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Lebron chokes again

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Rockets Pride, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    You are an idiot if you believe this. Wilt had Elgin Baylor and Jerry West and that team lost in the finals. Its not about one player no matter how good he is.
  2. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I swear some people think Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant won with a bunch of scrubs and no coach, and that they "willed his team to titles against all odds" or some nonsense like that.
  3. hakeemthagreat

    Oct 31, 2014
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    No, it's the "new age" way of thinking. Fans don't understand the concept of competitiveness & having the will to win. They wouldn't care if Lebron switches teams every year aslong as he's interacting with them on twitter:rolleyes:

    At the end of the day, Miami was the most talented team in the NBA & Cleveland is imo just as talented as GS top to bottom. If he's truly a top NBA goat he needs to step up
  4. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    1) Miami was the most talented team, so he went and won 2 titles and 2 MVP's with them. What an overrated guy!

    2) Thinking this Cavs team is on par with this Warriors team is...just...oh man I don't even know what to say...
  5. atamirisa

    atamirisa Member

    Jun 19, 2006
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    That's some BS. This finals has shown that there is a totally different level of basketball. The only team I'll say he had a legit chance against was Dallas, but they were playing the most ridiculous basketball that team could play. Put Harden on those teams instead and they don't get to the finals.

  6. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    this thread is funny, i'll read through it from now on when im having the blues lol
  7. mfastx

    mfastx Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    He is top 5, probably top 3 all time.
  8. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Not according to hakeemthagreat, because to him getting eliminated from the finals is WORSE than not making the finals and getting elminated earlier, no excuses.
  9. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Remember when Kobe shot 6-24 and his team still won a ring?

    Finals appearances are TEAM ACHIEVEMENTS, the better team always wins, Lebron's talent can carry them to the finals but if his teammates don't step up they're still going to lose.

    If being a GOAT means winning all the time how come MJ only won 6 rings, he played for more than 10 years! How come Kobe only has 5 rings, he played for almost 15 years! Every single year they should've won a ring that they've been playing, no excuses!

    Only 2 teams out of 30 get to the NBA finals every year. If Lebron is supposed to suck because he's 2-5 in the Finals, what do you say to the other superstars who got eliminated earlier? This is like making fun of a guy for being 2nd place in a race but then there's 5000 people who attended who were below him.
  10. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Really? Proof? His teammates statistically have big drops as soon as they play with LeBron.
  11. OTMax

    OTMax Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Lebron definitely shutting me up for saying Curry has looked like the best player of the league, so I'll gladly eat crow. Others should do the same. The guy's statement about MVP was definitely something to ponder, especially this unanimous decision. It seems everybody's just on the Warriors' dick and forgetting there's still Lebron taking this mediocre roster to the finals and now forcing a game 7. Respect earned again!
  12. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    LeBron has been dominating statistically his whole career. Still i can't enjoy watching him play. Such a boring basketball player with no real standout skills. Just dominant physical attributes. The SF version of Shaq in a lot of ways. He's definitely top 10 though. I'd personally still take Bird over him at his own position. But, that's just me and most NBA fans are pretty racist toward Bird for being white or just prefer guys who can jump high.

    Top 5? 2 more rings and 2 more FMVP's, and i give him top 5 which would bump Bird to 6. His accolades need to be insane to surpass MJ, Kareem, Wilt, Magic for me personally because i have zero respect for his playoff career opponents. His EC opponents have been pathetic since day 1, but a win vs a 73 win team is a huge boost on a career resume, especially while being statistically dominant. Still feels odd to me how the Dubs were ready to beat the CAVS 4-1 with all blow outs before suspending Green in game 5 and getting Curry in foul trouble early game 6. What is the NBA without conspiracy theories though?

    It's because i do believe the NBA had a part in extending this series for profit that I really don't even expect a close game 7 though. The refs will let them play and I think the Dubs kill them. With Curry getting 40+ and FMVP and Adam Silver in the stands with dollar signs reflecting off of his glasses and David Stern somewhere in a very dark room wearing a black hooded robe and saying "Goooood. Gooooood."

    Either way, i'm watching Game of Thrones. I'd rather put the game on record than miss what is sure to be the most epic episode of this GOT's season and get something spoiled for me by some d******d. Receiving a text telling me who won the game is nothing compared to receiving a text saying Tyrion Lanister is dead or something unexpected.

    Besides, does anyone believe this has been a good series? Every single game has been a blow out. Blah. Garbage Finals.
  13. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Saying Lebron has no standout skills is truly asinine.
  14. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    I should have said scoring skill. He just overwhelms you with strength and athleticism to get close to the basket for awkward looking layups. His handles are average at best. Of course he can pass, but even that is just basic passing with no real flash or excitement. He's not a post threat. He's not a mid range threat. He's not a deep threat. He doesn't really even take players off the dribble either, he just goes up so strong, they can't stop him even if they are right there on him.

    He's just not a pretty player to watch play basketball to me. Just my opinion pal.
  15. celebrevida

    celebrevida Member

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Lebron is easily one of the GOAT. The whole "choking" thing, especially now, is ridiculous. He lead scrub teams into the finals and I don't even count those finals losses against him.

    Having said that, the idea that he "makes teammates better" is questionable. Part of that is that Lebron is just "too" good and dominates too much of the basketball court.

    He is extremely ball dominant and so others can't get very many touches or on-ball minutes. He plays the entire court. So unless your game completely complements his, like a Rodman or Mike Miller-type, say, as a teammate your game either can't grow or regresses because James' game pretty suffocates everyone else's game. And if James has on off-night, as does everyone, it can become harder for others to get going because they just are too used to deferring to James all the time.

    This is actually not a knock on James but rather a testament to his greatness! Other players like Duncan or Kobe don't dominant the whole game like that and others can get involved and grow as players. That's very hard on a James' led team.

    It means that any team that succeeds with James lives and dies with James pretty much and others are all reduced to role players regardless of their talent or potential.
  16. celebrevida

    celebrevida Member

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I don't know if I would say he has no standout skills. He's not the greatest passer or shooter but is a standout ball handler and driver especially for his size and strength.

    But your take that he is like the Shaq of SF is interesting and sort of makes sense. I never thought about it like that.
  17. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Care to elaborate on "scrub" teams? Surely, you don't think this is a "scrub" CAVS team do you? It's a top 4 roster. Of course not the Heat then. They were pretty much the best roster all 4 years.
    You must mean that 1 team in 07 that got swept? That team who had to beat the 41 win Wizards in the 1st round, the 41 win Nets in the 2nd round and the (3 games better than the Cavs) Pistons without 4X DPOTY Ben Wallace and HOF coach Larry Brown? Hardly a feat to carry that Cavs team (which was top 5 in defense) to the Finals in such a pathetic excuse of a conference.
  18. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    Lebron is not a threat anywhere on the floor. Yeah that seems legit.:rolleyes:
  19. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    You really think so? I think he looks super awkward when he handles the ball. Like he slams it so hard into the floor. But, yeah, you're probably right. It's probably slightly above average for a SF today, but for a man his size, it probably is a stand out skill. I guess it's just me personally that finds him very awkward looking on the floor. Maybe it's his weak footwork that makes him look awkward to me? Not sure what it is.
  20. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    He's the greatest physical specimen to ever play in the NBA... combination of size/power/skills unmatched.

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