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[Comic Book Cinema] DC's Suicide Squad

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by percicles, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    But those are aliens, so it totally doesn't count.

  2. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    The arguments against the plot are already why didn't Batman WW etc come to the rescue. Carriers were getting destroyed conveniently live on movie shots beamed directly to situation rooms. If you have the Joker as the villain and it is just these losers fighting him it becomes even dumber. Problem should have been smaller, not a huge city destroying laser.
  3. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    It didn't make sense someone so powerful could just be taken out by a bomb. You would figure she is more a superman power level villain.
  4. mrm32

    mrm32 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Should have brought in Deathstroke as the villain.
  5. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Why doesn't Thor, Iron Man, Captain America show up in every Marvel movie to come to the rescue? Why was Thor helping in Civil War? Iron Man in Captain America 2? Dumb argument.
  6. Nero

    Nero Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    How do these people in suits at the studios ever get into positions of power and authority, to have the ability to take a movie away from a director and force a bunch of stupid editing and content changes like this?

    I could tell that there was a good version of this movie somewhere, but the studio interfered so much that it just became a disastrous mess.

    Some idiot in a suit with a checklist:

    Dangerous world-killing cloudy thing in the sky, like what they did in Avengers, Green Lantern, Thor 2, Fantastic 4, and about a dozen other movies? CHECK

    Faceless anonymous 'army' of non-human bad guys, (so it's ok to kill them and it can still be PG-13) just like in Avengers 1 & 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor 2, Iron Man 2, and about a zillion other movies? CHECK

    Chick in a major role who could not act her way our of a wet paper bag, like in Watchmen? CHECK

    Massively over-powered villain who suddenly becomes minorly-powered during the final showdown? CHECK

    Humor like in Deadpool? CHECK

    And the list goes on. They DESTROYED this movie, and it COULD have been good. Let the damn thing be rated R. Let the bad guys be bad guys. Let the DIRECTOR direct the movie and keep your stupid hands off it!!


    Was it ALL bad? No, some of it was really good, which is just all the more tragic.

    The good: Will Smith was absolutely fine in the role. No problems whatsoever. Ditto Margot Robbie. I have never really watched the cartoon or read the comics, so I don't know how close the movie was to her genuine origin story, but it really didn't make a whole lot of sense to me - she's a highly-educated psychiatrist, but suddenly she now talks like a ganster-movie moll? Why? Anyway, I don't care, she was fun, and she was fun to watch having fun.

    Most of the other actors were either good or at least non-offensive. Jai Courtney was fun, Diablo was well played, Croc was.. ok..

    I could really go the rest of my life and never see Kinnaman in any more blockbuster movies. He may be fine in the upcoming 'danger in the snow' movie he's in, but Robocop and now this, just, no more please. There are probably a dozen other actors who would have been more appropriate for that role. He's not BAD per se, but he's not the guy for blockbusters in big roles, that's all. Maybe in a few years, I don't know.

    Along the same lines, Cara Delevingne.. absolutely dreadful. First, she is terribly unattractive (to me anyway - someone get that girl a razor so she can get rid of about a few metric tons of those eyebrows - YUCK), and second, the poor girl can't act. Malin Akerman is a better actress! Attention Hollywood: never ever cast this poor girl in a movie again. And of course, this also means that the 'City of a Thousand Planets' movie from France is already doomed before it even comes out.

    As for Katana and 'Slipknot'.. ???? Seriously, if you cut out every moment those two were on screen (which wasn't much), would it have made ANY difference to this movie? No, not a bit. Utterly wasted. Maybe they were good before the studio got hold of it, who knows.

    Viola Davis. Ok, she's a fine actress. But you know what? I would RATHER actually SEE the bad guys doing the bad things, instead of watching HER sitting at a TABLE freaking TELLING me about the bad guys. And honestly, I'm sure she's a nice person and all, but this movie went way over the recommended daily allowance of Viola Davis, and it would have been better if there was about 90% less of HER, and all those screen minutes instead devoted to characters in the - you know - SUICIDE SQUAD ITSELF.

    Shaking my head..

    And poor David Harbour, especially after the great turn in Stranger Things.. he also was completely wasted in this film.

