I thought this was in the D & D, but i guess not... I was looking at the guy's FB...seemed like he was doing alright..i'm curious as to what made him snap. Reports say he was homeless, but doesn't appear homeless on FB. A development today: http://www.click2houston.com/news/v...boys-stabbing-fighting-with-police-day-before Statement from suspect's family http://www.khou.com/news/local/murder-suspects-family-never-saw-boys-killing-coming/202747673
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1592366461093094&id=100009592652748 Fundraiser this Saturday. If anyone is interested. Sad.
I'm out of town most of Saturday, but will still try to make it. This is freakin heartbreaking every time I read/watch/hear about this story.
Man, that is so sad that the family has to bust their asses and cook for a bunch of people while they are going through such a difficult time ... hope they are able to raise a lot of money.
Awful story. The suspect got into a fight and was tased by METRO police the day before he stabbed this poor kid. The police tried hunting him down but were unsuccessful. Here's a link to the gofundme page that's been set up for his family. I'd encourage everyone who's able to donate to do so. https://www.gofundme.com/24tdh49g
Seems pretty legit. They have a bunch of personal pictures of the kid and also have his funeral services posted on the page.
City of Murder lately... I don't think that's how it works...it's usually other family/friends or even volunteers that do the work, I believe.
That's awesome! Someone anonymously donated $5K... pretty cool. That would make more sense. Either way, I'm glad their gofundme is way over the goal, so there isn't as much pressure on the cookout.
Sssooo. . . what exactly do you want him to do? Dude was found. Dude is in jail. Justice will be done. What *exactly* should Quanell be doing now .. . . according to you? Rocket River
Dude really? You didn't have to go down this road...Lost some respect for you..not that it matters to you. Can't believe how some people try to make everything into a joke.
Not a joke to me. Seems ironic that a man who stick up for POC that are victims doesn't show his face when an 11 year old boy gets stabbed on his way back from school.
What? What does that douche even matter in this situation? Apparently, your hatred for that man is greater than your sympathy reflex. Anyway, senseless killing of A CHILD---OVER NOTHING! There are grander things to comment on than the lack of appearance of an obvious media w****. Let's not derail this further--one of the worst stories I've read locally.