Looking to buy an iPad for my one year old for her bday. Having not owned an Apple product in over 10 years, I don't know which one to look at. Which iPad would do well for this purchase, and how much should I expect to pay? Also, if yall know of any amazing, baby-proof cases please share.
iPad Mini, the oldest one that you can find in new or light new condition. My three year old has been on it for the last year and a half or so, and she's a wiz with it now. Obviously she cant read or type yet, but can pull up whatever she wants with Siri or Voice search. We actually had two until she decided to watch some Disney Jr while taking a bath earlier this year. It's not a joke. Watching a toddler on a tablet or cell phone is one of this century's modern marvels. Amazing how quickly they pick up on it and use it at a high level.
My daughter was a few months past a year when we realized that she was starting to figure things out on it. You'd have to see it to believe it.
Yeah I mean I've read different things about they should or shouldn't be using things like iPads, and I myself have gone back and forth. But today I think it's OK. My nephew is a freaking wiz on his iPad at 2. I think he started using it around 1. He doesn't use it too often but they have different educational games he likes to play for 15 minutes or so at a time. He's also using it to learn Spanish, which he now understands pretty well.
Oldest iPad Mini for sure. will be your cheapest route for apple. Does it have to be Apple though? Why not buy cheap android tablet?
I'll give you a mint condition Andriod tablet for said one year old. Maybe throw in a bitcoin if you're discreet.
My kids have so many electronics, and I really wish that they didn't. They are addicts, especially my oldest.
Yeah that's something I worry about. I avoid as much as possible looking at my phone when I'm with her, and her school has a no-electronics policy for kids her age which I like (whether they do that to benefit the kids or to not have to buy electronics I don't know, but either way I'm good with it). I don't know. I'm still learning this whole parenting thing. Maybe no iPad? Maybe iPad with severe restrictions? Maybe iPad plus a tiny outdoor swing so they balance each other out? Who the hell knows.
OP stop being a lazy ass parent. Kids that age need interaction. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/thinking-about-kids/201110/is-it-okay-let-your-toddler-play-the-ipad
Mine have our old iPhones, but we only let them use them in restaurants. So the wife and I can actually enjoy ourselves and so can the people around us. Or maybe when we really NEED them to be distracted - like a plane ride or waiting room. We don't let them use them when family is around ever. They have to be social!
Yeah, the point of the iPad wouldn't be to give myself a break or free time. Otherwise the point is understood about some people being against it, as I already said. Really I just don't want her to be so computer-inept that she'd have to start a "meme request" thread because she doesn't know how to type "meme generator" into Google.
I don't have kids, so take this with a grain of salt. But remember, your kid is 1 not 7. Anything you give her is going to be fun/cool. Save yourself the money and get her some good old fashioned toys. My cousins/2nd cousins (ranging from like 3 to around 10) are all hooked on electronics. It's kind of disgusting.
Yeah and I generally agree. She already has a ton of toys (several still unopened). This iPad would just be one of her many playthings.