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NAMBLA Becomes Donald Trump’s Birther Moment

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Ubiquitin, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. Ubiquitin

    Ubiquitin Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 7, 2001
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    Donald Trump absolutely, unequivocally did not donate money to the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

    But that’s not what “some people” are saying.

    “Speaking of tax returns, did you hear Donald Trump is refusing to release them because Donald Trump has donated to NAMBLA? That’s what all the best sources, the most tremendous sources are saying,” said EnoughTrumpSpam’s AutoModerator.

    AutoModerator is, of course, a robot that’s been fed code to spit out this exact, completely baseless and fact-free conspiracy theory about Donald Trump every single time somebody brings up taxes. It started on Reddit, but in just a couple of days, the conspiracy theory has flooded Twitter and other corners of the web. “Trump and NAMBLA” saw a spike on Google Trends this week.

    And it’s not just an effort to get Trump to release his tax returns. It’s a way to show off how Trump’s conspiracy rhetoric is always precisely worded, but also based on nothing at all. Take this, for example:

    “Maybe that’s right, maybe that’s wrong, but I don’t know why he doesn’t he release his records. Why doesn’t he release [them]?”

    That’s not the bot. That’s Trump trying to cajole President Obama into releasing his birth certificate in 2011.

    “A lot of people are questioning [them]. There are some major questions here and the press doesn’t wanna cover it. The press just refuses to cover it.”

    And so was that, in 2012.

    Here’s how he talked about the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster.

    “Somebody asked me the question the other day, and I said that a lot of people are very skeptical as to what happened and how he died,” he said.

    Now, the people behind the bot want those same completely made-up sources to finally provide cannon fodder against Trump.

    “If you think about it, this is exactly how Trump works,” Faiz, a moderator who helped sign off on the bot’s language on the subreddit in which it’s deployed, told The Daily Beast. Faiz is from California, and declined to give his last name. “He stirs up as much smoke as he possibly can to convince people that there is fire.”

    The goal, according to the guy who wrote the code and provided screenshots to The Daily Beast, is to repeat the phrase so much that it starts saturating the media until people don’t know it was based on no real information whatsoever. It’s not just a page from the birther playbook. It is the birther playbook.

    “I thought to do it because, well, I thought it’d be a good laugh,” said the user who went by “J. Peterman,” but who refused to give his real name so he “wouldn’t be witch-hunted.”

    “Also, If I kept repeating the phrase ‘Donald Trump donated to NAMBLA’ every time tax returns was mentioned, which is often, Google might pick up on it as a hot phrase. I’m so glad that it’s trending, although I can’t take sole credit.”

    That credit goes to the Reddit users who created threads about it. Or the people posting it to Buzzfeed as a community news post. Or the people creating entire fake Fox News websites about the “allegations.”

    It’s an old-fashioned Googlebomb. And even the unsavory acronym has some old-fashioned history, too, with Trump’s most successful comedic agitator.

    In mid-2000s Daily Show episodes, Jon Stewart used to shorten every long-winded organizational name to NAMBLA. Stewart also successfully got under the skin of Trump for years. Trump has called him an "overrated *******-total phony” on Twitter, and famously tweeted this sentence after a Stewart gave him a nickname on a 2013 Daily Show episode.

    “Amazing how the haters & losers keep tweeting the name ‘F**kface Von Clownstick’ like they are so original & like no one else is doing it…”

    Sources say that tweet has now been retweeted over 29,000 times. No word on if it’s thanks to the same sources that are behind the NAMBLA rumors.

    By Thursday night, the “rumors” had already gained enough traction for a thorough debunking by the website Inquisitr, which deemed it a “bizarre viral hoax.” The moderators think this is just the beginning.

    “As for the campaign responding, I think that would be the ultimate prize. I don’t think he will, but Trump gets set off pretty easily so I can dream,” said Faiz.

    There is, after all, only one way to stop it.

    “The only logical conclusion would really be Trump releasing his tax returns but he would never do that because he’s hiding donations to NAMBLA,” he added. “That’s what I’ve heard from some very smart people anyway.”


