Yesterday, Hillary Clinton made this remark "If I were to be grossly generalistic, I would say you can take Trump supporters and put them in two big baskets "There are what I call the deplorables -- the racists, you know, the haters, and the people who are drawn because they think somehow he's going to restore an America that no longer exists. the rest are people who are looking for change in any form because of economic anxiety" Today, when pressed to comment on her blunt remark, Clinton doubled-down, accusing Trump of aligning himself with far-right extremists and saying he "built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia."
factually correct statement. Trump supporters need to just open their mouth to back this statement up.
I would support Trump over Hillary because I think Trump would make a better president. Am I a bigot now?
Depends. What is your reason for your anti-immigration stance? Do you oppose gay marriage? Is your important issue to fight against the "Browning" of America? Because there are certainly a chunk of Trump supporters that believe those things.
The statement is more correct during the Republican primaries. Now, there is clearly two more expected baskets that she leaves out: 3) Republicans rallying around their candidate, and 4) Swing voters who simply don't want to vote for her. (But will they come out to vote in the numbers he needs?). Is this planned message attempting to make 3) and 4) question their willingness to be associated with 1 and 2, to weaken voter turnout. And that should be the overarching response by Trump, but he'll probably focus on defending his core 1) and 2) and attacking back with name calling, because he relies on a simple message, which makes him rigid in strategies and responses to build a coalition and bring out the vote.
I am Anti ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. I am pro screening, as for any country. I oppose Victim-culture. I think you have the right to be who you want without needing validation and adoration from others. Gays, trans, whatever. If other people are uncomfortable with your life choices...well guess what Dexter? they have the right to be. That's why it's called communication, to bridge gaps instead of hurling blame and guilt. I don't even know what browning of of America means. I want African American neighborhood to prosper. I want that to happen through education, and not shafting police enforcement (i.e the platform of BLM). Better education, less black on black crimes, less gangs, and less single mothers= prosperous black community. I don't speak for other Trump supporters, and I see no obligations why I need to.
Then she wasn't talking to you but there are some who support Trump that well...let's just say would love to take the country back to probably at least the 1950s... As for the Browning of America well, Ann Coulter wrote a book talking about it and surprise surprise she's a big Trump supporter!
Your original post showed the stratification of his supporters, so you tell me. Ironically enough I did say all you have to do is get them to open their mouths, which shows a gross deficit in basic reasoning capabilities.
I think the irony is that white trump supporters always talk about not being PC, and are usually quick to stereotype minority communities and point out their flaws. But when it comes to minorities calling out systematic inequality and white privilege they get really defensive. The white conservatives can dish it but they can't take it.
Hillary was way off in her comments. It's more like 2/3 of Trump supporters are racist or sexist in some way. And the other 1/3 don't mind it.