. Those people deserved to be 'dragged' as they call it. They go out of their way to insult people and then whine about why they weren't able to bully someone.

    Are their cases of people going overboard? Yes. Of course. But there are cases of people who think that without PC Culture they'd have the ability to verbally bully people without repercussions. Not even repercussions from their very target.

    It is to me, because if you offend someone and you respect them (or a group of people) then you apologize and move on. People take it overboard, sure...but it's actually quite easy to wipe your hands of it if you just say "Didn't mean it that way, sorry if I insulted anyone." and move on. Instead you have people that are glad to have insulted someone or a group of someone's and their mentality is "Get over it SJW!" which as you can imagine means no one gets over it.

    It isn't a threat to free speech at all. Not at all. There has ALWAYS been repercussions about what you say and who you say it too. Free speech doesn't mean you get to get on your soapbox any where you want to and shove whatever you say down peoples throats. I know this is probably about colleges banning certain people but it's their right to do that.
  19. amaru

    amaru Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    You can compare black people to monkeys....hell 100 years ago black men and women were put on display in cages with monkeys. Just be willing to accept the consequences.

    Also...when you say "they" all say the n word, who is "they". I don't use that word whatsoever.
  20. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    It's difficult to quantify what percentage of Americans are part of this deeply ignorant, racist cesspool. If I had to put a percentage on how many Americans over the age of 21 you'd quantify as completely ignorant I'd easily go 65%. As for the racist, birther, Obama is a secret Muslim trying to destroy America I'd easily put that at 35% of middle aged to older Americans, easily, and that's probably being generous. So that's a tremendous amount of people. The latest racist, ignorant thing is how 3 million illegals voted in California. This is the kind of stupidity that is prevalent nationwide. That's not a warped view in the least so you should maybe look around you a little harder.

    There's a perfect confluence of events from the death of real news morphed into profit driven news, the rise of fake news on twitter/facebook, and nutso conspiracy sites and talk radio combined with the dramatic fall in the quality of education that most Americans receive.

    Then there's the active voter suppression efforts by Republicans. Cutting early voting, purging voter rolls, specifically targeting minorities with ID laws, etc. The irony of rigged election claims is staggering.

    So as to whether I'd rather be on the right side of history than win elections by catering to idiots, racists, and dopes then yeah, I'd rather keep fighting for what's right. You can normalize racism and ignorance but I won't. I won't back down to white supremacists and white nationalists and casual racists that are coming out of the woodwork and I won't pretend they're not everywhere the way some of you like to pretend.

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