    Oh yeah.. Jared Leto. Look people, The Joker is not super-powered, he's not a billionaire with unlimited resources like Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark.. he's just a demented guy, who also happens to be really really smart. He's a 'Mastermind' character, and in that role, Leto both filled it beautifully AND made it all his own. Ledger was great, and Nicholson was a blast too, but Leto did a lot of great work here, and I'm sure the eventual Director's Cut Blu-Ray will have a ton of the stuff the studio decided to throw out. Leto was fine, and I would have much rather spent more time watching him do his Joker thing than Viola Davis scowling at people.

    So I have a few question at this point..

    The suck: Who shot the helicopter down? Why? Oh, no reason. Nobody, it was just randomly shot down. Uh huh. Never happened, nuh uh.

    Who was shooting at them in that building, when El Diablo finally started using his fire. Who was that? Who did he just roast? The movie certainly doesn't bother to tell us.

    Why did a godlike powerful being who could instantly grab and destroy military helicopters out of the sky and thousands of yards away suddenly decided to get into a fistfight... and did they really just blow up and utterly disintegrate BOTH of thehm with a... demolition charge..? Which looked like it had all the explosive impact of a hand grenade? Come ON studio suits! Even YOU can do better than this!

    And where was Cara's hula hoop? She was doing the hula hoop dance there for the second half of the movie, talking about 'defeating your armies'.. was this written by a third-grade class?? No, but it was interfered with by an empty suit with a third-grade education.

    And turning literally TENS of human beings into some kind of black rocky charcoal soldiers.. wow. At that rate, she would have been able to defeat the 'armies of humans' in about a thousand years.

    Who would ever think an actual person would have been named 'Harleen'?? LOL

    Would it have REALLY been so bad to actually show El Diablo doing the terrible things he did, and show him having, you know, a character ARC, so that we actually CARE by the time he sacrifices himself to stop the giant CGI monster?

    It's just a shame.. this could have been a really good fun movie, but once again, some shmucks in a studio who thought they knew something about movies have ruined it for everyone. But hey wait, they still got my money! Damnit!

    And I still have to take a couple of kids to go see it this coming weekend too.. Matinee time baby! No full-price tickets for this thing!
    1 person likes this.
  7. Pen15clubber

    Pen15clubber Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I agree needed to be rated R. Take notes for the next one pleeeease
  8. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    They make up BS excuses but it isn't a problem exclusive to DC. It is a core problem with these movies that want to have world ending, city destroying plot while at the same time fitting in a cinematic universe we are supposed to care about. It is part of the reason Deadpool and GotG works.

    I'm looking a little deeper than "Well Marvel does it TOO!!!" argument a tarded fanboy like you makes.

    If you want to have a smaller protagonist, you need smaller villains and smaller stakes.
  9. mrm32

    mrm32 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Good luck capturing Batman to do your dirty work, Amanda Waller!
  10. Thefabman

    Thefabman Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    I must've missed that, I was thinking mainly of thor. I could've sworn they explained it as science or something like that.
  11. mrm32

    mrm32 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    What they call magic we call science but it's one in the same or something to that effect.
  12. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    Yeah, a small dirty, borderline morality mission (heist?) for a plot would have been nice. Possibly have some twists and turns where they have some redemption.

    Saving the planet and human race from destruction isn't dirty work.
  13. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Damn...I just saw it. I was REALLY hoping people were just being overly critical but, well, that doesn't seem to be the case.
  14. Pen15clubber

    Pen15clubber Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    Well I kind of thought they pulled out their hearts and then the bomb destroyed them.
  15. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I always enjoy a Nero review. Very detailed and breh pours his heart out.
  16. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    When I saw the Enchantress dancing . . . . I thought it was Alliyah in Queen of the Damned


    I still go with the SHOW DON'T TELL
    like someone said. . . having Viola TELL everything kind of sucked
    The people's stories were disjointed and not very smoothly told
    Viola was not used properly - more like Amanda Waller was not properly represented
    She is a beauracrat but she is also a badass. . . and that did not come across well to me

    The After movie clips pissed me off

    Rocket River
  17. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    BTW what city were they suppose to be in?

    Rocket River
  18. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Croc looked like a sh!tty green version of THE THING from the first Fantastic Four. All CGI would have been infinitely better than that hack custom jobs.

    Rocket River
  19. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I kept wondering why they never put a RICE BOMB in the Enchantress's neck?

    Rocket River
  20. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Because then they wouldn't have a movie if they had done that simple thing that they absolutely would have done.

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