    "I mean, some people say it's satire, but how can we know? I mean. A lot of people are talking about it."
  2. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    LOL That's where I stop reading this.
  3. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    If Hillary is going to win in a blowout why is the media so desperate and have to resort to propaganda and lies?
    2 people like this.
  4. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    RL: lookup satire
  5. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    I believe I recently read that Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns because he has donated to NAMBLA. It raises concerns.
  6. Torn n Frayed

    Torn n Frayed Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Tim and Eric fall in faint.
  7. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Did Trump take 13 Muslim boys aged 10-13 to play "reindeer games" on his yacht The Blowhole out of Dinner Key Marina in April 2014?

    Just askin.
  8. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Why won't Donald Trump release his tax returns, like every presidential candidate for the last several decades has? What is he afraid of? Richard Nixon released his while in the middle of an audit. Donald Trump isn't worthy of shining Dick Nixon's shoes. That's pretty low, folks. Yet his followers ignore the truth about Trump. That Donald Trump is a con artist and a compulsive liar, attempting to con and lie himself into the White House. The self-delusion of his supporters knows no bounds. Trump's supporters are compulsively lying to themselves about Trump. Why is that? Are Trump's lies, his bigotry, his attempt to divide America into hate groups just too appealing for his supporters? What does that say about them? Nothing good.
  9. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Tell your boy Trump to stop stalling and release his tax records. Inquiring minds are wondering about this NAMBLA connection.....
  10. professorjay

    professorjay Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    What a coincidence. I just read something about this recently, ok? (in this thread) And plenty of people are talking about it. (in this thread) I don't know what the truth is. Maybe it's true, maybe not. So I'm just asking if there's any validity to this. I don't know. But believe me, there are plenty of people who say there's a real connection, ok? And the media doesn't want to cover it because they're supporting him.
  11. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    This thread confirms my intution that it *seems* like Trump- NAMBLA rumors are starting to get some legs.


    Also, I heard some people are looking into this and, "they cannot believe what they are finding" - that is a direct quote.
  12. Patience

    Patience Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Trump doesn't want to talk about this, so maybe it's true, folks. Seems like Comrade Donald has something to hide. I don't know. You tell me.
  13. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    He always looked a bit creepy... the jittery movements, the small hands that always seem to be doing things.
  14. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    It does seem highly suspicious. After all, why wouldn't Trump want to reveal his tax returns, as every other candidate has for decades? He's a successful businessman. I know that because Mr. Trump has said so, repeatedly. So there must be something else in those returns he's afraid to make public. There must be. Nothing else makes sense. This man is running for President of the United States. His background, hidden in those tax returns, must be revealed to the American people.

    By all that's good and pure about our dear country, history demands it!
    #14 Deckard, Aug 8, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  15. across110thstreet

    Mar 17, 2001
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    something's going on. And the something else in mind, you know, people can't believe it, people cannot believe that he is acting the way he acts and can't even release his taxes. There's something going on — it's inconceivable. There's something going on.

    He doesn't get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands. It's one or the other, and either one is unacceptable.

    There are a lot of people who think maybe he doesn't want to get it. A lot of people think maybe he doesn't want to know about it, the NAMBLA connection.

    I don't know anything about it.
  16. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    People are talking about this...thousands of people, believe me. Questions about NAMBLA, tax returns, and why he won't release them. Is he hiding something? I don't know, but what's he hiding? Seems shady.
  17. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Trump is obviously not into boys:

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Deeply troubling <a href="https://t.co/BxHwZ4FfFf">pic.twitter.com/BxHwZ4FfFf</a></p>&mdash; Matt Mackowiak (@MattMackowiak) <a href="https://twitter.com/MattMackowiak/status/762877008363728896">August 9, 2016</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  18. dharocks

    dharocks Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    I'm no Trump supporter, but I have to condemn this false narrative you're pushing about how Donald Trump is a homosexual pedophile. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that Donald Trump is a homosexual pedophile, nor is there evidence that Donald Trump harbors sympathy for homosexual pedophiles. Frame it as 'just asking questions', be as cute as you want; ultimately, suggesting that Donald Trump is a homosexual pedophile is baseless, reckless, PREPOSTEROUS.

    So let's please refrain from these juvenile attacks regarding Donald Trump's alleged homosexual pedophilia, and stick to the real issues.
    1 person likes this.
  19. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    I'm hearing people saying he dresses them up in granny dresses from The Beverly Hillbillies before he eats them. LIEmestream media! False. Very false. dammit!!!! :mad:
  20. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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