Hey guys. I was wondering if any of you are going to the clutch auditions on Saturday. I'll be there as well, but I'm getting a lot of jitters. How do you guys feel about auditions and what do you expect?
I could be wrong but I thought the man behind the mascot was a clutchfan as well? You shall practice this to perfection and you would have a great chance to win. https://amp.twimg.com/v/c217a845-9d86-4d90-a9d7-88922c736921
I hear the judges are very detail-oriented. To wow them over, bring an attachable furry grey bear dong since the mascot suit isn't anatomically correct.
I don't know and I don't care! Even if it's the minimum wage, I'll take the job! This job was made for me
I once had a connection that told me that the man behind Clutch was one of the highest earning mascots in sports, mostly due to income from personal appearances, not salary. Made over six figures IIRC.